标签:http with == status 实现 linu cti for empty
Linux 定时任务
* * * * * /usr/bin/curl http://tc.m.com/test.php
/** * User: [一秋] * Date: 2017/9/18 * Time: 上午8:56 * Desc: 成功来源于点滴 */ namespace app\api\service; //订单队列 use app\api\model\Order; class OrderQueue { private $order_queue; private $key; private $expire_time = 60; public $orderid; public function __construct() { $this->key = ‘your key value‘; $this->order_queue = $this->queryNotReceiveOrder(); } //查询未接订单 private function queryNotReceiveOrder() { $data = cache($this->key); if (!$data) { $lists = Order::with(‘receiveOrder‘) ->field(‘orderid‘) ->order(‘ctime desc‘) ->where(‘orderstatus‘, ‘=‘, 2)->page(1, 10) ->select(); $data = []; foreach ($lists as $key => $val) { if ($val->receive_order == null) { $data[] = $val->orderid; } } if (!empty($data)) { cache($this->key, $data, $this->expire_time); } } return $data; } //有新的订单 添加到队列中 public function pushToQueue() { if (!$this->orderid) { return true; } if ($this->order_queue) { array_unshift($this->order_queue, $this->orderid); } else { $this->order_queue = ["$this->orderid"]; } $this->order_queue = $this->array_unique(); cache($this->key, $this->order_queue, $this->expire_time); return true; } //从订单队列中拉取数据 推送 public function pullFromQueue() { if ($this->order_queue) { //提取第一个数据 // $first_orderid = array_shift($this->order_queue); // Order::placeOrderGetuiList($first_orderid); //推送完毕 存放到数组最后 // array_push($this->order_queue, $first_orderid); foreach ($this->order_queue as $key=>$val){ Order::placeOrderGetuiList($val);//推送订单。 sleep(10); } // cache($this->key) ? cache($this->key, null) : true; } return true; } //从订单队列中 移除 public function clearOneOrder(){ if($this->order_queue){ $key = array_search($this->orderid,$this->order_queue); if(!$key && $key != 0){ return true; } unset($this->order_queue[$key]); cache($this->key,$this->order_queue,$this->expire_time); } return true; } //数组去重 private function array_unique(){ return array_unique($this->order_queue); } public function pushToList($order_arr){ if(!is_array($order_arr)){ return true; } foreach ($order_arr as $key=>$val){ $this->orderid = $val; $this->pushToQueue(); } return true; } }
标签:http with == status 实现 linu cti for empty