# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys reload(sys), sys.setdefaultencoding(‘utf-8‘) import os import time import paramiko import multiprocessing # 此脚本用于进行秘钥对分发 # 需要配合nmap使用,所以需要在linux环境下 # 密码,不同服务器的不同密码可写在这一个列表中 password = [‘19820909‘] # ip地址,多个写在一个列表中,具体列表请自行循环生成 ip_list = [‘‘,‘‘] # 端口,不能有多个端口,需要统一 port = 22 # 本地用户的家目录和用户名 保持默认即执行脚本的用户 load_username = os.environ["USER"] load_userhome = os.environ["HOME"] # 远程服务器的用户名,可以指定用户名。默认和 load_username 一致 long_username = load_username #long_username = "zouri" try: # 获取本地公钥字符串 keys_str = open("%s/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" % load_userhome).read().split("\n")[0] except: print ‘Attempt command: \033[1;31mssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa \033[0m ‘ sys.exit(0) def network_test(ip): # 使用 nmap 测试网络的连通性 sss = os.popen("nmap -sP %s|grep Host|grep up|awk ‘{print $3}‘" % ip) sun = sss.read() if ‘up‘ in sun: return True else: return False def ssh_test(ip, password): sun = False s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: # 建立ssh链接 s.connect(ip, port, long_username, password) a, b, c = s.exec_command("echo $HOME") long_range_home = b.read().replace("\n", "") s.exec_command("mkdir %s/.ssh && chmod 700 %s/.ssh" % (long_range_home, long_range_home)) s.exec_command("echo %s >> %s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % (keys_str, long_range_home)) s.exec_command("chmod 600 %s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % (long_range_home)) s.close() sun = True # 获取远程服务器的 秘钥指纹信息 写入本地 key_1 = os.popen("ssh-keyscan -p %d %s" % (port,ip)).read().split("\n")[0] know_file = open(load_userhome + "/.ssh/known_hosts","a+") know_file.write(key_1 + "\n") know_file.close() except "Authentication": pass finally: return sun def ssh_run(ip): # 执行函数 sun = 1 if not network_test(ip): print "\033[1;31m%s\033[0m is no,Maybe the Network" % ip else: for i_in in password: if ssh_test(ip, i_in): print "%s is ok,Keys has been added" % ip sun = 0 break if sun == 1: print "\033[1;31m%s\033[0m is no,Maybe the Password" % ip def sun_run(x): # 开启多线程运行 x代表最多开多少线程 sun_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=x) for i in ip_list: sun_pool.apply_async(ssh_run, (i,)) sun_pool.close() sun_pool.join() if "__main__" == __name__: sun_time_01 = int(time.time()) sun_run(30) sun_time_02 = int(time.time()) print "共耗时%s秒" % str(sun_time_02 - sun_time_01)
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