标签:single 基本数据类型 5.0 hello this bar lang imp 多个
class Student{ private String name; private Double score; public Student(String name, Double score) { this.name = name; this.score = score; } public String getName() { return name; } public Double getScore() { return score; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setScore(Double score) { this.score = score; } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + "\"name\":\"" + name + "\"" + ", \"score\":\"" + score + "\"" + "}"; } } @Test public void test1(){ List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>(){ { add(new Student("stu1",100.0)); add(new Student("stu2",97.0)); add(new Student("stu3",96.0)); add(new Student("stu4",95.0)); } }; Collections.sort(studentList, new Comparator<Student>() { @Override public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) { return Double.compare(o1.getScore(),o2.getScore()); } }); System.out.println(studentList); }
@FunctionalInterface public interface Comparator<T> { int compare(T o1, T o2); }
public void test1_(){ List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>(){ { add(new Student("stu1",100.0)); add(new Student("stu2",97.0)); add(new Student("stu3",96.0)); add(new Student("stu4",95.0)); } }; Collections.sort(studentList,(s1,s2)-> Double.compare(s1.getScore(),s2.getScore())); System.out.println(studentList); }
public void testThread(){ new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("hello, i am thread!"); } }).start(); }
@FunctionalInterface public interface Runnable { /** * When an object implementing interface <code>Runnable</code> is used * to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object‘s * <code>run</code> method to be called in that separately executing * thread. * <p> * The general contract of the method <code>run</code> is that it may * take any action whatsoever. * * @see java.lang.Thread#run() */ public abstract void run(); }
public void testThread_(){ new Thread(()-> System.out.println("hello, i am thread!")).start(); }
@FunctionalInterface public interface MyFunctionalInterface { public void single(String msg); } /** * 需要单个参数 */ public static void testOnePar(MyFunctionalInterface myFunctionalInterface){ myFunctionalInterface.single("msg"); } /** * 一个参数,可以省略参数的括号 */ @Test public void testOneParameter(){ testOnePar(x-> System.out.println(x)); }
/** * 需要单个参数 */ public static void testOnePar1(Consumer unaryOperator){ unaryOperator.accept("msg"); }
标签:single 基本数据类型 5.0 hello this bar lang imp 多个