标签:odi 调用exe delete file password can port clip disk
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import os, subprocess import tkMessageBox import msg_box
def get_path_from_disk(process_name): for path in path_list: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for file in filenames: if file == eclipse: path_write = open("process_path.txt", "w") process_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file) path_write.write(process_path) path_write.close()
def get_path(process_name): try: path_read = open("process_path.txt") process_path = path_read.readline() # if the path in file was delete, it can find path from disk if len(process_path) == 0: get_path_from_disk(process_name) path_read.close() # read process path after write the path into file path_read = open("process_path.txt") process_path = path_read.readline() path_read.close() finally: return process_path
def call_process(*args): # taskkill / f / t / im进程名 path = get_path(eclipse) subprocess.call(path)
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: path_list = ["D:\\", "C:\\"] eclipse = "eclipse.exe" # process_list = ["eSpace.exe"] call_process() t = 1 if t == 1: msg_box.alert("tips") # msg_box.password() tkMessageBox.askokcancel(‘提示‘, ‘There is a single dog need a girl friend...‘)
标签:odi 调用exe delete file password can port clip disk