标签:index logs nbsp import stop 练习 test func top
#无传参版 import time def timer(func):# 函数test当做了一个变量传给了func def conut(): start_time=time.time() func() stop_time=time.time() print(‘the func run time is %s‘%(stop_time-start_time)) return conut # @timer # 相当于test=timer(test) def test(): time.sleep(3) print(‘in the test‘) test=timer(test) test() #有传参版 import time def timer(func):# 函数test当做了一个变量传给了func def conut(*args,**kwargs): start_time=time.time() func(*args,**kwargs) stop_time=time.time() print(‘the func run time is %s‘%(stop_time-start_time)) return conut @timer # 相当于test=timer(test) def test(name,age): time.sleep(3) print(‘%s is %s‘%(name,age)) # test=timer(test) test(‘bruce‘,22) #高级版 import time name,password=‘bruce‘,‘123456‘ def auth(auth_type): def out_wrapper(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if auth_type == ‘local‘: username=input(‘User:‘).strip() passwd=input(‘Passwd:‘).strip() if username == name and passwd == password: print(‘\033[32;1m认证成功!\033[32;0m‘) ret = func(*args,**kwargs) return ret else: exit() elif auth_type == ‘ldap‘: print(‘不会!‘) return wrapper return out_wrapper @auth(auth_type=‘ldap‘) def index(): print(‘welcom to index page‘) @auth(auth_type=‘local‘) def home(): print(‘welcom to home page‘) return home index() home()
标签:index logs nbsp import stop 练习 test func top