标签:定义 es2017 切割 contains sync函数 调用 eject name 防范
/** * 作者: 林森 * 日期: 2017年1月5日 * CopyRight @lins */ package com.yunkang.ykcachemanage.provider.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ColumnMapRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionCallback; import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate; import com.alibaba.dubbo.config.annotation.Service; import com.yunkang.ykcachemanage.keys.CacheKeys.cache_keys; import com.yunkang.ykcachemanage.keys.CacheKeys; import com.yunkang.ykcachemanage.keys.DictCacheLoader; import com.yunkang.yktechcom.cache.DictCacheHelper; import com.yunkang.yktechcom.jdbc.JDBCRouteHelper; /** * * 项目名称:ykcachemanage-provider * * 类描述: * * 从数据库获取数据并缓存到redis中 为防止多个线程并发重刷redis可能导致无限循环加载问题,该服务建议只开一一个,同时刷新方法提供同步保护 * 另外限制同一个字典十秒内只能刷新一次 * 该服务一般用于重置或初始化redis,初始化后redis与mysql的同步由业务系统的在维护字典时,手工调用缓存更新api保证. * * * 创建人:林森 * * 创建时间:2017年1月5日 修改人: 修改时间: 修改备注: * * @version * */ @Service public class DictCacheLoaderProvider implements DictCacheLoader { @Autowired JDBCRouteHelper jdbcRouteHelper; @Autowired DictCacheHelper dictCacheHelper; //针对不同的缓存集合,使用不同的锁 Map<String, Object> mapLock = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); //记录上次重刷缓存的时间,用于防止恶意重刷。 static Map<String, Date> lastReload = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Override public void reloadCache(String idFieldName, cache_keys setKey, Map<String, Object> splitFields, Map<String, Object> filter, Map<String, String> dbParam) { String[] splitFieldValue = splitFields.values().toArray(new String[0]); String lockKey = CacheKeys.getPrefix(splitFieldValue) + setKey; if (mapLock.get(lockKey) == null) { synchronized (this) { if (mapLock.get(lockKey) == null) { mapLock.put(lockKey, new Object()); } } } Object lock = mapLock.get(lockKey); synchronized (lock) { Date lastReloadDate = lastReload.get(lockKey); if (lastReload.get(lockKey) == null || (new Date().getTime() - lastReloadDate.getTime()) > 30 * 1000) {// 30秒内不重刷 dictCacheHelper.removeAll(CacheKeys.getPrefix(splitFieldValue) + setKey); this.reloadCacheFromDB(idFieldName, setKey, splitFields, filter,dbParam); lastReload.put(lockKey, new Date()); } else { // ===rejectreload redis from db " + setKey + Thread.currentThread()); } } } static String sqlGetDoctor = "select * from doctors where status=‘1‘"; static String sqlDefault = "select * from %s where 1=1 "; private void reloadCacheFromDB(String idFieldName, cache_keys setKey, Map<String, Object> splitFields, Map<String, Object> filter, Map<String, String> dbParam) { switch (setKey) { case KHLIS_DOCTORS: doLoadFromDB(setKey, idFieldName, splitFields, sqlGetDoctor, filter, dbParam); break; default: doLoadFromDB(setKey, idFieldName, splitFields, getSqlFromSetKey(setKey, sqlDefault), filter, dbParam); break; } } // 使用setkey推测数据表的名字. private String getSqlFromSetKey(cache_keys setKey, String sql) { String tableName = setKey.toString().substring(setKey.toString().indexOf(‘_‘) + 1).toLowerCase(); return String.format(sql, tableName); } /** * @param setKey 用于确定要加载的字典表 * @param idFieldName 字典表的主键名称,多个冒号隔开 * @param splitFields 字典表切割字段,将字典表切割为多个缓存. * @param filter 只有满足条件的才会加载到缓存 * @param dbParam 对应数据路由表的用于分库的三个字段 org_id,app_id,dbs_type * 从数据库读取字典表的数据后更新缓存 */ private void doLoadFromDB(cache_keys setKey, String idFieldName, Map<String, Object> splitFields, String sql, Map<String, Object> filter, Map<String, String> dbParam) { String orgId = dbParam.get("org_id"); String appId = dbParam.get("app_id"); String dbsType = dbParam.get("dbs_type"); if (orgId == null || appId == null|| dbsType == null) throw new RuntimeException("org_id,app_id,dbs_type必须有,否则无法加载缓存"); String[] splitFieldValues = splitFields.values().toArray(new String[0]); List<Map<String, Object>> po = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(sql); for (Entry<String, Object> item : splitFields.entrySet()) { sb.append(String.format(" and %s=:%s ", item.getKey(), item.getKey())); } Map<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (filter != null) { for (Entry<String, Object> item : filter.entrySet()) { sb.append(String.format(" and %s=:%s ", item.getKey(), item.getKey())); } paramMap.putAll(filter); } paramMap.putAll(splitFields); MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource(paramMap); NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbc = jdbcRouteHelper.getJDBCTemplate(orgId, appId,dbsType); TransactionTemplate trans = jdbcRouteHelper.getTransactionTemplate(orgId, appId,dbsType); po = (List<Map<String, Object>>) trans .execute(new TransactionCallback<List<Map<String, Object>>>() { public List<Map<String, Object>> doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { return jdbc.query(sb.toString(), paramSource, new ColumnMapRowMapper()); } }); Map<String, Object> mapValues = new HashMap<>(); for (Map<String, Object> item : po) { if (idFieldName.contains(":")) {// 多字段主键 String[] ids = idFieldName.split(":"); String keys = ""; for (String _id : ids) { keys += item.get(_id).toString() + ":"; } mapValues.put(keys, item); } else { mapValues.put(item.get(idFieldName).toString(), item); } } dictCacheHelper.setAll(CacheKeys.getPrefix(splitFieldValues) + setKey, mapValues); } }
标签:定义 es2017 切割 contains sync函数 调用 eject name 防范