标签:ids label this direct size rac src idt save
#coding: utf-8 #!/usr/bin/env python """ Draw a graph with matplotlib. You must have matplotlib for this to work. """ __author__ = """Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov)""" # Copyright (C) 2004-2008 # Aric Hagberg <hagberg@lanl.gov> # Dan Schult <dschult@colgate.edu> # Pieter Swart <swart@lanl.gov> # All rights reserved. # BSD license. #raise的使用要求这一步必须运行 try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: raise import networkx as nx #用grid_2d_graph()生成一个16个节点的网格图 G=nx.grid_2d_graph(4,4) #4x4 grid pos=nx.spring_layout(G,iterations=100) #開始画各个小图 plt.subplot(221) nx.draw(G,pos,font_size=8) plt.subplot(222) nx.draw(G,pos,node_color='k',node_size=0,with_labels=False) plt.subplot(223) nx.draw(G,pos,node_color='g',node_size=250,with_labels=False,width=6) #最后一幅子图转为有向图 plt.subplot(224) H=G.to_directed() nx.draw(H,pos,node_color='b',node_size=20,with_labels=False) plt.savefig("four_grids.png") plt.show()
标签:ids label this direct size rac src idt save