标签:== pre cto 没有 字符 else 位置 缩放 and
Function getSubDirectory()‘获取当前文件的下层所有目录
Dim strCurDir, strDirectoryName, strDirs As String
Dim arrDirectoryName()
Dim i As Integer
strCurDir = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
strDirectoryName = Dir(strCurDir, vbDirectory)
i = 0
Do While strDirectoryName <> "" ‘ 开始循环。
If strDirectoryName <> "." And strDirectoryName <> ".." Then
‘使用位比较来确定 MyName 代表一目录。
If (GetAttr(strCurDir & strDirectoryName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
ReDim Preserve arrDirectoryName(i)
arrDirectoryName(i) = strDirectoryName
i = i + 1
‘Debug.Print MyName
End If
End If
strDirectoryName = Dir
If strDirectoryName = "" And i = 0 Then
getSubDirectory = ""
Exit Function
End If
If UBound(arrDirectoryName) = 0 Then
getSubDirectory = arrDirectoryName(0)
strDirs = Join(arrDirectoryName, ",") ‘把数组处理为“,”分隔字符串返回
Erase arrDirectoryName
getSubDirectory = strDirs
End If
End Function
Function getSubDirFileNames(subDir1 As String) As String() ‘返回当前工作簿目录的指定子目录文件名数组的函数
Dim arrFileNames() As String ‘存储文件名数组
Dim i As Integer
If subDir1 = "" Then
ReDim Preserve arrFileNames(0)
arrFileNames(0) = ""
getSubDirFileNames = arrFileNames
Exit Function
End If
myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path + "\" + subDir1 + "\*.jpg" ‘当前工作簿目录子目录文件存放路径
i = 0
strName = Dir(myPath)
Do While strName <> ""
ReDim Preserve arrFileNames(i)
arrFileNames(i) = strName
i = i + 1
strName = Dir ‘再次执行不带参数dir函数即显示下一文件的文件名(参照vba的dir函数执行规则)
If i < 1 Then
ReDim Preserve arrFileNames(0)
arrFileNames(0) = ""
getSubDirFileNames = arrFileNames
Exit Function
End If
getSubDirFileNames = arrFileNames
End Function
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ‘禁止屏幕刷新
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoPicture Then ‘shape类型包含按钮、美术字、自选图形之类,msoPicture代表图片
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ‘恢复屏幕刷新
End Su
Sub insertPicture(PictureFileName As String, TargetCell As Range)‘插入图片函数
Dim p As Object
Dim t As Double, l As Double, w As Double, h As Double ‘t:top,l:left,w:with,h:height
t = TargetCell.Top: l = TargetCell.Left: w = TargetCell.Width: h = TargetCell.Height
If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub ‘“工作表”外的其他类型表(如宏表,图表)中不插图片
If Dir(PictureFileName) = "" Then Exit Sub ‘文件名路径为空,没有图片,退出插入操作
Set p = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PictureFileName)‘Pictures.Insert()函数是老版本函数,vbe对象浏览器中隐藏了,需要查看的话按F2键
p.Placement = xlMoveAndSize‘图片随单元格缩放
p.Width = w - 6‘根据需要调整图片高宽
p.Height = h - 2
p.Left = l + 3‘根据需要调整图片左上插入位置
p.Top = t + 1
‘p.Left = p.Left + (TargetCell.Offset(0, 1).Left - l - p.Width) / 2
‘insertPicture = p
Set p = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim dirs As String
Dim rngList As Range
Set rngList = Range("l1")
dirs = getSubDirectory
If dirs <> "" Then
rngList.Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=dirs
rngList.Value = Split(dirs, ",")(0)
End If
End Sub
Sub doInsertPictures()
Dim arrFiles() As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim i, j As Integer
i = 2: j = 1
myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Range("l1").Value & "\"
arrFiles = getSubDirFileNames(Range("l1").Value)
If arrFiles(0) <> "" Then
For Each file In arrFiles
Call insertPicture((myPath & file), Sheets(1).Cells(i, j))
Sheets(1).Cells(i, j).Offset(1, 0).Value = file
j = j + 1
If j > 9 Then
j = 1
i = i + 3
If i > 20 Then Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub deletePicsNpicNames()
Call deletePictures
For i = 0 To 7
Sheets(1).Range("a3:i3").Offset(i * 3).ClearContents
End Sub
Sub renamePics()
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim picPath As String
picPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Range("l1").Value & "\"
For i = 1 To 7
For j = 1 To 9
If Sheets("照片处理").Range("a" & i).Offset(0, j - 1).Value Or Sheets("照片处理").Range("a" & i).Offset(1, j - 1).Value = "" Then Exit Sub
Name picPath & Sheets("照片处理").Range("a" & i).Offset(0, j - 1).Value As picPath & Sheets("照片处理").Range("a" & i).Offset(1, j - 1).Value
End Sub
标签:== pre cto 没有 字符 else 位置 缩放 and