标签:space number value address color 编程练习 stream 练习 2.0
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; char name[20]; char address[20]; cout << "input name :"; cin >> name; cout << "input address:"; cin >> address; cin.get(); cout << "name is " << name; cout << endl; cout << "address is " << address; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; int distance; cout << "input distance:"; cin >> distance; cin.get(); cout << "long_distance is "; cout << distance * 220; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; void func_1(); void func_2(); int main() { //cin.get(); func_1(); func_1(); func_2(); func_2(); cin.get(); } void func_1() { cout << "Three blind mice" << endl; } void func_2() { cout << "See how they run" << endl; }
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; int age; cout << "Enter your age:"; cin >> age; cin.get(); cout << age * 12; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> double convert(double); int main() { using namespace std; double degrees; cout << "Please enter a Celsius value: "; cin >> degrees; cin.get(); cout << degrees << " Celsius is " << convert(degrees) << " degrees Fahrenheit"; cin.get(); } double convert(double degrees) { double Fahrenheit = degrees*1.8 + 32.0; return Fahrenheit; }
#include<iostream> double convert(double); int main() { using namespace std; double light_years; cout << "Enter the number of light years: "; cin >> light_years; cin.get(); cout << light_years << " light years = " << convert(light_years) << " astronomical units"; cin.get(); } double convert(double light_years) { double units = light_years * 63240; return units; }
#include<iostream> void timer(int, int); int main() { using namespace std; int hours, minutes; cout << "Enter the number of hours: "; cin >> hours; cout << "Enter the number of minutes: "; cin >> minutes; cin.get(); timer(hours, minutes); cin.get(); } void timer(int hours, int minutes) { std::cout << "Timer: " << hours << ":" << minutes; }
标签:space number value address color 编程练习 stream 练习 2.0