标签:false example row eth exists php手册 instance 代码 invoke
thinkphp\library\think\route\dispatch\Module.php P108 用到 is_callable()方法
if (is_callable([$instance, $action])) { // 执行操作方法 $call = [$instance, $action]; // 自动获取请求变量 $vars = $this->app->config(‘app.url_param_type‘) ? $this->app[‘request‘]->route() : $this->app[‘request‘]->param(); } elseif (is_callable([$instance, ‘_empty‘])) { // 空操作 $call = [$instance, ‘_empty‘]; $vars = [$actionName]; } else { // 操作不存在 throw new HttpException(404, ‘method not exists:‘ . get_class($instance) . ‘->‘ . $action . ‘()‘); } $this->app[‘hook‘]->listen(‘action_begin‘, $call); return Container::getInstance()->invokeMethod($call, $vars); }
但是当 $instance中有 __call 方法时,is_callable([$instance, $action]) 返回的总为true,需要注意,貌似Thinkphp5中反射导致的__call方法无效(个人临时理解)
colin 03-Oct-2010 08:30 //代码块来自PHP手册 I haven‘t seen anyone note this before, but is_callable will correctly determine the existence of methods made with __call. The method_exists function will not. Example: <?php class Test { public function testing($not = false) { $not = $not ? ‘true‘ : ‘false‘; echo "testing - not: $not<br/>"; } public function __call($name, $args) { if(preg_match(‘/^not([A-Z]\w+)$/‘, $name, $matches)) { $fn_name = strtolower($matches[1]); if(method_exists($this, $fn_name)) { $args[] = true; // add NOT boolean to args return call_user_func_array(array($this, $matches[1]), $args); } } die("No method with name: $name<br/>"); } } $t = new Test(); $t->testing(); $t->notTesting(); echo "exists: ".method_exists($t, ‘notTesting‘).‘<br/>‘; echo "callable: ".is_callable(array($t, ‘notTesting‘)); ?> Output: testing - not: false testing - not: true exists: callable: 1
标签:false example row eth exists php手册 instance 代码 invoke