标签:es2017 写入 cells alt 表达式 参数 regex 文字 tool
使用前需要做Early Binding。即在VBE编辑器中,选择菜单栏中的Tool — Reference,如图:
弹出如下图的对话框后,选择Microsoft VBSscript Regular Expression 5.5,打钩,点OK。
Function RangeRegexReplace(ByVal Text As String, ByVal MatchPatternRange As Range, ByVal ReplacePatternRange As Range, Optional ByVal IngoreCase As Boolean = True) As String ‘By Jing He 2017-9-1 Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, x As Integer Dim pattern() As String, replace() As String ReDim pattern(0 To MatchPatternRange.count - 1) As String ReDim replace(0 To ReplacePatternRange.count - 1) As String i = 0 For Each c In MatchPatternRange pattern(i) = c.Value i = i + 1 Next c j = 0 For Each c In ReplacePatternRange replace(j) = c.Value j = j + 1 Next c If i <> j Then RangeRegexReplace = "Numbers of cells in MatchPatternRange and ReplacePatternRange are not equal." End If Dim regex As New RegExp With regex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = IngoreCase End With RangeRegexReplace = "-" For x = 0 To i - 1 Step 1 regex.pattern = pattern(x) If regex.Test(Text) Then RangeRegexReplace = regex.replace(Text, replace(x)) End If Next x End Function
Function RegexReplace(ByVal Text As String, ByVal MatchPattern As String, ByVal ReplacePattern As String, Optional ByVal IngoreCase As Boolean = True) As String ‘By Jing He 2017-9-1 Dim regex As New RegExp With regex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = IngoreCase .pattern = MatchPattern End With If regex.Test(Text) Then RegexReplace = regex.replace(Text, ReplacePattern) Else RegexReplace = "-" End If End Function
一个可以使用多个正则表达式进行多次尝试匹配,并进行替换的Excel VBA自定义函数(UFD)
标签:es2017 写入 cells alt 表达式 参数 regex 文字 tool