标签:div ssi tin ctr exe end 判断 use int
>>> True or False and False True 首先判断前两个所以得到True之后就不用判断了 ######################### >>> (True or False) and False False ########### 流程控制 if...else 单分支 if 条件: :是语法格式 满足条件后执行代码 缩进4个空格 这是判断成立后执行的代码 AgeOfOldboy = 56 if AgeOfOldboy > 50 : print("Too old,time to retire..") 加注释快捷键 ctrl+/ 双分支 age_of_oldboy=50 if age_of_oldboy > 100: print(‘too old,time to end‘) else: print(‘impossible‘) age_of_oldboy=50 age_input=int(input(‘input age:‘)) if age_input > age_of_oldboy: print(‘too big‘) elif age_input < age_of_oldboy: print(‘too small‘) else: print(‘you get it‘) #########练习############ 成绩ABCDE五个等级与分数对应如下 A 90-100 B 80-89 C 60-79 D 40-59 E 0-39 要求用户输入0-100的数字,能正确的打印成绩 scroce = int(input("输入分数:")) if scroce > 100: print("我擦,最高分才100") elif scroce >= 90: print("A") elif scroce >= 80: print("B") elif scroce >= 70: print("C") elif scroce >= 60: print("D") else: print("E") ################################### 循环 从1打印到3 count=1 while count <= 3: print(count) count+=1 ################################### 在等于10的时候跳出循环 count=1 while count <= 100: if count == 10: break #跳出本层循环 print(count) count+=1 ################################### count=0 while count <5: if count == 3: count+=1 continue print(count) count+=1 1、count=0 满足<5 print 0 0+1=1 2、count=1 满足<5 print=1 1+1=2 3、count=2 满足<5 print=2 2+1=3 4、count=3 满足<5 满足if count == 3: 因为continue是跳出本次循环所以 count+=1可以是循环不在这里卡住 3+1=4 5、count=4 满足<5 print=4 因循环必须小于5所以停止循环 ############## 打印0-10的偶数 count=0 while count <= 10: if count % 2 == 0: print(count) count+=1 ################# count=0 while count <= 10: if count % 2 == 0: count+=1 continue print(count) count+=1 打印奇数 #################### 打印小于3并且大于96的数(0-100) count=1 while count <= 100: if count >=3 and count <=96: count+=1 continue print(count) count+=1 ########################### 猜年龄只能猜3次 age_of_oldboy=50 count=1 while count <=3: age_inp=int(input(‘input age:‘)) if age_inp > age_of_oldboy: print(‘too big‘) count+=1 elif age_inp < age_of_oldboy: print(‘too small‘) count+=1 else: print(‘you get ot‘) break ################################# 无限循环 while True: cmd=input(‘>>: ‘) #int只能把123这种字符串转换为形式 if cmd == ‘q‘: break ################################# 输入账户密码3次机会 count=0 while True: if count > 2: print(‘too many tries‘) break user=input(‘user: ‘) password=input(‘password ‘) if user == ‘egon‘ and password == ‘123‘: print(‘login successful‘) break else: print(‘login err‘) count+=1 count=0 while count <3: if count > 2: print(‘too many tries‘) break user=input(‘user: ‘) password=input(‘password ‘) if user == ‘egon‘ and password == ‘123‘: print(‘login successful‘) break else: print(‘login err‘) count+=1 ############################# count=0 tag=True while tag: if count > 2: print(‘too many tries‘) break user=input(‘user: ‘) password=input(‘password ‘) if user == ‘egon‘ and password == ‘123‘: print(‘login successful‘) while tag: cmd=input(‘>>: ‘) if cmd == ‘q‘: tag=False continue print(‘exec %s‘ %cmd) else: print(‘login err‘) count+=1 ############# while else 连用 count=1 while count <=5 : print(count) count+=1 else: #while 没有被break打断的时候才执行else的子代码 print(‘=========>‘) count=1 while count <=5 : if count ==2 : break print(count) count+=1 else: #while 没有被break打断的时候才执行else的子代码 print(‘=========>‘)
标签:div ssi tin ctr exe end 判断 use int