标签:log 搜索 ima 包含 技术 roo width tin ati
#ifndef _BITREENODE_H #define _BITREENODE_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class BiTreeNode { public: BiTreeNode(int index,T data); virtual ~BiTreeNode(); //get data int getIndex(); T getData(); BiTreeNode *getParent(); BiTreeNode *getLChild(); BiTreeNode *getRChild(); //set data void setIndex(int index); void setData(T data); void setParenet(BiTreeNode *Node); void setLChild(BiTreeNode *Node); void setRChild(BiTreeNode *Node); //else BiTreeNode *NodeSearch(int index); //通过索引搜索节点(以本节点作为根寻找树的某个节点) int NodeLeavesStatistics(int leaves = 0); //统计叶子数 int NodeChildrenNodeHeigh(); //统计子节点的最大高度(包含本节点)/(以本节点作为根求树的高度) int NodeChildrenStatistics(); //统计子节点数(包含本节点) int NodeDelete(); //删除节点 //traversal void NodePreorderTraversal(); void NodeInorderTraversal(); void NodeSubsequentTraversal(); private: int m_iIndex; T m_tData; BiTreeNode *m_pParent; BiTreeNode *m_pLeftChild; BiTreeNode *m_pRightChild; //struct NodeWidth<T> stNodeWidth; }; template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T>::BiTreeNode(int index,T data) { m_iIndex = index; m_tData = data; m_pParent = NULL; m_pLeftChild = NULL; m_pRightChild = NULL; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T>::~BiTreeNode() { if(m_pLeftChild != NULL) { m_pLeftChild->NodeDelete(); m_pLeftChild = NULL; } if(m_pRightChild != NULL) { m_pRightChild->NodeDelete(); m_pRightChild = NULL; } m_pParent = NULL; } /*-----------------------getdata------------------------*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::getIndex() { return m_iIndex; } template <typename T> T BiTreeNode<T>::getData() { return m_tData; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getParent() { return m_pParent; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getLChild() { return m_pLeftChild; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getRChild() { return m_pRightChild; } /*-----------------------setdata------------------------*/ template <typename T> void setIndex(int index) { m_iIndex = index; } template <typename T> void setData(T data) { m_tData = data; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setParenet(BiTreeNode *Node) { m_pParent = Node; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setLChild(BiTreeNode *Node) { m_pLeftChild = Node; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setRChild(BiTreeNode *Node) { m_pRightChild = Node; } /*-----------------------else------------------------*/ template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::NodeSearch(int index) { BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode = NULL; if(m_iIndex == index) { return this; } if(m_pLeftChild != NULL) { tempNode = m_pLeftChild->NodeSearch(index); if(tempNode != NULL)//match { return tempNode; } } if(m_pRightChild !=NULL) { tempNode = m_pRightChild->NodeSearch(index); if(tempNode != NULL)// match { return tempNode; } } return NULL; } /*statistcal children node heigh(includding me)*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeChildrenNodeHeigh() { int heightLeft =0 ; int heightRight =0; if(m_pLeftChild != NULL) { heightLeft += m_pLeftChild->NodeChildrenNodeHeigh(); } if(m_pRightChild != NULL) { heightRight += m_pRightChild->NodeChildrenNodeHeigh(); } if(heightRight > heightLeft) { return ++heightRight; } else { return ++heightLeft; } } /*statistcal leaves node(includding me)*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeLeavesStatistics(int leaves) { if(this->m_pLeftChild != NULL) { leaves = this->m_pLeftChild->NodeLeavesStatistics(leaves); } if(this->m_pRightChild != NULL) { leaves = this->m_pRightChild->NodeLeavesStatistics(leaves); } if(this->getLChild() == NULL && this->getRChild() == NULL) { leaves ++; } return leaves; } /*statistcal children node(includding me)*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeChildrenStatistics() { int iCnt=0; if(this->m_pLeftChild != NULL) { iCnt+=this->m_pLeftChild->NodeChildrenStatistics(); } if(this->m_pRightChild!= NULL) { iCnt+=this->m_pRightChild->NodeChildrenStatistics(); } iCnt++; return iCnt; } template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeDelete() { int Times=0; if(this->m_pLeftChild != NULL) { //delete this->getLChild(); Times+=this->m_pLeftChild->NodeDelete(); this->m_pLeftChild =NULL; } if(this->m_pRightChild!= NULL) { //delete this->getRChild(); Times+=this->m_pRightChild->NodeDelete(); this->m_pRightChild =NULL; } Times++; delete this; return Times; } /*-----------------------traversal------------------------*/ template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::NodePreorderTraversal() { cout<<"Index:"<<this->getIndex()<<";Data:"<<this->getData()<<endl; if(this->getLChild() != NULL) { this->getLChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } if(this->getRChild() != NULL) { this->getRChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::NodeInorderTraversal() { if(this->getLChild() != NULL) { this->getLChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } cout<<"Index:"<<this->getIndex()<<";Data:"<<this->getData()<<endl; if(this->getRChild() != NULL) { this->getRChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::NodeSubsequentTraversal() { if(this->getLChild() != NULL) { this->getLChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } if(this->getRChild() != NULL) { this->getRChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } cout<<"Index:"<<this->getIndex()<<";Data:"<<this->getData()<<endl; } #endif
#ifndef _BINARYTREE_H #define _BINARYTREE_H #include <iostream> #include "BiTreeNode.h" using namespace std; template <typename T> class BinaryTree { public: BinaryTree(int size); virtual ~BinaryTree(); bool IsTreeFull(); //树的容量是否已满 //search BiTreeNode<T> getNodeByIndex(int index); //通过索引搜索节点 int getLeaves(); //获取树的叶子数 int getHeight(); //获取树的高度(包含根节点) int getWidth(); //获取树的宽度(包含根节点) int getNowSize(); //获取树现在的节点数(包含根节点) int getMaxSize(); //获取树的最大节点数 //add/delete bool addLeftNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex); //添加左子树(使用索引) bool addRightNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex); //添加右子树(使用索引) bool addLeftNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //添加左子树(使用节点地址) bool addRightNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //添加右子树(使用节点地址) bool deleteNodeByIndex(int index); //删除节点(使用索引) bool deleteNodeByNode(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //删除节点(使用地址) //traversal void PreorderTraversal(); //先序遍历 void InorderTraversal(); //中序遍历 void SubsequentTraversal(); //后序遍历 private: BiTreeNode<T> *m_pRoot; //tree root int m_iSize; //Tree now nodes size (without root) int m_iMaxSize; //Tree max nodes size (without root) }; template <typename T> BinaryTree<T>::BinaryTree(int size) { m_pRoot = new BiTreeNode<T>(1,0); m_pRoot->setLChild(NULL); m_pRoot->setRChild(NULL); m_pRoot->setParenet(NULL); m_iSize = 0; m_iMaxSize = size; } template <typename T> BinaryTree<T>::~BinaryTree() { delete m_pRoot; m_pRoot=NULL; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::IsTreeFull() { if(m_iSize >= m_iMaxSize) return true; return false; } //search template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> BinaryTree<T>::getNodeByIndex(int index) { return m_pRoot->NodeSearch(index); } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getLeaves() { return m_pRoot->NodeLeavesStatistics(); } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getWidth() { int maxWidth=1; //save max width int parentWidth=0; //save this width int childrenWidth=0; //save next width queue<BiTreeNode<T>*> stdQueue; BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode = m_pRoot; if(tempNode -> getLChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode -> getLChild()); parentWidth ++; } if(tempNode -> getRChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode ->getRChild()); parentWidth ++; } while(!stdQueue.empty()) { while(parentWidth>0) { tempNode = stdQueue.front(); stdQueue.pop(); if(tempNode -> getLChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode -> getLChild()); childrenWidth ++; } if(tempNode -> getRChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode ->getRChild()); childrenWidth ++; } parentWidth --; } parentWidth = childrenWidth; if(parentWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = parentWidth; } childrenWidth =0; } // result = m_pRoot->NodeChildrenNodeWidth(&child); return maxWidth; } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getHeight() { return m_pRoot->NodeChildrenNodeHeigh();//include root } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getNowSize() { //return m_iSize;//quickly get Size return m_pRoot ->NodeChildrenStatistics();//except root } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getMaxSize() { return m_iMaxSize ; } //add/delete template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addLeftNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex) { BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode; tempNode = m_pRoot->NodeSearch(searchIndex);//find the Node witch is index = searchIndex if(tempNode!=NULL) { return addLeftNodeByNode(newIndex,data,tempNode); } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addRightNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex) { BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode ; tempNode = m_pRoot->NodeSearch(searchIndex); if(tempNode!=NULL) { return addRightNodeByNode(newIndex,data,tempNode); } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addLeftNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNodeCopy = pNode;//make a copy of pNode to protect the pNode being changed by accidentally if(IsTreeFull()) { return false ; } if(pNodeCopy -> getLChild() == NULL) { BiTreeNode<T> *newNode = new BiTreeNode<T>(index,data); pNodeCopy->setLChild(newNode); newNode->setParenet(pNodeCopy); } else { return false ; } m_iSize++; return true; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addRightNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNodeCopy = pNode;//make a copy of pNode to protect the pNode being changed by accidentally if(IsTreeFull()) { return false ; } if(pNodeCopy -> getRChild() == NULL) { BiTreeNode<T> *newNode = new BiTreeNode<T>(index,data); pNodeCopy->setRChild(newNode); newNode->setParenet(pNodeCopy); } else { return false ; } m_iSize++; return true; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::deleteNodeByIndex(int index) { BiTreeNode<T> *deleteNode = m_pRoot->NodeSearch(index); if(deleteNode != NULL) { if(deleteNode == m_pRoot) { cout<<"BinaryTree<T>::deleteNodeByIndex():"<<index<<"是根节点不能删除"<<endl; return false; } return deleteNodeByNode(deleteNode); } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::deleteNodeByNode(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { if(pNode!=NULL) { /*clear parent Node L/RChild*/ BiTreeNode<T> *parentNode = pNode->getParent(); if(parentNode != NULL) { if(parentNode->getLChild() == pNode) { parentNode->setLChild(NULL); } else { parentNode->setRChild(NULL); } } /*delete node*/ int SizeDec;//use to caculate how much Node was delete SizeDec = pNode->NodeDelete(); m_iSize-=SizeDec; return true; } return false; } //traversal template <typename T> void BinaryTree<T>::PreorderTraversal() { cout<<"PerorderTraversal:"<<endl; m_pRoot ->NodePreorderTraversal(); } template <typename T> void BinaryTree<T>::InorderTraversal() { cout<<"InorderTraversal:"<<endl; m_pRoot ->NodeInorderTraversal(); } template <typename T> void BinaryTree<T>::SubsequentTraversal() { cout<<"SubsequentTraversal:"<<endl; m_pRoot ->NodeSubsequentTraversal(); } #endif
#include <iostream> #include "BinaryTree.h" using namespace std; int main() { //float Ldatas[11] = {0.0f,1.1f,2.2f,3.3f,4.4f,5.5f,6.6f,7.7f,8.8f,9.9f,10.1f}; //float Rdatas[5] = {30.0f,31.1f,32.2f,33.3f,34.4f}; int Ldatas[11] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; int Rdatas[5] = {30,31,32,33,34}; BinaryTree<int> *tree = new BinaryTree<int>(20); //addLeftNodeByIndex()/addRightNodeByIndex check for(int i=1;i<5;i++) { tree->addLeftNodeByIndex(i+1,Ldatas[i],i); } for(int i=1;i<5;i++) { tree->addRightNodeByIndex(i+5,Rdatas[i],i); } for(int i=1;i<5;i++) { tree->addLeftNodeByIndex(i+9,Rdatas[i],i+5); } tree->PreorderTraversal(); cout<<"tree size(except root):"<<tree->getNowSize()<<endl; //getLeaves() check; cout<<"tree leaves:"<<tree->getLeaves()<<endl; //getHeight() check; cout<<"getHeight():"<<tree->getHeight()<<endl; //getWidth() check; cout<<"getWidth():"<<tree->getWidth()<<endl; //preorderTraversal()/InorderTraversal()/SubsequentTraversal() check // tree->PreorderTraversal(); // tree->InorderTraversal(); // tree->SubsequentTraversal(); //deleteNodeByIndex() check tree->deleteNodeByIndex(2); tree->PreorderTraversal(); //getNowSize() check cout<<"tree size(except root):"<<tree->getNowSize()<<endl; delete tree; tree = NULL; system("pause"); return 0; }
标签:log 搜索 ima 包含 技术 roo width tin ati