标签:使用 text UI defaults val ati 获取 也会 override
RouteData routeData = RouteCollection.GetRouteData(context);
public RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext) { using (GetReadLock()) { foreach (RouteBase route in this) { RouteData routeData = route.GetRouteData(httpContext); if (routeData != null) { …… return routeData; } } } return null; }
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext) { string requestPath = httpContext.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.Substring(2) + httpContext.Request.PathInfo; RouteValueDictionary values = _parsedRoute.Match(requestPath, Defaults); if (values == null) { return null; } RouteData routeData = new RouteData(this, RouteHandler); if (!ProcessConstraints(httpContext, values, RouteDirection.IncomingRequest)) { return null; } foreach (var value in values) { routeData.Values.Add(value.Key, value.Value); } if (DataTokens != null) { foreach (var prop in DataTokens) { routeData.DataTokens[prop.Key] = prop.Value; } } return routeData; }
public RouteValueDictionary Match(string virtualPath, RouteValueDictionary defaultValues) { …… for (int i = 0; i < PathSegments.Count; i++) { PathSegment pathSegment = PathSegments[i]; if (requestPathSegments.Count <= i) { ranOutOfStuffToParse = true; } string requestPathSegment = ranOutOfStuffToParse ? null : requestPathSegments[i]; if (pathSegment is SeparatorPathSegment) { …… } else { ContentPathSegment contentPathSegment = pathSegment as ContentPathSegment; if (contentPathSegment != null) { if (contentPathSegment.IsCatchAll) { …… MatchCatchAll(contentPathSegment, requestPathSegments.Skip(i), defaultValues, matchedValues); usedCatchAllParameter = true; } else { if (!MatchContentPathSegment(contentPathSegment, requestPathSegment, defaultValues, matchedValues)) { return null; } } } …… } } if (!usedCatchAllParameter) { if (PathSegments.Count < requestPathSegments.Count) { for (int i = PathSegments.Count; i < requestPathSegments.Count; i++) { if (!RouteParser.IsSeparator(requestPathSegments[i])) { return null; } } } } if (defaultValues != null) { foreach (var defaultValue in defaultValues) { if (!matchedValues.ContainsKey(defaultValue.Key)) { matchedValues.Add(defaultValue.Key, defaultValue.Value); } } } return matchedValues; }
这里使用了一个重要的参数IList<PathSegment> PathSegments,这是通过对注册路由的url进行拆分(以“/”为分隔符)获取了各种分段信息(比如分隔字符、参数名等等),然后通过SplitUrlToPathSegments方法创建PathSegments。
private static IList<PathSegment> SplitUrlToPathSegments(IList<string> urlParts) { List<PathSegment> pathSegments = new List<PathSegment>(); foreach (string pathSegment in urlParts) { bool isCurrentPartSeparator = IsSeparator(pathSegment); if (isCurrentPartSeparator) { pathSegments.Add(new SeparatorPathSegment()); } else { Exception exception; IList<PathSubsegment> subsegments = ParseUrlSegment(pathSegment, out exception); …… pathSegments.Add(new ContentPathSegment(subsegments)); } } return pathSegments; }
private bool MatchContentPathSegment(ContentPathSegment routeSegment, string requestPathSegment, RouteValueDictionary defaultValues, RouteValueDictionary matchedValues) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestPathSegment)) { if (routeSegment.Subsegments.Count > 1) { return false; } ParameterSubsegment parameterSubsegment = routeSegment.Subsegments[0] as ParameterSubsegment; if (parameterSubsegment == null) { return false; } object parameterValue; if (defaultValues.TryGetValue(parameterSubsegment.ParameterName, out parameterValue)) { matchedValues.Add(parameterSubsegment.ParameterName, parameterValue); return true; } else { return false; } } int lastIndex = requestPathSegment.Length; int indexOfLastSegmentUsed = routeSegment.Subsegments.Count - 1; ParameterSubsegment parameterNeedsValue = null; LiteralSubsegment lastLiteral = null; while (indexOfLastSegmentUsed >= 0) { int newLastIndex = lastIndex; ParameterSubsegment parameterSubsegment = routeSegment.Subsegments[indexOfLastSegmentUsed] as ParameterSubsegment; if (parameterSubsegment != null) { parameterNeedsValue = parameterSubsegment; } else { LiteralSubsegment literalSubsegment = routeSegment.Subsegments[indexOfLastSegmentUsed] as LiteralSubsegment; if (literalSubsegment != null) { lastLiteral = literalSubsegment; int startIndex = lastIndex - 1; if (parameterNeedsValue != null) { startIndex--; } if (startIndex < 0) { return false; } int indexOfLiteral = requestPathSegment.LastIndexOf(literalSubsegment.Literal, startIndex, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (indexOfLiteral == -1) { return false; } if (indexOfLastSegmentUsed == (routeSegment.Subsegments.Count - 1)) { if ((indexOfLiteral + literalSubsegment.Literal.Length) != requestPathSegment.Length) { return false; } } newLastIndex = indexOfLiteral; } else { Debug.Fail("Invalid path segment type"); } } if ((parameterNeedsValue != null) && (((lastLiteral != null) && (parameterSubsegment == null)) || (indexOfLastSegmentUsed == 0))) { int parameterStartIndex; int parameterTextLength; if (lastLiteral == null) { if (indexOfLastSegmentUsed == 0) { parameterStartIndex = 0; } else { parameterStartIndex = newLastIndex; Debug.Fail("indexOfLastSegementUsed should always be 0 from the check above"); } parameterTextLength = lastIndex; } else { if ((indexOfLastSegmentUsed == 0) && (parameterSubsegment != null)) { parameterStartIndex = 0; parameterTextLength = lastIndex; } else { parameterStartIndex = newLastIndex + lastLiteral.Literal.Length; parameterTextLength = lastIndex - parameterStartIndex; } } string parameterValueString = requestPathSegment.Substring(parameterStartIndex, parameterTextLength); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterValueString)) { return false; } else {
matchedValues.Add(parameterNeedsValue.ParameterName, parameterValueString); } parameterNeedsValue = null; lastLiteral = null; } lastIndex = newLastIndex; indexOfLastSegmentUsed--; } return (lastIndex == 0) || (routeSegment.Subsegments[0] is ParameterSubsegment); }
private void MatchCatchAll(ContentPathSegment contentPathSegment, IEnumerable<string> remainingRequestSegments, RouteValueDictionary defaultValues, RouteValueDictionary matchedValues) { string remainingRequest = String.Join(String.Empty, remainingRequestSegments.ToArray()); ParameterSubsegment catchAllSegment = contentPathSegment.Subsegments[0] as ParameterSubsegment; object catchAllValue; if (remainingRequest.Length > 0) { catchAllValue = remainingRequest; } else { defaultValues.TryGetValue(catchAllSegment.ParameterName, out catchAllValue); } matchedValues.Add(catchAllSegment.ParameterName, catchAllValue); }
if (defaultValues != null) { foreach (var defaultValue in defaultValues) { if (!matchedValues.ContainsKey(defaultValue.Key)) { matchedValues.Add(defaultValue.Key, defaultValue.Value); } } }
private bool ProcessConstraints(HttpContextBase httpContext, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection) { if (Constraints != null) { foreach (var constraintsItem in Constraints) { if (!ProcessConstraint(httpContext, constraintsItem.Value, constraintsItem.Key, values, routeDirection)) { return false; } } } return true; } protected virtual bool ProcessConstraint(HttpContextBase httpContext, object constraint, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection) { IRouteConstraint customConstraint = constraint as IRouteConstraint; if (customConstraint != null) { return customConstraint.Match(httpContext, this, parameterName, values, routeDirection); } string constraintsRule = constraint as string; if (constraintsRule == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, SR.GetString(SR.Route_ValidationMustBeStringOrCustomConstraint), parameterName, Url)); } object parameterValue; values.TryGetValue(parameterName, out parameterValue); string parameterValueString = Convert.ToString(parameterValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string constraintsRegEx = "^(" + constraintsRule + ")$"; return Regex.IsMatch(parameterValueString, constraintsRegEx, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); }
标签:使用 text UI defaults val ati 获取 也会 override