标签:blog http os io ar for 文件 art cti
本地:Window7 64位,Python 2.7.6,paramiko 1.12.1,watchdog 0.8.1
远端:Ubuntu 14.04,Openssh-server
from auto_ssh_upload_paramiko import SSHFileUpload
auto_ssh_upload_paramiko 模块参看[这里]
#!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf8 import os import os.path import re import sys import time import logging from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from pathtools.patterns import match_any_paths from watchdog.observers import Observer from auto_ssh_upload_paramiko import SSHFileUpload from dirs_handlers import RsyncRegexMatchingEventHandler, RsyncPatternMatchingEventHandler def getSSHConfig(section_name=‘env‘, conf_file=‘ssh-config.ini‘): config = SafeConfigParser() config.readfp(open(conf_file)) return dict(config.items(section_name)) CRITICAL = 50 FATAL = CRITICAL ERROR = 40 WARNING = 30 WARN = WARNING INFO = 20 DEBUG = 10 NOTSET = 0 _logLevelNames = { CRITICAL : ‘CRITICAL‘, ERROR : ‘ERROR‘, WARNING : ‘WARNING‘, INFO : ‘INFO‘, DEBUG : ‘DEBUG‘, NOTSET : ‘NOTSET‘, ‘CRITICAL‘ : CRITICAL, ‘ERROR‘ : ERROR, ‘WARN‘ : WARNING, ‘WARNING‘ : WARNING, ‘INFO‘ : INFO, ‘DEBUG‘ : DEBUG, ‘NOTSET‘ : NOTSET, } if __name__ == "__main__": config = getSSHConfig("env") log_path = config.get(‘log_path‘).replace(‘\\‘, ‘/‘).replace(‘//‘, ‘/‘) log_level = config.get(‘log_level‘) if not log_level: log_level = _logLevelNames[‘INFO‘] formatter=‘%(asctime)s - %(message)s‘ datefmt=‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘ logging.basicConfig( level=_logLevelNames[log_level] ,format=formatter ,datefmt=datefmt # ,filename=log_path # ,filemode=‘a‘ ) fmt = logging.Formatter(formatter) log_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(log_path, when=‘D‘, interval=1, backupCount=40) log_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) log_handler.suffix = r"%Y%m%d-%H%M.log" log_handler.setFormatter(fmt) logging.getLogger().addHandler(log_handler) host = config.get(‘host‘) port = int(config.get(‘port‘)) username = config.get(‘username‘) password = config.get(‘password‘) local_path = config.get(‘local_path‘)#"E:/pyworkspace/pycode/watchdog" remote_path = config.get(‘remote_path‘)#"/home/trevor/python_files" # ignore_file = "" # if config.get(‘ignore_file‘): # ignore_file = config.get(‘ignore_file‘) # else: # ignore_file = os.path.join(local_path, ".gitignore") # ignore_patterns = [] # if not ignore_file: # with open(ignore_file.replace("\\", "/")) as f: # ignore_patterns = set([ os.path.join(local_path, ps.strip("\n")) + "*" for ps in f.xreadlines() if ps and (‘\n‘ != ps)]) ssh = SSHFileUpload(host, port, username, password) # event_handler = RsyncPatternMatchingEventHandler(ssh, local_path, remote_path, ignore_patterns=ignore_patterns) event_handler = RsyncRegexMatchingEventHandler(ssh, local_path, remote_path, ignore_regexes=[r".*\.tmp$", r".*\.git.*", r".*\.settings.*", r".*\.project.*", r".*\.buildpath.*"]) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, local_path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()
[env] host= port=22 username=root password=your_passwd local_path=E:/app remote_path=/home/app log_path=./dirs-rsync.log
标签:blog http os io ar for 文件 art cti