标签:des style blog http color os io 使用 java
一 存储过程
其中,以上两种与sql server基本类似,而对于返回数据集时,上述方法则不能满足我们的要求。在Oracle中,一般使用ref cursor来返回数据集。示例代码如下:
首先,建立我们自己的包。并定义包中的一个自定义ref cursor
在定义了ref cursor后,可以书写我们的程序代码
String oracleDriverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ; // 以下使用的Test就是Oracle里的表空间 String oracleUrlToConnect = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" ; Connection myConnection = null ; try { Class.forName(oracleDriverName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { myConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(oracleUrlToConnect, "xxxx" , "xxxx" ); //此处为数据库用户名与密码 } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { CallableStatement proc= null ; proc=myConnection.prepareCall( "{call xs_proc(?,?)}" ); proc.setString( 1 , "zhangsan" ); proc.registerOutParameter( 2 , Types.NUMERIC); proc.execute(); String teststring=proc.getString( 2 ); System.out.println(teststring); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } |
create or replace procedure getDcsj(var_flag in varchar2, var_jzbh in varchar2, number_total out number, var_cursor_a out mypackage.my_cursor, var_cursor_b out mypackage.my_cursor) is total number; cursor cur is select sj, flag from d_dcsj where jzbh = var_jzbh order by sj desc for update ; last_time date ; begin for cur1 in cur loop if last_time is null or cur1.sj >= last_time - 10 / 60 / 24 then update d_dcsj set flag = var_flag where current of cur; last_time := cur1.sj; else select count (*) into total from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag; dbms_output.put_line(total); if total < 100 then update d_dcsj set flag = null where flag = var_flag; last_time := null ; update d_dcsj set flag = var_flag where current of cur; else open var_cursor_a for select * from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag and jzbh = var_jzbh and zh = ‘A‘ order by sj desc ; number_total := total; open var_cursor_b for select * from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag and jzbh = var_jzbh and zh = ‘B‘ order by sj desc ; number_total := total; exit; end if; end if; end loop; select count (*) into total from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag; dbms_output.put_line(total); if total < 100 then open var_cursor_a for select * from d_dcsj where zh = ‘C‘ ; open var_cursor_b for select * from d_dcsj where zh = ‘C‘ ; else open var_cursor_a for select * from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag and jzbh = var_jzbh and zh = ‘A‘ order by sj desc ; number_total := total; open var_cursor_b for select * from d_dcsj where flag = var_flag and jzbh = var_jzbh and zh = ‘B‘ order by sj desc ; number_total := total; end if; commit ; end ; / |
标签:des style blog http color os io 使用 java