标签:创建文件 os.path dir print cond blog lin close readline
#!/usr/bin/python #-*-conding-*- #创建文件,并写入数据:要求不能与现存系统文件重名 import os def makefile(path,content): if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isdir(path): f = open(‘makefile_test.txt‘,‘w+‘) f.write(content) f.seek(0) read = f.readline() f.close() print(read) else: print(‘please input the dir name‘) else: print(‘the path is not exists‘) path = str(input(‘the path:‘)) content = str(input(‘please write the content into the new file:‘)) makefile(path,content)
标签:创建文件 os.path dir print cond blog lin close readline