标签:dep logs form rar ref pre eof ext depend
#!/bin/bash set -e MINGW=${MINGW:-${ARCH:-x86_64}-w64-mingw32} PREFIX=${PREFIX:-usr} WORKSPACE=${WORKSPACE:-$(pwd)} TARGET=${TARGET:-${WORKSPACE}} WINREQ=${WINREQ:-${TARGET}/${PREFIX}} BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER:-0} ARCH=${ARCH:-${MINGW%%-*}} BINDIR=${BINDIR:-${PREFIX}/exe} LIBDIR=${LIBDIR:-${PREFIX}/exe} PLUGINDIR=${PLUGINDIR:-${PREFIX}/exe} WININC=${WININC:-${WINREQ}/include} WINLIB=${WINLIB:-${WINREQ}/exe} version= download=0 zip=0 while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in (-h|--help) cat<<EOF $0 [OPTIONS] [CONFIGURE-ARGUMENTS] OPTIONS: -h, --help show this help -z, --zip create zip package -v, --version specify version string -d, --download download sources otherwise sources must be in $(pwd) CONFIGURE-ARGUMENTS: Arguments that are passed to configure. VARIABLES: MINGW mingw parameter (default: $MINGW) PREFIX relative installation prefix (default: $PREFIX) WORKSPACE workspace path (default: $WORKSPACE) WINREQ path to required windows libraries (default: $WINREQ) TARGET installation target (default: $TARGET) BUILD_NUMBER build number (default: $BUILD_NUMBER) ARCH architecture (default: $ARCH) BINDIR install dir for exe files (default: $BINDIR) LIBDIR install dir for dll files (default: $LIBDIR) PLUGINDIR install dir for qt plugins (default: $PLUGINDIR) WININC path to required windows include files (default: $WININC) WINLIB path to required windows libraries (default: $WINLIB) DEPENDENCIES: openssl /build-openssl.sh icu /build-icu.sh Builds QT for Windows EOF exit ;; (-d|--download) download=1;; (-v|--version) shift; version="$1";; (-z|--zip) zip=1;; (*) break;; esac if ! test $# -gt 0; then echo "ERROR: missing parameter" 1>&2 exit 1 fi shift done set -x cd ${WORKSPACE} if test $download -eq 1; then git clone https://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git qt5 cd qt5 if test -z "$version"; then version=$(git branch -r | sed -n ‘s,^ *origin/\([0-9.]\+\)$,\1,p‘ | tail -1) fi git checkout "$version" perl init-repository --module-subset=default,-qtwebkit,-qtwebkit-examples,-qtwebengine elif test -d qt5; then cd qt5 fi if test -z "$version"; then version=$(git branch | sed -n ‘s,^\* *,,p‘) fi path=qt-${version} [[ "$version" =~ ^[0-9.]+$ ]] echo "Version: $version" echo "Package: $path" git submodule foreach --recursive "git clean -dfx" # bugfixes: # MinGW has no uiviewsettingsinterop.h sed -i ‘/^ *# *define *HAS_UI_VIEW_SETTINGS_INTEROP *$/d‘ qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwin10helpers.cpp # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-38223 sed -i ‘/option(host_build)/d‘ qtactiveqt/src/tools/idc/idc.pro # /workdir/qtwinextras/src/winextras # qwinjumplist.cpp:404:106: error: ‘SHCreateItemFromParsingName’ was not declared in this scope sed -i ‘/# *if *defined *( *_WIN32_IE *) *&& *_WIN32_IE *<< *0x0700/{s,<<,<,}‘ qtwinextras/src/winextras/qwinjumplist.cpp # in qtexttospeech_sapi.cpp file sphelper.h is missing → "-skip qtspeech" ./configure -v -recheck-all -opensource -confirm-license -xplatform win32-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=${MINGW}- -no-compile-examples -I"${WININC}" -L"${WINLIB}" -prefix "${TARGET}/${PREFIX}" -bindir "${TARGET}/$BINDIR" -libdir "${TARGET}/$LIBDIR" -plugindir "${TARGET}/$PLUGINDIR" -libexecdir "${TARGET}/$LIBDIR" -system-proxies -opengl desktop -openssl-runtime -skip qtspeech -skip qtlocation -shared -release $* make make install # bugfixes: # Qt pkg-config files link to debug version in release build # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-60028 for f in "${TARGET}/${LIBDIR}"/pkgconfig/*.pc; do sed -i ‘s,\(-lQt5[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*\)d,\1,g‘ "$f" done if test $zip -eq 1; then cd "${TARGET}" zip -r "${path}~windows.${BUILD_NUMBER}_${ARCH}.zip" "${PREFIX}" fi
build-qt.sh(Cross compile in Linux for Windows)
标签:dep logs form rar ref pre eof ext depend