标签:color core block order nts gray import display lock
If you want to style host component. You can use ‘:host-context‘.
// host @Component({ selector: ‘my-app‘, template: ` <div class="styled-component"> <hostcontext-styling></hostcontext-styling> </div> `, })
In the host component, we have ‘styled-component‘ class, we want to apply some css to it from the child component:
import { Component } from ‘@angular/core‘; @Component({ selector: ‘hostcontext-styling‘, template: ` <div> I‘m a div that wants to be styled </div> `, styles: [ ` /* apply a border if any of our ancestors has .styled-component applied */ :host-context(.styled-component) { border: 1px solid gray; display:block; } ` ] }) export class HostContextStylingComponent { }
Now if we want to style its child component, we can use ‘::ng-deep‘:
import { Component } from ‘@angular/core‘; @Component({ selector: ‘hostcontext-styling‘, template: ` <div> I‘m a div that wants to be styled </div> <child-component></child-component> `, styles: [ ` /* apply a border if any of our ancestors has .styled-component applied */ :host-context(.styled-component) { border: 1px solid gray; display:block; } :host ::ng-deep p { background-color: yellow; } ` ] }) export class HostContextStylingComponent { }
[Angular] Use :host-context and the ::ng-deep selector to apply context-based styling
标签:color core block order nts gray import display lock