标签:inf cal can moc info cout zab primer lin
#include<iostream> struct students { char firstname[20]; char lastname[20]; char grade; int age; }; int main() { using namespace std; students student1; cout << "What is your fistname? "; cin.get(student1.firstname, 20).get(); cout << "What is your lastname? "; cin.getline(student1.lastname, 20); cout << "What latter grade do you deserve? "; cin >> student1.grade; cout << "What is your age? "; cin >> student1.age; cin.get(); cout << endl; cout << "name: " << student1.firstname << " , " << student1.lastname << endl; cout << "grade: " << char (student1.grade + 1) << endl; cout << "age: " << student1.age; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> struct students { char firstname[20]; char lastname[20]; char grade; int age; }; int main() { using namespace std; students student1; cout << "What is your fistname? "; cin.get(student1.firstname, 20).get(); cout << "What is your lastname? "; cin.getline(student1.lastname, 20); cout << "What latter grade do you deserve? "; cin >> student1.grade; cout << "What is your age? "; cin >> student1.age; cin.get(); cout << endl; cout << "name: " << student1.firstname << " , " << student1.lastname << endl; cout << "grade: " << char (student1.grade + 1) << endl; cout << "age: " << student1.age; cin.get(); }
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> const int Strlen = 20; int main() { using namespace std; char first_name[Strlen]; char last_name[Strlen]; char full_name[2 * Strlen]; cout << "Enter your first name: "; cin.get(first_name, Strlen).get(); cout << "Enter your last name: "; cin.get(last_name, Strlen).get(); strcpy_s(full_name, last_name);//strcpy经常发生缓存区溢出,被视为是不安全的 strcat_s(full_name, ", "); strcat_s(full_name, first_name); cout << "Here‘s the information in a single string: " << full_name; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { using namespace std; string firstname; string lastname, fullname; cout << "Enter your first name: "; getline(cin, firstname); cout << "Enter your last name: "; cin >> lastname; cin.get(); fullname = firstname + ‘,‘ + lastname; cout << "Here‘s the information in a single string: " << fullname; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> #include<string> struct CandyBar { std::string brand; double weight; int calories; }; S int main() { using namespace std; CandyBar snack = { "Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350 }; cout << snack.brand << endl << snack.weight << endl << snack.calories; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> #include<string> struct CandyBar { std::string brand; double weight; int calories; }; int main() { using namespace std; int i; CandyBar candy[3]{ {"haha",12.3,24}, {"jude",11.2,25}, {"zc",25.2,132} }; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << "candybar " << i << endl << candy[i].brand << endl << candy[i].weight << endl << candy[i].calories << endl; } cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> #include<string> struct PizzaBar { std::string name; float diameter; float weight; }; int main() { using namespace std; PizzaBar pizza; cout << "Please Enter your pizza name: "; cin >> pizza.name; cout << "Please Enter your pizza diameter: "; cin >> pizza.diameter; cout << "Please Enter your pizza weight: "; cin >> pizza.weight; cin.get(); cout << "your pizza well be ordered ,please confirm!" << endl; cout << pizza.name << endl << pizza.diameter << endl << pizza.weight; cin.get(); }
#include <iostream> #include<string> int main() { using namespace std; char *name = new char[20]; double *diameter = new double; double *weight = new double; cout << "pizza name: "; cin >> name; cout << "pizza weight: "; cin >> *weight; cout << "pizza diameter: "; cin >> *diameter; cin.get(); cout << "name: " << name << endl; cout << "weight:" << *weight << endl; cout << "diameter: " << *diameter << endl; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; struct CandyBar { string brand; double weight; int calories; }; int main() { CandyBar *candy = new CandyBar[3]; int i; candy->brand = "dad"; candy->weight = 12.16; candy->calories = 123; (candy + 1)->brand = "wqe"; (candy + 1)->weight = 45.6; (candy + 1)->calories = 456; (candy + 2)->brand = "zxc"; (candy + 2)->weight = 78.9; (candy + 2)->calories = 789; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << "display " << i+1 << " CandyBar\n"; cout << "brand: " << candy[i].brand << endl; cout << "weight: " << candy[i].weight << endl; cout << "calories: " << candy[i].calories << endl; cout << endl; } delete [] candy; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> #include<array> int main() { using namespace std; array<double, 3> score; double sum = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << "input " << i+1 << " score: "; cin >> score[i]; sum += score[i]; cout << "display " << i + 1 << " average score is " << sum / (i + 1) << endl; cin.get(); } cin.get(); }
标签:inf cal can moc info cout zab primer lin