标签:des win hosts source little change force down contex
su ($ -----#)
su - username (#-----$)
useradd (#)
pwd ls(list) ls -l(ll) ls -t(time) ls -a(all) "." the list now ".." the father list ("cd"( back to home); "cd."= pwd)
cd (change the director)
hostname newhostname(#) (reboot -----the first hostname)
cat / etc/sysconfig/network/(read the file)(hostname is in this file)(little contex)
more(much contex)
tail(look over from the tail)
tail -200f mini.log
head -200f mini.log
vi /etc/sysconfig/network(chang the file)
i (insert)
esc :wq (esc "insert" and save changes)
esc :q!(esc but no changes will be save)
halt (shuttle down)
init 6 =reboot
remote metres: hostname ; IP; policy; passwd
remote tools: remote terminal: secureCRT (IP & hostname rejection every time u change a computer, u should make the rejection job); ftp( file transfer protocol ) FileZilla;edit file contex(),; Xmanager(remote show the window)
"file"( file"_";dir"d"; shortcut(link)"l" )
eg: drwxr-xr-x. 2 mini mini 6 Sep 24 16:47 Videos
drwxr-xr-x. ten chars d (type) rwx (read write excute) (mini (administrator)) r-x(read no excute)(mini(group)) r-x(others)
r: 2^2 w:2^1 x:2^0 (6: nums of files under the dir)
man commend: know what the n=meaning of the commend
tab: fill in the fall name of the file
#chmod (change the priority of memebers of the files(change mode))
eg:#chmod g-w filename
#chmod o-r filename
#chmod 664 filename
$cp filename /goal- file ( cp source dest)
cp -r *-dir ***-dir
mv src dest(move)(src and dest r not under one dir)
mv src dest (rename)(src and dest r under one dir)
mv src dir/newname(move and rename)
rmdir (dir have to be empty)
rm -rf
mkdir -p ~/data/newdir1/newdir2
#chown mini2 /home/sysnetwork/etc/hosts
#chgrp: mini2 /home/sysnetwork/etc/hosts
dir: (all files): #chmod -R flename
#chgrp: ownername:groupname /home/sysnetwork/etc/hosts
build a new file: #touch filename.*= vi filename.*= vim filename.*
add contex: $echo addcontex >>filename.*
vi: dd(delet one row) ZZ(save) x(delet one char) o(add contex next row)
soft link( delet src) hard link(not delet src=copy)
$ ln -s filename linkname
$ln filename linkname
find ~/ -name filename
find / -name filename
find / -name filename\*(filename is not full)
标签:des win hosts source little change force down contex