#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2014-9-7 @author: guaguastd @name: ''' import json from login import google_api_request from html import cleanHtml import os MAX_RESULTS = 40 while True: query = raw_input("Input query(None to quit): ") if query.strip() == '': break people_feed = google_api_request(0, action='search', query=query) for user in people_feed['items']: userId = user['id'] activity_feed = google_api_request(1, action='list', collection='public', maxResults='20', userId=userId) #print json.dumps(activity_feed, indent=1) activity_results = [] while activity_feed != None and len(activity_results) < MAX_RESULTS: if activity_feed['items'] is None: break if 'nextPageToken' in activity_feed: nextPageToken = activity_feed['nextPageToken'] endFlag = 0 else: endFlag = 1 activities = activity_feed if 'items' in activities: for activity in activities['items']: print 'activity: ', activity if activity['object']['objectType'] == 'note' and activity['object']['content'] != '': activity['title'] = cleanHtml(activity['title']) activity['object']['content'] = cleanHtml(activity['object']['content']) activity_results += [activity] # use nextPageToken to get the response objects if endFlag == 0: activity_feed = google_api_request(1, action='list', collection='public', maxResults='20', userId=userId, pageToken=nextPageToken) else: break # Write the output to a fie for convenience f = open(os.path.join(r"E:", "\\", "eclipse", "Google", "dfile", userId + '.json'), 'w') f.write(json.dumps(activity_results, indent=1)) f.close() print str(len(activity_results)), "activities written to",
activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u"This is a really great review of my friend +William Janeway's book, Doing Capitalism in the Innovation...", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 11, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'The One Book on Wall Street You Haven\u2019t Read\u2014but Should', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u'Why Wall Street? What good does Beezlebubbian finance really provide? Wouldn\u2019t America be better off if we could magically transport ourselves back to the \u201950s\u2014when Wall Street was sleepy, the middle class was robust, and children dreamed of rocket ships? What is the essence of this activity known as finance?...', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'This is a really great review of my friend <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="114912453748528069739">William Janeway</a></span>'s book, <i>Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy</i>. \xa0It succinctly lays out the key premises of the book, and explains why they are so important to a proper understanding of the role of venture capital, government, and bubbles in the growth of our economy.\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 39, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 4, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-29T19:33:10.240Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/DMb7RzmIBBbIbdrrj-R0SGXDbTw"', u'published': u'2014-04-29T19:33:10.240Z', u'id': u'z12fhlxhbxrvfdchu04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'How to Raise Moral Children\n\nI thought this article on child-raising had a lot of good ideas in it. ...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 218, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'Raising a Moral Child', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u'The tactics are different from those used for encouraging achievement.', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'<b>How to Raise Moral Children</b><br /><br />I thought this article on child-raising had a lot of good ideas in it. \xa0There was stuff that was new to me, and stuff that was old, but the old stuff was worth reviewing, and the new research quite enlightening.<br /><br />Do read the article even if you don't have children.\xa0The principles it outlines apply to our lives as adults as well, to leadership in the workplace and in the world. \xa0And while I've reproduced many of the best bits below, it's well worth going to the article itself, because it is heavily linked to the original research.<br /><br /><b>What matters most is not achievement but caring</b><br /><br />The article opened with the familiar advice that\xa0"when parents praise effort rather than ability, children develop a stronger work ethic and become more motivated." \xa0But it went from there in a surprising direction:<br /><br />"When people in 50 countries were asked to report their guiding principles in life, the value that mattered most was not achievement, but caring."<br /><br /><b>Contrary to popular advice, praise of character is more effective than praise of behavior</b><br /><br />"Many parents believe it\u2019s important to compliment the behavior, not the child \u2014 that way, the child learns to repeat the behavior. Indeed, I know one couple who are careful to say, 'That was such a helpful thing to do,' instead of, 'You\u2019re a helpful person.'"<br /><br />But that's not what the research shows:<br /><br />"...A couple of weeks later, when faced with more opportunities to give and share, the children were much more generous after their character had been praised than after their actions had been. Praising their character helped them internalize it as part of their identities. The children learned who they were from observing their own actions: I am a helpful person. This dovetails with new research led by the psychologist Christopher J. Bryan, who finds that for moral behaviors, nouns work better than verbs. To get 3- to 6-year-olds to help with a task, rather than inviting them 'to help,' it was 22 to 29 percent more effective to encourage them to 'be a helper.' Cheating was cut in half when instead of, 'Please don\u2019t cheat,' participants were told, 'Please don\u2019t be a cheater.' When our actions become a reflection of our character, we lean more heavily toward the moral and generous choices. Over time it can become part of us."<br /><br />I think this is an important insight. \xa0Internalizing our experiences and making them part of our identity is a key element of growing up.\xa0<br /><br />Note: \xa0"by the time children turned 10, the differences between praising character and praising actions vanished: Both were effective. Tying generosity to character appears to matter most around age 8, when children may be starting to crystallize notions of identity."<br /><br />I will note that the advice for dealing with bad behavior (as opposed to good behavior) is just the opposite: \xa0to emphasize the behavior, and not the character. \xa0You don't want a kid to internalize the idea that he or she is a bad person! \xa0That was the next key point, the distinction between guilt and shame.<br /><br /><b>"If we want our children to care about others, we need to teach them to feel guilt rather than shame when they misbehave."</b><br /><br />This is a fascinating distinction: \xa0<br /><br />"When children cause harm, they typically feel one of two moral emotions: shame or guilt. Despite the common belief that these emotions are interchangeable, research led by the psychologist June Price Tangney reveals that they have very different causes and consequences.<br /><br />"Shame is the feeling that I am a bad person, whereas guilt is the feeling that I have done a bad thing. Shame is a negative judgment about the core self, which is devastating: Shame makes children feel small and worthless, and they respond either by lashing out at the target or escaping the situation altogether. In contrast, guilt is a negative judgment about an action, which can be repaired by good behavior. When children feel guilt, they tend to experience remorse and regret, empathize with the person they have harmed, and aim to make it right."<br /><br />...<br /><br />"The most effective response to bad behavior is to express disappointment. According to independent reviews by Professor Eisenberg and David R. Shaffer, parents raise caring children by expressing disappointment and explaining why the behavior was wrong, how it affected others, and how they can rectify the situation. This enables children to develop standards for judging their actions, feelings of empathy and responsibility for others, and a sense of moral identity, which are conducive to becoming a helpful person. The beauty of expressing disappointment is that it communicates disapproval of the bad behavior, coupled with high expectations and the potential for improvement: 'You\u2019re a good person, even if you did a bad thing, and I know you can do better.'"<br /><br /><b>Children learn generosity not by listening to what their role models say, but by observing what they do.</b><br /><br />"In a classic experiment, the psychologist J. Philippe Rushton gave 140 elementary- and middle-school-age children tokens for winning a game, which they could keep entirely or donate some to a child in poverty. They first watched a teacher figure play the game either selfishly or generously, and then preach to them the value of taking, giving or neither. The adult\u2019s influence was significant: Actions spoke louder than words. When the adult behaved selfishly, children followed suit. The words didn\u2019t make much difference \u2014 children gave fewer tokens after observing the adult\u2019s selfish actions, regardless of whether the adult verbally advocated selfishness or generosity. When the adult acted generously, students gave the same amount whether generosity was preached or not \u2014 they donated 85 percent more than the norm in both cases. When the adult preached selfishness, even after the adult acted generously, the students still gave 49 percent more than the norm. Children learn generosity not by listening to what their role models say, but by observing what they do."<br /><br />So true. \xa0As I said above, all of this applies to adults too.\xa0\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 260, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 30, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-29T14:10:10.952Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/5XQ1t1Ya3hi5MBEp5jfQGJPCkT0"', u'published': u'2014-04-29T14:10:10.952Z', u'id': u'z12svla42ymsupjw004chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'The stories here are truly astonishing! \xa0In the Basque country, they lift giant stones for sport:\n\n"...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 8, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'Stone Lifting as Sport in the Basque Country', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u'Rural sports like wood chopping, hay bale tossing and stone lifting are part of a cultural fabric that\u2019s still visible today.', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'The stories here are truly astonishing! \xa0In the Basque country, they lift giant stones for sport:<br /><br />"Mr. Perurena is a butcher, a soap opera star on Basque television and, now, a tour guide. But he\u2019s famous in these parts for his stone-lifting feats, and after watching a short film of his superhuman lifting exploits in the museum, it\u2019s easy to see why. We watched footage of him hoisting stones that weigh more than 700 pounds; more footage where he lifted a 589-pound stone with one hand; and yet more in which he rolled a 465-pound stone around his neck 36 times in one minute. He told us that once, to celebrate the airing of the 1,700th episode of \u201cGoenkale,\u201d the soap opera he stars in, he lifted a 212-pound stone 1,700 times in nine hours."\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 57, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 8, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-29T13:15:20.293Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/vI3nrEZlvsgDaL59E7JKOSHBbrc"', u'published': u'2014-04-29T13:15:20.293Z', u'id': u'z13eyxlrbwqvt54yf04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u"I love Robert Shiller's idea of indexing tax rates to income inequality", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 18, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'Better Insurance Against Inequality', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u'The tax system could be tweaked to respond whenever the income gap widens.', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'I love Robert Shiller's idea of indexing tax rates to income inequality <a href=""></a>\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 85, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 43, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-29T04:19:06.409Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/vhJwPFZSOfkyQV2JO2iTTpyhDtI"', u'published': u'2014-04-29T04:19:06.409Z', u'id': u'z133zl05olyjcjf0523gcxizetybvpydh'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'The heart of a star in the heart of a plant.\xa0At the National Botanic Garden yesterday.', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 12, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'The heart of a star in the heart of a plant.\xa0At the National Botanic Garden yesterday.', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'width': 4320, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 2432}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'content': u'IMG_20140419_135959651_HDR.jpg', u'id': u'107033731246200681024.6004348070534756770', u'objectType': u'photo'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'The heart of a star in the heart of a plant.\xa0At the National Botanic Garden yesterday.\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 178, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 15, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-20T12:17:55.009Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/ZB0ftAZK1kbKd9wuw-DhuH_s2j0"', u'published': u'2014-04-20T12:17:55.009Z', u'id': u'z12rzbv5zxftetmah04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'I wrote a post on the Radar blog the other day about how we need to design for the humans in the Internet...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 13, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u"#IoTH: The Internet of Things and Humans - O'Reilly Radar", u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 120, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 120}, u'content': u"Rod Smith\xa0of IBM and I had a call the other day to prepare for our onstage conversation at O'Reilly's upcoming\xa0Solid Conference, and I was surprised to find how much...", u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'I wrote a post on the Radar blog the other day about how we need to design for the humans in the Internet of Things. \xa0I suggested we call it The Internet of Things and Humans (or <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#IoTH</a>, not <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#IoT</a>) to remind us of this fact. \xa0It isn't just a technology play; it's a UX play.\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 59, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 7, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-18T11:30:25.863Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/8lV0tyoxFztb1Y3bACWou8hc-bc"', u'published': u'2014-04-18T11:30:25.863Z', u'id': u'z133znboqmvvdvic123gcxizetybvpydh'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u'The Spring 2014 issue of BioCoder is out now, download your free copy Fungi;...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 28, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'The Spring 2014 issue of BioCoder is out now, download your free copy Fungi; DIYBiomimicry; Hacking Lab Equip + more\n\nWe\u2019re at the start of a revolution that will transform our lives as radically as the computer revolution of the 70s. The biological revolution will touch every aspect of our lives: food and health, certainly, but also art, recreation, law, business, and much more.\n\nBioCoder is the newsletter of that revolution. It\u2019s about biology as it moves from research labs into startup incubators, hacker spaces, and even homes. It\u2019s about a very old programming language that we\u2019re just beginning to understand, and that\u2019s written in a code made up of organic chemicals. It\u2019s the product of a sharing community of scientists that stretches from grade school to post docs and university faculty.\n#Biocoder \xa0 #DIYBiology \xa0 #Biology \xa0 #biotechnology \xa0 #BioTech \xa0#OReilly \xa0\ufeff', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'width': 286, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 430}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'content': u'biocoder-2014spring-286x430.png', u'id': u'108442503368488643007.6002577728574558258', u'objectType': u'photo'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"O'Reilly", u'id': u'108442503368488643007'}, u'content': u'The Spring 2014 issue of BioCoder is out now, download your free copy <a href=""></a> Fungi; DIYBiomimicry; Hacking Lab Equip + more<br /><br />We\u2019re at the start of a revolution that will transform our lives as radically as the computer revolution of the 70s. The biological revolution will touch every aspect of our lives: food and health, certainly, but also art, recreation, law, business, and much more.<br /><br />BioCoder is the newsletter of that revolution. It\u2019s about biology as it moves from research labs into startup incubators, hacker spaces, and even homes. It\u2019s about a very old programming language that we\u2019re just beginning to understand, and that\u2019s written in a code made up of organic chemicals. It\u2019s the product of a sharing community of scientists that stretches from grade school to post docs and university faculty.<br /><a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#Biocoder</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#DIYBiology</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#Biology</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#biotechnology</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#BioTech</a> \xa0<a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#OReilly</a> \xa0\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 85, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 13, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z13ettni2pfcu1yyx04cilnoaonfzdzqqg0', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-16T11:20:48.890Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/7FWCtM531TuZCUZe6_l0ssKQtkg"', u'published': u'2014-04-16T11:20:48.890Z', u'id': u'z124ihfqlwyufdcgg04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u'Did you get your ticket for #OReillySolid yet? Last chance for Early Price ends on Thursday, April 17...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 7, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 120, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 120}, u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'displayName': u'Solid 2014', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"O'Reilly Solid", u'id': u'111784408537882191749'}, u'content': u'Did you get your ticket for <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#OReillySolid</a> yet? Last chance for Early Price ends on Thursday, April 17.<br /><br />Check out the program & get your spot at <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="110630592123672860096">Fort Mason Center</a></span>\xa0May 21-22 for 100+ speakers, <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#robotics</a> demos, <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#3DPrinting</a> , and <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#IoT</a> \xa0in action <a href=""></a>\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 18, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z12lynlplyb5x3s3l22fxtmjzyabdltaw04', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-16T00:28:51.554Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'annotation': u'This is our most important new event in a long time. Smart stuff and smart tools, and the business models that go with them.', u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/qxuW_O5mwUYCsO5cMwYgjj0NeU8"', u'published': u'2014-04-16T00:28:51.554Z', u'id': u'z12ddr0jfn3dyfxm423gcxizetybvpydh'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u"Journalism vs. Punditry: NPR's Kelly McEvers on Why Reporting Matters\n\nThere was a great segment on ...", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 7, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u"NPR's Kelly McEvers Recounts a 'Bad Year' as War Correspondent | KQED", u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u"NPR correspondent Kelly McEvers has reported from the front lines of Syria's civil war and Cairo's Tahrir Square. In her radio documentary 'Diary of a Bad Year,' McEvers chronicles her life as a war correspondent and explores her struggle to balance the dangers of her job with the pressures of family life and raising a young daughter. McEvers joins us to reflect on the life of a war reporter and to discuss her current work with NPR's national des...", u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'<b>Journalism vs. Punditry: NPR's Kelly McEvers on Why Reporting Matters</b><br /><br />There was a great segment on KQED Forum the other day with NPR correspondent Kelly McEvers. \xa0Throughout the segment, she talked about the power of reporting. \xa0She tells the story of when she was called to Bahrain for a government press conference about how all the protests were settled, and heard instead of how there was brutal crackdown going on in a nearby town that very day, rushed to the scene, and were able to report the substance rather than the government-controlled show. \xa0<br /><br />But perhaps the best moment comes at the end of the interview, reproduced below. \xa0(It starts about about minute 47:48 in the audio file.)<br /><br /><b>Caller</b>: \xa0I was in Syria too, and it really bothers me that people like you that have such a rare and important experience, that you don't give your own opinion. \xa0For instance why President Obama... or criticize him for not getting rid of Assad like he got rid of Quaddafi. \xa0And I know your editors and people try to control it and won't let you but I think you could do that now and maybe you could just give me your comments. \xa0It must be very frustrating that you don't give your opinion on what should be done. \xa0You just report a story.<br /><br /><b>McEvers</b>: \xa0Well, guess what? \xa0The people's opinions are <i>much</i> more valuable than <i>my</i> opinion. \xa0Like I was just a conduit. \xa0I'll never forget this one woman. \xa0I was at a funeral in a village in rebel-controlled Syria and it was the first guy to die in this village. And I was on the women's side, with the mourning, and this woman looked at me and she "Where is America? Where is Obama? \xa0What? Syrian children aren't as good as Libyan children?" \xa0She said "You know something? We're not going to forget this. We're not going to forget that you forgot about us." And all I had to do was report that line. I'm sorry but I feel like that's 10,000 times more powerful than <i>me</i> getting up like some TV pundit and spouting my opinion. That's who I am. I'm a journalist. That's my job."<br /><br />How right she is. \xa0What you choose to report is, of course, an expression of your opinion. \xa0But the power of doing it directly, with other people's voices, is profound. Being a channel for otherwise unheard voices that matter can be so much more effective than explicit editorializing.<br /><br />via <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="110226084017096916822">Jennifer Pahlka</a></span>\xa0\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 64, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 8, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-13T14:43:09.111Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/mbAi1FF3aFtXNqXqCu7Gx-hW5ds"', u'published': u'2014-04-13T14:43:09.111Z', u'id': u'z12wfduqvvmcyz4vz23gcxizetybvpydh'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u"It's here! A complete video archive of #FluentConf \xa02014 is now available for purchase.\n\nNow you can...", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 6, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 120, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 120}, u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'displayName': u'Fluent Conference 2014: JavaScript & Beyond Complete Video Compilation', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"O'Reilly Fluent Conference", u'id': u'117706601783121961338'}, u'content': u'It's here! A complete video archive of <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#FluentConf</a> \xa02014 is now available for purchase.<br /><br />Now you can watch all the sessions you missed in person!\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 16, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 2, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z125xpm5lxmquh4l122xy5eivqj2yfz1l', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-07T14:04:58.344Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/YpA3Hzo8PLDzqyvzoNcDMZXmHww"', u'published': u'2014-04-07T14:04:58.344Z', u'id': u'z12ms3ux1nntelin323gcxizetybvpydh'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'Instant Wild is an amazing project for monitoring and protecting endangered species. This interview ...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 8, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'Instant Wild: Smart People, Awesome Technology - Animals', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u'An interview with Alasdair Davies. Instant Wild: web-enabled tools & tech that help rangers, scientists\u2014and you\u2014 to monitor and protect endangered species.', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'Instant Wild is an amazing project for monitoring and protecting endangered species. This interview with the founder explains what it is and how you can help.\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 31, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 3, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-07T13:07:19.615Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/-zGpmuwbK5HdxCivr4VGkfEE7CI"', u'published': u'2014-04-07T13:07:19.615Z', u'id': u'z13zsxko0yjvwfehv04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u'"Manufacturing, Design, Hardware, and the Code that makes sense of it all", \xa0+Joichi Ito\xa0& +Jon Bruner...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 7, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'"Manufacturing, Design, Hardware, and the Code that makes sense of it all", Joi Ito and Jon Bruner', u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 284}, u'content': u' A conversation with Joi Ito (MIT Media Lab) and Jon Bruner (O\'Reilly Media), "Manufacturing, Design, Hardware, and the Code that makes se...', u'embed': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'application/x-shockwave-flash'}, u'objectType': u'video'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"O'Reilly", u'id': u'108442503368488643007'}, u'content': u'"Manufacturing, Design, Hardware, and the Code that makes sense of it all", \xa0<span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="115622466243011136115">Joichi Ito</a></span>\xa0& <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="101046267110900106717">Jon Bruner</a></span>\xa0<br /><br />Joi Ito, <span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="104984516469461796485">Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)</a></span>\xa0 Media Lab director \xa0talks with Jon Bruner,\xa0Editor-at-large. Co-chair of O'Reilly Solid about things like Agile A/B Testing for Hardware, the modular approach to manufacturing and innovation, and the idea that the current user interface for portable devices is really very narrow, and could be much more than the eye and finger that it currently is.<br /><br /> <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#industrialinternet</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#internetofthings</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#Wearables</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#OReilly</a> \xa0 <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#OReillySolid</a> \xa0\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 30, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z13kfnj4ft3fshfjd04cilnoaonfzdzqqg0', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-03T18:59:48.380Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'annotation': u'"The code that makes sense of it all" is a key <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="">#IoT</a> \xa0concept not discussed often enough.', u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/rlpP2OeNcQUl1vdVc5TcqWDnP78"', u'published': u'2014-04-03T18:59:48.380Z', u'id': u'z13yttezesi0cfxiw04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'Well worth reading. \xa0We are going to need a lot more climate data, and a lot more people figuring out...', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 20, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'How open climate data can improve community resilience against climate change', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u"Read how releasing open data supports the federal government's goal of improving community resilience against climate change and primes the pump for meaningful reuse by tech giants.", u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'Well worth reading. \xa0We are going to need a lot more climate data, and a lot more people figuring out how to use it. Open data platforms are a good way to get that happening.\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 85, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 27, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-02T20:30:35.079Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'107033731246200681024'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/1CPSb9FYvp6DTRA8_-69CQFPs-U"', u'published': u'2014-04-02T20:30:35.079Z', u'id': u'z13atpibyziohlwrl04chl3pvxfbszirt5o'} 48 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\107033731246200681024.json 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\112971313488103174611.json activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'Untitled', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2012-04-10T02:04:12.018Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'115665711705516993369'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/W5qnf_977JY9As-wxBCyZfKkQmw"', u'published': u'2012-04-10T02:04:12.018Z', u'id': u'z12sjfsg3zrrtxjw004cihqzulyzzr0x1z40k'} 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\115665711705516993369.json activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u''}, u'title': u"Nice work rabi... bit of don't argue swinging barra action... looks lilke the next one paid the price...", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'Bowling doosras at rats', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 120, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 120}, u'content': u"Late report from last weekend. Landed 5 barra and demolished 3 mangrove pies and a bottle of freezing cold beer. Was a lovely morning, flat as a tack. Here's the video. The doosra cast seems to be the best mechanism for landi...", u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'Nice work rabi... bit of don't argue swinging barra action... looks lilke the next one paid the price for the pulled hooks fish before... as usual, loving the little-lefty-mulligrubber\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-03-25T11:15:50.999Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/zHdQq4F-iWIxtr0Drf1w8jhErwI"', u'published': u'2014-03-25T11:15:50.999Z', u'id': u'z13vhf5pqsintpbrb04cidwbwpn1yl2wwgk'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'Got engaged! <3', u'id': u'116748663416963126929.5906528301650398337', u'thumbnails': [{u'url': u'/photos/116748663416963126929/photo/5906528302715413618', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 379, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 379}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Grow old with me! The best is yet to be. ~ By: Robert Browning'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Champagne Room, Manila Hotel (lovely place, lovely evening, lovely engagement)'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'The night I said "yes" :) I love you Tim O\'Reilly!'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. ~Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'"i want to be the only hand you ever need to hold"'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~Pablo Neruda'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Champagne Room, Manila Hotel ( a romantic evening that I will treasure for the rest of my life )'}], u'objectType': u'album'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u'Hazel Stamatelaky', u'id': u'116748663416963126929'}, u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z13oynzpnpbqipvo204cib44surwcnjzimc0k', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2013-08-01T17:08:23.622Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/C9ydFjpPAy6tOiViFr-2iAlm7Ws"', u'published': u'2013-08-01T17:08:23.622Z', u'id': u'z12ifbxzrlidg5rsw23mj1z5gsjocrb34'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google Mail'}, u'title': u'Surfing Man Logo design', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'June 28, 2013', u'id': u'112630513029834463088.5894730531961370145', u'thumbnails': [{u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 750}, u'description': u''}], u'objectType': u'album'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'Surfing Man Logo design\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2013-06-29T02:45:53.862Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/p-Zjvnm5M-w3SHn0iLb-2i34Dzk"', u'published': u'2013-06-29T02:45:53.862Z', u'id': u'z13jyz5bhujnylqdh23mj1z5gsjocrb34'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u'Captain Snapper and our giant trevally <3', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'width': 5538, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 3429}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'content': u'', u'id': u'116748663416963126929.5879808184698056882', u'objectType': u'photo'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u'Hazel Stamatelaky', u'id': u'116748663416963126929'}, u'content': u'Captain Snapper and our giant trevally <3\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z13gxnig2nv1gnrhk04cib44surwcnjzimc0k', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2013-06-01T23:38:36.581Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/BAAkZikNj2DmXqudGYA6PQOSVRc"', u'published': u'2013-06-01T23:38:36.581Z', u'id': u'z12qenspmnnjh1j4104cidwbwpn1yl2wwgk'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u'Captain Snapper and our giant trevally <3', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'width': 5538, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 3429}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'content': u'', u'id': u'116748663416963126929.5879808184698056882', u'objectType': u'photo'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u'Hazel Stamatelaky', u'id': u'116748663416963126929'}, u'content': u'Captain Snapper and our giant trevally <3\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z13gxnig2nv1gnrhk04cib44surwcnjzimc0k', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2013-05-19T21:59:18.296Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/nVE2rjr6Uxvtyh-PP7pB0-eQDZ4"', u'published': u'2013-05-19T21:59:18.296Z', u'id': u'z13vybmptz2ue5k2l23mj1z5gsjocrb34'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'some recent travel pics in the Torres Strait', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'Torres Strait Album II (38 photos)', u'id': u'112630513029834463088.5777442274051428625', u'thumbnails': [{u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 379, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 379}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u''}], u'objectType': u'album'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'some recent travel pics in the Torres Strait\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2012-09-11T11:26:53.979Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/WxNSIVXVADA-BeSLIrTEyQQS2eQ"', u'published': u'2012-09-11T11:26:53.979Z', u'id': u'z12fdxb4rzroxixckwnsjtfa3x25tst0'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'Torres Strait Travels Album 1', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'Torres Strait travels (41 photos)', u'id': u'112630513029834463088.5771213418383791633', u'thumbnails': [{u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 379, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 379}, u'description': u'shallow bommies within Orman Reefs'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Dauar Island sand spit'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Sunlight sand strip of Dauar Island'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'view of paradise out the light plane cockpit'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Painted crayfish speared over shallow reef'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Shells collected while beach combing'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'swimming Dauar Island'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Crays and Trout for dinner!'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Creek system Moa Island'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Orman Reefs wind lanes'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Trigger Fish outer reefs'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u"gecko Moa Island at 'Poid'"}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Creeks flowing onto reef at Moa Island'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Huge Cycad, Moa Island'}], u'objectType': u'album'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'Torres Strait Travels Album 1\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2012-08-12T05:04:51.139Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/tQV1jABLxm-1TE7y_eYR9iMoBuU"', u'published': u'2012-08-12T05:04:51.139Z', u'id': u'z13fc5mx3m23wvllu23mj1z5gsjocrb34'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'Recent Travels (4 photos)', u'id': u'112630513029834463088.5771213418383791633', u'thumbnails': [{u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 379, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 379}, u'description': u'Dauar Island sand spit'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Dauar Island'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'Flowers Mer Island'}, {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 126, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 126}, u'description': u'swimming Dauar Island'}], u'objectType': u'album'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2012-08-12T05:03:07.000Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/fP_behuSZMGGH5_Qbky1g2CIH8A"', u'published': u'2012-07-31T07:14:33.426Z', u'id': u'z12mtpkpfrzsid2mu23mj1z5gsjocrb34'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'Bush Poetry Readings', u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 303}, u'content': u'Bush poetry read with the scenes played out as a background collage of photos', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2012-05-13T04:48:32.053Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"TIM O'REILLY", u'id': u'112630513029834463088'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/ealvTs_atqwEqaGPkPtEV7XvYvk"', u'published': u'2012-05-13T04:48:32.053Z', u'id': u'z13gyrngosikhbk4004cidwbwpn1yl2wwgk'} 4 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\112630513029834463088.json 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\117480952841562724952.json 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\103336854217201973281.json 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\102467783732787713430.json activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u"Time for a new image! This is a totally different look for me, but it's grabbed me deep inside since...", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'width': 1500, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 935}, u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'content': u'Blog Shot0001.jpg', u'id': u'107328949221172543768.5772092975151234786', u'objectType': u'photo'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u'Ben Canales', u'id': u'107328949221172543768'}, u'content': u'Time for a new image! This is a totally different look for me, but it's grabbed me deep inside since it first showed up on the back of my camera.\xa0<br />It's different for me because usually I am looking for things to ADD into the frame, not shoot with an empty landscape. But, at the top of South Sister, in a snow-filled crater there was literally nothing around! So, I tried some shots out and then was amazed to discover I loved the emptiness of it. Oh, and this is ISO 8000 on the new 1Dx!\xa0<br /><br />New "style" for me, but I like it. I'm not finished processing it, but I really wanted to get a version up online for you to see.<br />What do you think?<br /><br />Also, in case you missed it- on the same night I shot this, we did a 1Dx vs 5D3 shoot off for the best Canon star shooting camera. Sample images, notes, and winner is shown here in this blog:<br /><a href=""></a><br /><br /><span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="108705174211639807508">Brian Matiash</a></span>\xa0let's go shoot one night later in August!\xa0<br /><span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="100962871525684315897">Scott Jarvie</a></span>\xa0I would say wish you could have joined us up here, but the hike up sucked!\xa0<br /><span class="proflinkWrapper"><span class="proflinkPrefix">+</span><a class="proflink" href="" oid="116214152295449083654">Ron Garan</a></span>\xa0this is the closest to stars in Space I think I'll get ;-)\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z12lzf2wwpfpglflx22nzrararqrfhpdi', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2012-11-26T04:31:27.731Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Timothy O'Reilly", u'id': u'107415629896108700526'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/Aw3qOL3I8h42F1gRmYA8WnesujQ"', u'published': u'2012-11-26T04:31:27.731Z', u'id': u'z13qzpoa0zjvv30el22jyf3jmtbhuzd34'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google+'}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u"Nation's Uncles Enter Last Stage Of Prep For Thursday's Thanksgiving Debates", u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'image/jpeg'}, u'url': u',30463/', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 120, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 120}, u'content': u'WASHINGTON\u2014Sequestered in their homes today to review talking points on a range of topics from gay marriage to Gaza to the wisdom of purchasing a hybrid car, the nation\u2019s uncles have reportedly entere...', u'objectType': u'article'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2012-11-20T20:59:30.996Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Timothy O'Reilly", u'id': u'107415629896108700526'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/6lgrNw7I7y76aQUZwzXgmTDrIgs"', u'published': u'2012-11-20T20:59:30.996Z', u'id': u'z134ddsysnmwfdo4u04cdztghyf4xrfx4gk'} activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Reshared Post'}, u'title': u"Facebook reaches the magical 1bn. That's 1bn birthdays! Video brought to you by Hope you...", u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'A billion Facebook birthdays by', u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 284}, u'content': u' presents a video after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that the social networking site has reached 1 billion users. So wh...', u'embed': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'application/x-shockwave-flash'}, u'objectType': u'video'}], u'url': u'', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u'Kealan Lennon', u'id': u'106425005641011823521'}, u'content': u'Facebook reaches the magical 1bn. That's 1bn birthdays! Video brought to you by Hope you like and share......\xa0\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'id': u'z13ocluwbnq1ehgt123whlfhsqajjta5z04', u'objectType': u'activity'}, u'updated': u'2012-10-05T16:18:36.485Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Timothy O'Reilly", u'id': u'107415629896108700526'}, u'annotation': u'Cannot wait to use Cleverbug.', u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'share', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/zSMegTGz8Gv7cwyxzQ9joUZSEeQ"', u'published': u'2012-10-05T16:18:36.485Z', u'id': u'z12nfjvqrqrfifbou04cdztghyf4xrfx4gk'} activity: {u'placeName': u'SFO', u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Google Check-ins'}, u'title': u'I love the Virgin America experience especially when booked Priority....also got through shorter security...', u'url': u'', u'geocode': u'37.61892318725586 -122.38636779785156', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'url': u'', u'content': u'I love the Virgin America experience especially when booked Priority....also got through shorter security line because I was 'PriorIty'. Awesome. <br /><br />Back to MA for the last time as a resident. Pity, but love SF and Bay the new chapter begins :)\ufeff', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 8, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2011-08-04T04:40:30.584Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Timothy O'Reilly", u'id': u'107415629896108700526'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'checkin', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/-j4-gA_n6uPe1kAZtUmwhrVcJ_M"', u'location': {u'position': {u'latitude': 37.61892318725586, u'longitude': -122.38636779785156}, u'kind': u'plus#place', u'displayName': u'SFO', u'id': u'4022474385011680911', u'address': {u'formatted': u'806 South Airport Boulevard, San Francisco, California, United States'}}, u'published': u'2011-08-04T04:40:30.584Z', u'id': u'z13ittba1ne5jtuip04cdztghyf4xrfx4gk', u'address': u'806 South Airport Boulevard, San Francisco, California, United States'} 1 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\107415629896108700526.json activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u''}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'displayName': u'IndividualActionSpeech2', u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 506, u'type': u'image/jpeg', u'height': 379}, u'content': u'', u'embed': {u'url': u'', u'type': u'application/x-shockwave-flash'}, u'objectType': u'video'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-07-21T12:35:03.092Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Tim O'Reilly", u'id': u'106492472890341598734'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/YG22CzM2L5QT64XB-K9PBcs8yJM"', u'published': u'2014-07-21T12:35:03.092Z', u'id': u'z132jtghcpvhxra5l04ccrm4jvebspawjk00k'} 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\106492472890341598734.json activity: {u'kind': u'plus#activity', u'provider': {u'title': u'Events'}, u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'object': {u'resharers': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'attachments': [{u'content': u'', u'url': u'', u'displayName': u'Seattle University Enactus Spring Advisory Board', u'objectType': u'event'}], u'url': u'', u'content': u'', u'plusoners': {u'totalItems': 1, u'selfLink': u''}, u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'selfLink': u''}, u'objectType': u'note'}, u'updated': u'2014-04-08T18:22:15.391Z', u'actor': {u'url': u'', u'image': {u'url': u''}, u'displayName': u"Timothy O'Reilly", u'id': u'104189405442379396369'}, u'access': {u'items': [{u'type': u'public'}], u'kind': u'plus#acl', u'description': u'Public'}, u'verb': u'post', u'etag': u'"L2Xbn8bDuSErT6QA3PEQiwYKQxM/rhEy06kmjaAojptDMOxLEE0fcqk"', u'published': u'2014-04-08T18:22:15.391Z', u'id': u'z13ysj4pqxv1xheqo04cdboo4pivgruihyc0k'} 0 activities written to E:\eclipse\Google\dfile\104189405442379396369.json Input query(None to quit):