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Windows Server 2008及以上系统磁盘无法查看(About UAC and ACE)

时间:2017-07-05 15:20:24      阅读:267      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:无法   miss   enable   ref   mission   rmi   can   解决   round   

在windows Server2008及以上系統,如果UAC Enabled,ACE列表中不會包含Administrators成員的SID,所以即使你是administrators的成員,也無法訪問D盤!



Changes to tokens When a user who is a member of the Administrators group in Windows® XP or Windows Server 2003 logs on to a computer, that user‘s token contains the Administrators group SID, and the user has the same permission as the Administrators group. In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, if UAC is enabled, the Administrators SID is still present in the token but is set to Deny only. When performing access control, such an entry in the token is used only to deny accessin other words, to match Deny ACEs. Any Allow ACEs for that SID are ignored. That means that you are not truly an administrator all the time, even if you log on to the computer as one



Windows Server 2008及以上系统磁盘无法查看(About UAC and ACE)

标签:无法   miss   enable   ref   mission   rmi   can   解决   round   


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