标签:display 信号 close max 整数 简单 gif 任务 next
import Queue
q = Queue.Queue(maxsize = 10)
q.put(10) put(item[, block[, timeout]])
等同于put(item, False)
q.get() get([block[, timeout]])
Python Queue模块有三种队列及构造函数:
1、Python Queue模块的FIFO队列先进先出。 class Queue.Queue(maxsize)
2、LIFO类似于堆,即先进后出。 class Queue.LifoQueue(maxsize)
3、还有一种是优先级队列级别越低越先出来。 class Queue.PriorityQueue(maxsize)
此包中的常用方法(q = Queue.Queue()):
q.qsize() 返回队列的大小
q.empty() 如果队列为空,返回True,反之False
q.full() 如果队列满了,返回True,反之False
q.full 与 maxsize 大小对应
q.get([block[, timeout]]) 获取队列,timeout等待时间
q.get_nowait() 相当q.get(False)
非阻塞 q.put(item) 写入队列,timeout等待时间
q.put_nowait(item) 相当q.put(item, False)
q.task_done() 在完成一项工作之后,向任务已经完成的队列发送一个信号,每一个get()调用得到一个任务,接下来的task_done()调用告诉队列该任务已经处理完毕。如果当前一个join()正在阻塞,它将在队列中的所有任务都处理完时恢复执行(即每一个由put()调用入队的任务都有一个对应的task_done()调用)。
q.join() 实际上意味着等到队列为空,再执行别的操作.阻塞调用线程,直到队列中的所有任务被处理掉。
import Queue q = Queue.Queue(maxsize=5) for i in range(5): q.put(i) while not q.empty(): print q.get()
0 1 2 3 4
q = Queue.LifoQueue() for i in range(5): q.put(i) while not q.empty(): print q.get()
4 3 2 1 0
#优先级队列 import Queue import threading class Job(object): def __init__(self, priority, description): self.priority = priority self.description = description print ‘Job:‘,description return def __cmp__(self, other): #需要加上这个比较函数, return cmp(self.priority, other.priority) #Return negative if x<y, zero if x==y, positive if x>y. q = Queue.PriorityQueue() q.put(Job(3, ‘mid-level job‘)) q.put(Job(10, ‘low-level job‘)) q.put(Job(1, ‘high-level job‘)) def process_job(q): while True: next_job = q.get() print ‘for:‘, next_job.description q.task_done() workers = [threading.Thread(target=process_job, args=(q,)), threading.Thread(target=process_job, args=(q,)) ] for w in workers: w.setDaemon(True) #守护进程 w.start() q.join()
Job: mid-level job Job: low-level job Job: high-level job for: high-level job for: mid-level job for: low-level job
#!/usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 # __author__=‘dahu‘ # data=2017- # import random, threading, time from Queue import Queue # Producer thread class Producer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, t_name, queue): # threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) super(Producer,self).__init__(name=t_name) #两个都可以,倾向于这个 self.data = queue def run(self): for i in range(5): # 随机产生10个数字 ,可以修改为任意大小 randomnum = random.randint(1, 20) print "%s: %s is producing %d to the queue!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName(), randomnum) self.data.put(randomnum) # 将数据依次存入队列 time.sleep(1) print "%s: %s finished!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName()) # Consumer thread class Consumer_even(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, t_name, queue): # threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) super(Consumer_even, self).__init__(name=t_name) self.data = queue def run(self): while 1: try: val_even = self.data.get(1, 5) # get(self, block=True, timeout=None) ,1就是阻塞等待,5是超时5秒 if val_even % 2 == 0: print "%s: %s is consuming. %d in the queue is consumed!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName(), val_even) time.sleep(2) else: self.data.put(val_even) time.sleep(2) except: # 等待输入,超过5秒 就报异常 print "%s: %s finished!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName()) break class Consumer_odd(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, t_name, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) self.data = queue def run(self): while 1: try: val_odd = self.data.get(1, 5) if val_odd % 2 != 0: print "%s: %s is consuming. %d in the queue is consumed!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName(), val_odd) time.sleep(2) else: self.data.put(val_odd) time.sleep(2) except: print "%s: %s finished!" % (time.ctime(), self.getName()) break # Main thread def main(): queue = Queue() producer = Producer(‘Pro.‘, queue) consumer_even = Consumer_even(‘Con_even.‘, queue) consumer_odd = Consumer_odd(‘Con_odd.‘, queue) producer.start() consumer_even.start() consumer_odd.start() producer.join() consumer_even.join() consumer_odd.join() print ‘All threads terminate!‘ if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main()
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/dahu/PycharmProjects/SpiderLearning/request_lianxi/t9.queue.thread.py Tue Aug 22 16:12:25 2017: Pro. is producing 15 to the queue! Tue Aug 22 16:12:25 2017: Con_odd. is consuming. 15 in the queue is consumed! Tue Aug 22 16:12:26 2017: Pro. is producing 17 to the queue! Tue Aug 22 16:12:27 2017: Pro. is producing 2 to the queue! Tue Aug 22 16:12:27 2017: Con_odd. is consuming. 17 in the queue is consumed! Tue Aug 22 16:12:28 2017: Pro. is producing 15 to the queue! Tue Aug 22 16:12:29 2017: Con_even. is consuming. 2 in the queue is consumed! Tue Aug 22 16:12:29 2017: Con_odd. is consuming. 15 in the queue is consumed! Tue Aug 22 16:12:29 2017: Pro. is producing 18 to the queue! Tue Aug 22 16:12:30 2017: Pro. finished! Tue Aug 22 16:12:31 2017: Con_even. is consuming. 18 in the queue is consumed! Tue Aug 22 16:12:38 2017: Con_odd. finished! Tue Aug 22 16:12:38 2017: Con_even. finished! All threads terminate! Process finished with exit code 0
标签:display 信号 close max 整数 简单 gif 任务 next