标签:val 过滤 equal sel out tde ane 参数 report
1 /** 2 * 缓存过滤参数Map(key, String)<br> 3 * key:参数页签定义的参数名称<br> 4 * String:参数值,字符串形式传入,其中,日期为:yyyy-MM-dd, 时间戳为:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, 时间为: HH:mm:ss 5 */ 6 public void setFilterParam(Map filterParamMap); 7 8 /** 9 * 返回拼装好的SQL语句 10 * 11 * @param parent 12 * @return 13 * @throws Exception 14 */ 15 public String getCustomSQL(Window parent) throws Exception; 16 17 /** 18 * 返回IRowSet数组 19 * 20 * @param parent 21 * @param otherDataCenter :外部数据中心标识,为null或者空,使用本地登录的数据中心 22 * @return 23 * @throws Exception 24 */ 25 public IRowSet[] getCustomRowSet(Window parent, String otherDataCenter) throws Exception; 26 /** 27 * 返回输出参数 28 * 29 * @return 30 */ 31 public Map getOutputParam() throws Exception;
1 public class JavaDataSetDemo extends AbstractJavaDataSet 2 { 3 /** 4 * 返回拼装好的SQL语句 5 * 6 * @see com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlsqldesign.param.AbstractJavaDataSet#getCustomSQL(java.awt.Window) 7 */ 8 public String getCustomSQL(Window parent) throws Exception 9 { 10 // 弹出用户自定义的过滤界面 11 KDPanel customUI = new KDPanel(); 12 customUI.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 13 customUI.setSize(450, 350); 14 KDLabel label = new KDLabel(); 15 label.setText("用户自定义过滤界面, 把过滤值作为输出参数显示到报表"); 16 customUI.add(label); 17 ReportDialog.showDialog(customUI, "自定义过滤界面", true, false, parent);// 请换成自己的弹出过滤框代码 18 19 20 // 判断过滤参数,拼装SQL,如果是方言,记得加入/*dialect*/ 21 StringBuffer sbSQL = new StringBuffer(); 22 sbSQL.append("SELECT FID, FNumber, FName_L2, FGender, FBirthday FROM T_BD_Person Where 0=0"); 23 24 Object value = this.filterParamMap.get("number"); // 是否存在编码 25 if (value != null && ((String) value).length() > 0) 26 { 27 sbSQL.append(" AND FNumber = ‘").append((String) value).append("‘"); 28 } 29 30 value = this.filterParamMap.get("name"); // 是否存在姓名 31 if (value != null && ((String) value).length() > 0) 32 { 33 sbSQL.append(" AND FName_L2 like ‘%").append((String) value).append("%‘"); 34 } 35 36 value = this.filterParamMap.get("sex"); 37 if (value != null && ((String) value).length() > 0) 38 { 39 sbSQL.append(" AND FGender = ").append((String) value); 40 } 41 42 value = this.filterParamMap.get("dateFrom"); 43 if (value != null && ((String) value).length() > 0) 44 { 45 sbSQL.append(" AND FBirthday >= {d ‘").append((String) value).append("‘}"); 46 } 47 48 value = this.filterParamMap.get("dateTo"); 49 if (value != null && ((String) value).length() > 0) 50 { 51 sbSQL.append(" AND FBirthday <= {d ‘").append((String) value).append("‘}"); 52 } 53 54 return sbSQL.toString(); 55 } 56 57 /** 58 * 返回IRowSet数组,当前版本仅支持一个结果集 59 * 60 * @see com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlsqldesign.param.AbstractJavaDataSet#getCustomRowSet(java.awt.Window, java.lang.String) 61 */ 62 public IRowSet[] getCustomRowSet(Window parent, String otherDataCenter) throws Exception 63 { 64 String sql = this.getCustomSQL(parent); 65 66 // 可以使用ExtDBUtil提供的executeQuery(Context ctx, String sql)返回结果集,也可以自己另写代码返回结果集 67 IRowSet irs = ExtDBUtil.executeQuery(null, sql, otherDataCenter); 68 69 // 得到的结果集,进行其他操作处理,例如合并多个结果集等操作 70 71 IRowSet[] iRowSets = new IRowSet[1]; // 当前版本仅支持一个结果集 72 iRowSets[0] = irs; 73 74 return iRowSets; 75 } 76 /** 77 * 返回输出参数 78 * 79 * @see com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlsqldesign.param.AbstractJavaDataSet#getOutputParam() 80 */ 81 public Map getOutputParam() throws Exception 82 { 83 HashMap outputParamMap = new HashMap(); 84 85 // 字符串输出参数,名称是title,在公示中可以用 =@title 取到 86 outputParamMap.put("title", "扩展报表题头示例"); 87 88 // 数值型 89 outputParamMap.put("count", "2"); 90 outputParamMap.put("pi", "3.14159"); 91 92 // 日期,必须是yyyy-MM-dd格式 93 outputParamMap.put("dateFrom", "2009-09-09"); 94 95 // 时间戳,必须是yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式 96 outputParamMap.put("dateTimeFrom", "2009-09-09 09:09:09"); 97 98 // 时间,必须是HH:mm:ss格式 99 outputParamMap.put("timeFrom", "09:09:09"); 100 101 return outputParamMap; 102 } 103 }
插曲:刚开始写的时候,继承的抽象类,我自己把 AbstractJavaDataSet 给复制到自己定义的package里面了,导致数据集不起作用。(好傻逼。。。)直接继承,导包即可,包里是存在这个抽象类的!
1 package com.kingdee.eas.custom.report; 2 3 import java.awt.BorderLayout; 4 import java.awt.Window; 5 import java.util.HashMap; 6 import java.util.Map; 7 8 import org.slf4j.Logger; 9 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 10 11 import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDLabel; 12 import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDPanel; 13 import com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlreport.client.ReportDialog; 14 import com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlsqldesign.model.ExtDBUtil; 15 import com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlsqldesign.param.AbstractJavaDataSet; 16 import com.kingdee.jdbc.rowset.IRowSet; 17 18 public class JavaDataSetRiskItem extends AbstractJavaDataSet { 19 Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JavaDataSetRiskItem.class); 20 21 /** 22 * (非 Javadoc) 23 * <p> 24 * Title: getCustomRowSet 25 * </p> 26 * <p> 27 * Description: 28 * </p> 29 * 返回IRowSet数组,当前版本仅支持一个结果集 30 * 31 * @param parent 32 * @param otherDataCenter 33 * @return 34 * @throws Exception 35 * @see com.kingdee.eas.custom.report.AbstractJavaDataSet#getCustomRowSet(java.awt.Window, 36 * java.lang.String) 37 */ 38 @Override 39 public IRowSet[] getCustomRowSet(Window parent, String otherDataCenter) 40 throws Exception { 41 String customSQL = this.getCustomSQL(parent); 42 IRowSet irs = ExtDBUtil.executeQuery(null, customSQL, otherDataCenter); 43 44 IRowSet[] iRowSets = new IRowSet[1]; // 当前版本仅支持一个结果集 45 iRowSets[0] = irs; 46 47 return iRowSets; 48 } 49 50 /** 51 * (非 Javadoc) 52 * <p> 53 * Title: getCustomSQL 54 * </p> 55 * <p> 56 * Description: 57 * </p> 58 * 返回拼装好的SQL语句 59 * 60 * @param parent 61 * @return 62 * @throws Exception 63 * @see com.kingdee.eas.custom.report.AbstractJavaDataSet#getCustomSQL(java.awt.Window) 64 */ 65 @Override 66 public String getCustomSQL(Window parent) throws Exception { 67 // 弹出用户自定义的过滤界面 68 /* 69 * KDPanel customUI = new KDPanel(); customUI.setLayout(new 70 * BorderLayout()); customUI.setSize(450, 350); KDLabel label = new 71 * KDLabel(); 72 * label.setText(" 用户自定义过滤界面, 把过滤值作为输出参数显示到报表"); 73 * customUI.add(label); ReportDialog.showDialog(customUI, "自定义过滤界面", 74 * true, false, parent);// 请换成自己的弹出过滤框代码 75 */ 76 77 // 判断过滤参数,拼装SQL,如果是方言,记得加入/*dialect*/ 78 /* 79 * 公司名称:companyName 预警指标(item) 年(year) 起始月(startMon) 结束月(endMon) 80 */ 81 StringBuffer sbSQL = new StringBuffer(); 82 sbSQL.append(" select "); 83 sbSQL.append(" cfmonth as 月份, "); 84 sbSQL.append(" CT_FIN_SasacEntry.cfpoor as 平均值, "); 85 sbSQL.append(" CT_FIN_SasacEntry.cfaverage as 较差值, "); 86 87 /* 组装主查询 */ 88 String item = (String) this.filterParamMap.get("item"); 89 if (item != null && item.length() > 0) { 90 if (item.equals("资产负债率")) { 91 sbSQL.append(" cftotalLiabilites/cftotalAssets as 企业数据 "); 92 } else if (item.equals("营业利润")) { 93 sbSQL.append(" cftrafficProfit/10000 as 企业数据 "); 94 } else if (item.equals("己获利息倍数")) { 95 sbSQL 96 .append(" (cftotalProfit+cfinterestExpense)/cfinterestExpense as 企业数据 "); 97 } else if (item.equals("流动比率")) { 98 sbSQL.append(" cfcurrentAssets/cfcurrentLiabilities as 企业数据 "); 99 } else if (item.equals("两金占流动资产比重")) { 100 sbSQL 101 .append(" (cfaccountReceivable+cfstock)/cfcurrentAssets as 企业数据 "); 102 } else if (item.equals("速动比率")) { 103 sbSQL 104 .append(" (cfcurrentAssets-cfstock)/cfcurrentLiabilities as 企业数据 "); 105 } else if (item.equals("现金流动负债比率")) { 106 sbSQL.append(" cfoperaCashFlow/cfcurrentLiabilities as 企业数据 "); 107 } else if (item.equals("带息负债比率")) { 108 sbSQL 109 .append(" (cfshortLoan+CFOneYearLongLiabilities+cflongLoan+CFBondsPayable+CFInterestPayable)/cftotalLiabilites as 企业数据 "); 110 } else if (item.equals("或有负债比率")) { 111 sbSQL 112 .append(" (CFDraft+CFBalance+CFAmountOfmatter+CFContingentLiabilities)/cfownerRights as 企业数据 "); 113 } else if (item.equals("平均融资成本率")) { 114 sbSQL.append(" CFTotalCosts/CFFinancingCost as 企业数据 "); 115 } 116 } 117 118 // 组装表 条件查询 119 sbSQL.append(" FROM CT_FIN_RiskItem as CT_FIN_RiskItem "); 120 sbSQL 121 .append(" INNER join CT_FIN_Sasac as CT_FIN_Sasac on CT_FIN_RiskItem.cfyear = CT_FIN_Sasac.cfyear "); 122 sbSQL 123 .append(" INNER join CT_FIN_SasacEntry as CT_FIN_SasacEntry on CT_FIN_Sasac.fid = CT_FIN_SasacEntry.fparentid "); 124 sbSQL.append(" WHERE 1=1 "); 125 126 String companyName = (String) this.filterParamMap.get("companyName"); 127 if (companyName != null && companyName.length() > 0) { 128 sbSQL.append(" and CT_FIN_RiskItem.cfcompanyName = " + "‘" 129 + companyName + "‘"); 130 } 131 132 String year = (String) this.filterParamMap.get("year"); 133 if (year != null && year.length() > 0) { 134 sbSQL.append(" and CT_FIN_RiskItem.cfyear = " + year); 135 } 136 137 if (item != null && item.length() > 0) { 138 sbSQL.append(" and CT_FIN_SasacEntry.cfname = " + "‘" + item + "‘"); 139 } 140 141 String monStart = (String) this.filterParamMap.get("monStart"); 142 if (monStart != null && monStart.length() > 0) { 143 sbSQL.append(" and CT_FIN_RiskItem.cfmonth >= " + monStart); 144 } 145 146 String monEnd = (String) this.filterParamMap.get("monEnd"); 147 if (monEnd != null && monEnd.length() > 0) { 148 sbSQL.append(" and CT_FIN_RiskItem.cfmonth <= " + monEnd); 149 } 150 151 LOGGER.info(sbSQL.toString()); 152 return sbSQL.toString(); 153 } 154 155 /** 156 * (非 Javadoc) 157 * <p> 158 * Title: getOutputParam 159 * </p> 160 * <p> 161 * Description: 162 * </p> 163 * 返回输出参数 164 * 165 * @return 166 * @throws Exception 167 * @see com.kingdee.eas.custom.report.AbstractJavaDataSet#getOutputParam() 168 */ 169 @Override 170 public Map getOutputParam() throws Exception { 171 HashMap outputParamMap = new HashMap(); 172 173 // 字符串输出参数,名称是title,在公示中可以用 =@title 取到 174 outputParamMap.put("title", "扩展报表题头示例"); 175 176 // 数值型 177 outputParamMap.put("count", "2"); 178 outputParamMap.put("pi", "3.14159"); 179 180 // 日期,必须是yyyy-MM-dd格式 181 outputParamMap.put("dateFrom", "2009-09-09"); 182 183 // 时间戳,必须是yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式 184 outputParamMap.put("dateTimeFrom", "2009-09-09 09:09:09"); 185 186 // 时间,必须是HH:mm:ss格式 187 outputParamMap.put("timeFrom", "09:09:09"); 188 189 return outputParamMap; 190 } 191 192 /** 193 * (非 Javadoc) 194 * <p> 195 * Title: isUIType 196 * </p> 197 * <p> 198 * Description: 199 * </p> 200 * 不是GUI 所用数据集就返回false 201 * 202 * @return 203 * @see com.kingdee.eas.rpts.ctrlsqldesign.param.AbstractJavaDataSet#isUIType() 204 */ 205 @Override 206 public boolean isUIType() { 207 return false; 208 } 209 210 }
标签:val 过滤 equal sel out tde ane 参数 report