标签:根据 base mon 列表 libc sum mil user files
[root@cai tmp]# cat 1.txt 2.txt this is a test1 this is a test 2
(2)cat -s file(删除额外空白行)
[root@cai tmp]# cat 3.txt a b c d [root@cai tmp]# cat -s 3.txt a b c d
(3)cat -n lines.txt (显示行号)
[root@cai tmp]# cat -s -n 3.txt 1 a 2 3 b 4 5 c 6 7 d
(1)[root@cai tmp]# script -t 2>timing.log -a output.session(录制) Script started, file is output.session (2)[root@cai tmp]# scriptreplay timing.log output.session (回放)
(1)find base_path(顺着目录,向下查找)
[root@cai tmp]# find /tmp/ /tmp/ /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/output.session /tmp/Aegis-<Guid(5A2C30A2-A87D-490A-9281-6765EDAD7CBA)> /tmp/1.txt /tmp/2.txt /tmp/3.txt /tmp/test.txt
(2)find . -iname "*.txt" -print(忽略要查找内容大小写)
[root@cai tmp]# find . \( -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.log" \) ./1.txt ./2.txt ./3.txt ./test.txt
(3)find / -path "*/cairui/*"
[root@cai tmp]# find / -path "*/cairui/*" /home/cairui/tools /home/cairui/tools/nginx-1.12.0.tar.gz /home/cairui/tools/mysql-5.7.18-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz /home/cairui/tools/nginx-1.12.0 /home/cairui/tools/nginx-1.12.0/Makefile /home/cairui/tools/nginx-1.12.0/man /home/cairui/tools/nginx-1.12.0/man/nginx.8
[root@cai tmp]# ls 1.txt Aegis-<Guid(5A2C30A2-A87D-490A-9281-6765EDAD7CBA)> test3.txt 2.txt output.session timing.log [root@cai tmp]# find . ! -name "*.txt"(打印出不是以.txt结尾的文件) . ./.ICE-unix ./timing.log ./output.session ./Aegis-<Guid(5A2C30A2-A87D-490A-9281-6765EDAD7CBA)>
find . -maxdepth 1 -name “f*” -print [root@cai tmp]# find / -maxdepth 3 -path "*/cairui/*" /home/cairui/tools /home/cairui/.bash_profile /home/cairui/.bash_logout /home/cairui/.bashrc
[root@cai tmp]# find . -type d -print(只列出所有的目录) . ./.ICE-unix [root@cai tmp]# find . -type f (只列出文件) ./timing.log ./output.session ./test3.txt ./1.txt ./2.txt
文件类型 |
参数类型 |
普通文件 |
f |
符号链接 |
l |
目录 |
d |
字符设备 |
c |
块设备 |
b |
套接字 |
s |
p |
[root@cai tmp]# find . -type f -atime -7 (打印出最近7天内访问过的所有文件) ./timing.log ./output.session ./test3.txt ./1.txt ./2.txt [root@cai tmp]# find . -type f -atime 7 (正好在7天前那天访问的文件) [root@cai tmp]# find . -type f -atime +7 (访问时间超过7天的所有文件)
find . -type f -size +2k(大于2K的文件)
find . -type f -size -2k(小于2k的文件)
find . -type f -size 2k(等于2k的文件)
find . type f -name “*.txt” -delete
find .type f -user root -exec chown slynux {} \;
find . type f -name “*.c” -exec cat {} \;>all_c_files.txt
[root@cai tmp]# cat ex.txt 123456 789 00 [root@cai tmp]# cat ex.txt |xargs 123456 789 00
[root@cai tmp]# cat ex.txt |xargs -n 2 123456 789 00
[root@cai tmp]# cat ex.txt splitXsplitXsplitX [root@cai tmp]# cat ex.txt |xargs -d X(用自己的分隔符来分割参数) split split split
tr [option] test1 test2 (1)[root@cai tmp]# echo "HELLO WORLD" |tr ‘A-Z‘ ‘a-z’ (2)[root@cai tmp]# echo 12345|tr ‘0-9‘ ‘9876543210‘(加密) 87654 [root@cai tmp]# echo 87654|tr ‘9876543210‘ ‘0-9‘(解密) 12345 (3)删除字符(tr -d) [root@cai tmp]# echo "hello 122 world 55"|tr -d ‘0-9‘ hello world (4)用tr压缩字符(tr -s) [root@localhost ~]# echo "cairui is so handsome " | tr -s ‘ ‘ cairui is so handsome [root@localhost tmp]# cat test.txt 1 2 3 4 5 [root@localhost tmp]# cat test.txt | echo $[ $(tr ‘\n‘ ‘+‘ ) 0 ] 15
[root@localhost tmp]# md5sum test.txt
a7b1ac3a2b072f71a8e0d463bf4eb822 test.txt
[root@localhost tmp]# md5sum -c test_sum.md5
test.txt: 确定(检验是否匹配)
crypt crypt <input_file >output_file ENTER passphrase
(2)gpg [root@localhost tmp]# gpg -c test.txt(加密,保证在传输过程中无法读取) [root@localhost tmp]# gpg test.txt(解密)
(1) [root@localhost tmp]# sort 1.txt 2.txt > sorted.txt [root@localhost tmp]# cat sorted.txt 123 33444 566 dfzcx dq kdfi [root@localhost tmp]# cat 1.txt 123 33444 566 [root@localhost tmp]# cat 2.txt kdfi dfzcx dq
[root@localhost tmp]# sort -n 1.txt 111 123 566 777 33444
[root@localhost tmp]# sort -r 1.txt 777 566 33444 123 111
sort -M months.txt
sort -m sorted1 sorted2
sort file.txt file2.txt |uniq
#!/bin/bash #function:paixu sort -C filename; if [ $? eq 0 ]; then echo sorted; else echo unsorted; fi
split -b 10k data.file ls data.file xaa xab xac.......
#!/bin/bash #function:根据扩展名切分文件名 file_jpg="sample.jpg" name=${file_jpg%.*} (name=${file_jpg#*.}) echo file name is:$name [root@localhost shell]# sh sample.sh file name is:sample
#!/bin/bash #用途:重命名.jpg和.png文件 count=1; for img in ‘find . -iname ‘*.png’ -o -iname ‘*.jpg’ -type f -maxdepth 1’ do new=image-$count.${img##*.} echo “renaming $img to $new” mv “$img” “$new” let count++ done
#!/bin/bash read -p "enter number:" no; read -p "enter name:" name echo you have entered $no,$name [root@localhost shell]# echo -e "1\nhello\n" | ./interactive.sh you have entered 1,hello
标签:根据 base mon 列表 libc sum mil user files