标签:cep string 情况 管理 ace 格式 fbo length main
1:java 诞生时C++太费电脑资源,不方便嵌入式移植
2:java 编写一次到处运行
java 是一门编程语言,移除了内存管理、安全性这类复杂的特性,转而将这些任务交给了虚拟机管理。
8:动态特性:内省(introspection) 反射(reflection)
1: 提供了类库
1:引入javaBean 组件。
2:引入 远程方法调用。让客户端调用运行在远程服务器的应用程序
1:引入Swing 图形编辑类库
2:提供 2D API
3: 实现拖拽功能
5:引入 java平台上的ORB 对象请求代理实现类库
1: 声明语法:
1 type arrayName();
1 type[ ] arrayName ;
1 int [ ] numberArray; //声明一个数组类型变量 numberArray ,其数组元素类型为int 2 numberArray= new int[20] ; //保存10个整数分配了连续内存,并将首个元算内存地址赋值给变量numberArray.数组初始化器为numberArray数组所有元算提供初始化值。
1 //访问数组元素:就是使用索引来访问数组元算。数组的每个元算都拥有唯一的索引值。数组元素可以使用数组名并跟上方括号内的索引值进行访问。 2 3 arrayName[indexValue]; 4 5 //示例: 6 int[] num=new int[5]; 7 int a1=num[0];//注意:下标是从0开始算数组总长度个数值的;如果下标不对则会出现 ArrayIndexOutOfBounds异常。
1 //示例: 2 int[] num_Array=net int[10]; 3 //赋值 4 num_Array[0]=0; 5 num_Array[1]=1; 6 num_Array[2]=2; 7 ... 8 num_Array[10]=10; 9 //如果值相同或则有规律可循。往往使用循环比较好用 10 for(int 1=0;i<10;i++){ 11 num_Array[i]=i+1; 12 }
1 int[] num_Array={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,78} ;
1 2 import java.io.*; 3 /** 4 * 显示数组用法程序 5 * 6 **/ 7 public class TestScoreAverage { 8 9 public static void main(String[] args) { 10 final int NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS = 5; //final 关键字在程序中创建常量,变量被声明后值不可以再此被改变 11 int[] marks = new int[NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS]; 12 try { 13 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( System.in)); 15 for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS; i++) { 16 System.out.print("Enter marks for student #" + (i + 1) + ": "); 17 String str = reader.readLine(); 18 marks[i] = Integer.parseInt(str); 19 } 20 } catch (Exception e) { 21 e.printStackTrace(); 22 } 23 int total = 0; 24 for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS; i++) { 25 total += marks[i]; 26 } 27 System.out.println("Average Marks " + (float) total 28 / NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS); 29 } 30 }
1 //for_each循环可以在不使用元素索引值的情况下遍历整个数组 2 3 //这个是jdk5的新特性 4 for(type varableName :collection){ 5 loopBody 6 } 7
1 int[] n ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,7,67,6}; 2 for(int m: n){ 3 System.out.println(m); 4 } 5
1 2 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 //二维数组:例如一个包含 行与列的表格。其中表格的每一个单元格代表一个数组元算。 4 //声明格式如下: 5 type arrayName[][]; 6 type[] [] arrayname; 7 8 //具体示例如下: 9 final int n1=5; // 代表行 10 final int n2=10 ; //代表列 11 12 int[ ] [ ] m ; 13 m=new int[n1] [n2] ; 14 15 //其元素格值显示: 16 m[4][5]=5; 17 18 //-------初始化------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 //1:运行时初始化 20 arrayName[row] [col] =data; 21 //例如: 22 int [][] m =new int[5][10];‘ 23 //数组的单元格可以使用如下程序初始化 24 m[0][1]=1; 25 m[0][2]=2; 26 .... 27 m[5][10]=50 28 29 30 //2:循环初始化 31 32 final int r=5;c=10 ; 33 int [][] m=new int[r][c]; 34 for(int i=o;i<r;i++){ 35 for(int j=0;j<c;j++){ 36 m[r][n]=i*j; 37 } 38 } 39 40 //使用数组字面量初始化 41 int [][] m={{1,1},{2,2},{3,3},{4,5}};
1 2 3 /** 4 * 展示使用二维数组的程序 5 * 6 **/ 7 public class MultiDimArrayApp { 8 9 public static void main(String[] args) { 10 final int MAX_STUDENTS = 50, MAX_SUBJECTS = 3; 11 int[][] marks = new int[MAX_STUDENTS][MAX_SUBJECTS]; 12 // Adding data to the array 13 for (int id = 0; id < MAX_STUDENTS; id++) { 14 for (int subject = 0; subject < MAX_SUBJECTS; subject++) { 15 marks[id][subject] = (int) (Math.random() * 100); 16 } 17 } 18 // Printing Array 19 System.out.print("Student\t"); 20 for (int subject = 0; subject < MAX_SUBJECTS; subject++) { 21 System.out.print("\t" + "Subject " + subject + "\t"); 22 } 23 System.out.println(); 24 for (int id = 0; id < MAX_STUDENTS; id++) { 25 System.out.print("Student " + (id + 1) + ‘\t‘); 26 for (int subject = 0; subject < MAX_SUBJECTS; subject++) { 27 System.out.print("\t" + marks[id][subject] + "\t"); 28 } 29 System.out.println(); 30 } 31 } 32 }
1 int i=0; 2 for(int[] a:m){ 3 System.out.println("a"+i+++‘\t‘); 4 for(int v : a){ 5 System.out.println("\t"+v+"\t"); 6 } 7 System.out.println(); 8 }
1 //三维数组声明 2 type[][][] arrayName=new type[size][size][ size ] ; 3 //即: 4 int [][][]a=new int[1][2][3];
1 /** 2 * 确定数组长度 3 * 4 **/ 5 public class ArrayLengthApp { 6 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 final int SIZE = 5; 9 int[] integerArray = new int[SIZE]; 10 float[] floatArray = {5.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.5f}; 11 String[] weekDays = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", 12 "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}; 13 int[][] jaggedArray = { 14 {5, 4}, 15 {10, 15, 12, 15, 18}, 16 {6, 9, 10}, 17 {12, 5, 8, 11} 18 }; 19 System.out.println("integerArray length: " + integerArray.length); 20 System.out.println("floatArray length: " + floatArray.length); 21 System.out.println("Number of days in a week: " + weekDays.length); 22 System.out.println("Length of jaggedArray: " + jaggedArray.length); 23 int row = 0; 24 for (int[] memberRow : jaggedArray) { 25 System.out.println("\tArray length for row " 26 + ++row + ": " + memberRow.length); 27 } 28 } 29 }
1 2 import java.util.Arrays; 3 /** 4 * 数组复制 5 * 6 **/ 7 public class ArrayCopyApp { 8 9 public static void main(String[] args) { 10 float[] floatArray = {5.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.5f}; 11 float[] floatArrayCopy = floatArray.clone(); //此方法为数组的复制方法:把a数组的所有元算复制到b数组中 12 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(floatArray) + " - Original"); 13 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(floatArrayCopy) + " - Copy"); 14 System.out.println(); 15 System.out.println("Modifying the second element of the original array"); 16 floatArray[1] = 20; 17 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(floatArray) 18 + " - Original after modification"); 19 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(floatArrayCopy) + " - Copy"); 20 System.out.println(); 21 System.out.println("Modifying the third element of the copy array"); 22 floatArrayCopy[2] = 30; 23 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(floatArray) + " - Original"); 24 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(floatArrayCopy) 25 + " - Copy array after modification"); 26 } 27 }
1 /** 2 * 找出数组的类表示 3 * 4 **/ 5 public class ArrayClassNameApp { 6 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 final int SIZE = 5; 9 int[] integerArray = new int[SIZE]; 10 float[] floatArray = {5.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.5f}; 11 String[] weekDays = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", 12 "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}; 13 int[][] jaggedArray = { 14 {5, 4}, 15 {10, 15, 12, 15, 18}, 16 {6, 9, 10}, 17 {12, 5, 8, 11} 18 }; 19 Class cls = integerArray.getClass(); 20 21 System.out.println( 22 "The class name of integerArray: " + cls.getName() ); // arrayName.getClass() 23 cls = floatArray.getClass(); 24 25 System.out.println( 26 "The class name of floatArray: " + cls.getName()); 27 cls = weekDays.getClass(); 28 29 System.out.println( 30 "The class name of weekDays: " + cls.getName()); 31 cls = jaggedArray.getClass(); 32 33 System.out.println( 34 "The class name of jaggedArray: " + cls.getName()); 35 System.out.println(); 36 cls = cls.getSuperclass(); 37 38 System.out.println( 39 "The super class of an array object: " 40 + cls.getName()); 41 } 42 }
标签:cep string 情况 管理 ace 格式 fbo length main