import easygui,random
secret = random.randint(1,99)
easygui.msgbox("""I have a secret ,It is a number from 1-99 ,you have 6 tries
.OK let‘do it.""")
while tries < 6 and guess != secret:
guess = easygui.integerbox("what‘s your guess,metey?")
//只允许输整数,若是小数可以用 guess = float(easygui.enterbox("what‘s your guess,metey?"))
if not guess: break
if guess < secret:
easygui.msgbox(str(guess)+"is too low !")
elif guess > secret:
easygui.msgbox(str(guess)+"is too high,landlubber!")
tries = tries + 1
if guess == secret:
easygui.msgbox("you got it,congratulate")
easygui.msgbox("No more chance.my secret is "+str(secret),"Test")
注意,easygui.msgbox 对应到目录中是/lib/easygui/__init__.py 中的
__all__ = [‘buttonbox‘,
# Import all functions that form the API
from .boxes.button_box import buttonbox
from .boxes.diropen_box import diropenbox
from .boxes.fileopen_box import fileopenbox
from .boxes.filesave_box import filesavebox
from .boxes.text_box import textbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import ynbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import ccbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import boolbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import indexbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import msgbox
//这里真实的目录就是 安装路径/Lib/boxes/derived_boxes
from .boxes.derived_boxes import integerbox
from .boxes.multi_fillable_box import multenterbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import enterbox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import exceptionbox
from .boxes.choice_box import choicebox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import codebox
from .boxes.derived_boxes import passwordbox
from .boxes.multi_fillable_box import multpasswordbox
from .boxes.choice_box import multchoicebox
from .boxes.egstore import EgStore, read_or_create_settings
from .boxes.about import eg_version, egversion, abouteasygui
from .boxes.demo import easygui_demo as egdemo
msgbox(msg="(Your message goes here)", title=" ",
ok_button="OK", image=None, root=None): 使用格式。
easygui.msgbox("""I have a secret ,It is a number from 1-99 ,you have 6 tries
.OK let‘do it.""","Test","YES","D:/picture/2.gif") //是使用事例
import easygui
name = easygui.enterbox("what‘s your name?")
room_num = easygui.enterbox("what‘s your room number?")
street_num = easygui.enterbox("what‘s your street name?")
city = easygui.enterbox("what‘s your city?")
province = easygui.enterbox("what‘s your province?")
country = easygui.enterbox("what‘s your country?")
"\r\n" 换行显示的关键,若是linux系统中是"\n".
本文出自 “姑苏城” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://ji123.blog.51cto.com/11333309/1964087