标签:情况 list for move target ret 定义 get dice
# hanbb come on! names = ["hbb",‘tian‘,‘bao‘,‘cheng‘] #Add names.append("new") print(names) #[‘hbb‘, ‘tian‘, ‘bao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] # insert #names.insert(1,before 2) #invalid syntax names.insert(1,"before 1") print(names) #[‘hbb‘, ‘before 1‘,‘tian‘, ‘bao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] names.insert(2,‘behind 1‘) #写在哪,插在哪 print(names) # [‘hbb‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘before 2‘, ‘tian‘, ‘bao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] # revise names [0] = "忍你很久了" print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘before 1‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘tian‘, ‘bao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] # delete del names [1] print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘tian‘, ‘bao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] # del names[‘bao‘] #list indices must be integers or slices, not str # names.del # no have this operation # names.remove(2) # list.remove(x): x not in list names.remove("tian") print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘bao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] names.pop(2) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘new‘] print(names) names.pop() # delete the last one print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘cheng‘] # extend names_2 = ["cao","hu","zhuo"] names.extend(names_2) print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘cao‘, ‘hu‘, ‘zhuo‘] # copy names_3 = names.copy() print(names_3) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘cao‘, ‘hu‘, ‘zhuo‘] # count # names.count() # count() takes exactly one argument (0 given) #print(names.count(cao)) # name ‘cao‘ is not defined print(names.count("cao")) # 统计出现的次数 # sort names.insert(-1,"666") names.insert(-1,"b88") print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘cao‘, ‘hu‘, ‘666‘, ‘b88‘, ‘zhuo‘] names.sort() print(names) # [‘666‘, ‘b88‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘cao‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘hu‘, ‘zhuo‘, ‘忍你很久了‘] # Reverse names.reverse() print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘zhuo‘, ‘hu‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘cao‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘b88‘, ‘666‘] # 获取下标(位置) # names.index() # return first index of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present. print(names.index("hu")) # 2 names.insert(2,"hu") print(names) # [‘忍你很久了‘, ‘zhuo‘, ‘hu‘, ‘hu‘, ‘cheng‘, ‘cao‘, ‘behind 1‘, ‘b88‘, ‘666‘] print(names.index("hu")) # 2
names = ["hbb",‘tian‘,‘bao‘,‘cheng‘] # the operation of single element: names.append("xiaoqi") # add to the last names.insert(2,"bb8") # inset one element to target location. names.remove("bao") # remove one element names.pop() # remove the last element names.pop(1) # remove element according to it location print(names.count("cheng")) # 统计某个元素出现的次数 print(names.index("cheng")) # 获取某个元素的位置(下标),第一次出现 names [2] = "我要上位" # 将某位置的元素换掉
names ["hbb"] = "HBB" # 只能根据位置来操作,很忧伤 del names [1] # 根据位置删除
# the operation of entired list names_2 = names.copy() # 复制列表
names_3 = [‘1‘,‘2‘] names.extend(names_3) # 扩展列表 names.reverse() # 翻转列表 names.sort() # 排序
names = ["hbb",‘tian‘,‘bao‘,‘cheng‘] # the operation of single element: names [2] = "我要上位" # 更换操作
del names [1] # 可以用 names.remove( )代替 names.pip (1)
# the operation of entired list names_3 = [‘1‘,‘2‘] # difine
标签:情况 list for move target ret 定义 get dice