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WebSocket 最简单的用法

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  1 package com.uptop.websocket;
  3 import javax.websocket.*;
  4 import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint;
  6 import java.io.IOException;
  7 import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
 10 /**
 11  * @ServerEndpoint 注解是一个类层次的注解,它的功能主要是将目前的类定义成一个websocket服务器端,
 12  * 注解的值将被用于监听用户连接的终端访问URL地址,客户端可以通过这个URL来连接到WebSocket服务器端
 13  * @author uptop
 14  */
 15 @ServerEndpoint("/websocket")
 16 public class WebSocketTest {
 17     //静态变量,用来记录当前在线连接数。应该把它设计成线程安全的。
 18     private static int onlineCount = 0;
 20     //concurrent包的线程安全Set,用来存放每个客户端对应的MyWebSocket对象。若要实现服务端与单一客户端通信的话,可以使用Map来存放,其中Key可以为用户标识
 21     public static CopyOnWriteArraySet<WebSocketTest> webSocketSet = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<WebSocketTest>();
 23     //与某个客户端的连接会话,需要通过它来给客户端发送数据
 24     private Session session;
 26     /**
 27      * 连接建立成功调用的方法
 28      *
 29      * @param session 可选的参数。session为与某个客户端的连接会话,需要通过它来给客户端发送数据
 30      */
 31     @OnOpen
 32     public void onOpen(Session session) {
 33         this.session = session;
 34         webSocketSet.add(this);     //加入set中
 35         addOnlineCount();           //在线数加1
 36         System.out.println("有新连接加入!当前在线人数为" + getOnlineCount());
 37     }
 39     /**
 40      * 连接关闭调用的方法
 41      */
 42     @OnClose
 43     public void onClose() {
 44         webSocketSet.remove(this);  //从set中删除
 45         subOnlineCount();           //在线数减1
 46         System.out.println("有一连接关闭!当前在线人数为" + getOnlineCount());
 47     }
 49     /**
 50      * 收到客户端消息后调用的方法
 51      *
 52      * @param message 客户端发送过来的消息
 53      * @param session 可选的参数
 54      */
 55     @OnMessage
 56     public void onMessage(String message, Session session) {
 57         System.out.println("来自客户端的消息:" + message);
 58         //群发消息
 59         for (WebSocketTest item : webSocketSet) {
 60             try {
 61                 item.sendMessage(message);
 62             } catch (IOException e) {
 63                 e.printStackTrace();
 64                 continue;
 65             }
 66         }
 67     }
 69     /**
 70      * 发生错误时调用
 71      *
 72      * @param session
 73      * @param error
 74      */
 75     @OnError
 76     public void onError(Session session, Throwable error) {
 77         System.out.println("发生错误");
 78         error.printStackTrace();
 79     }
 81     /**
 82      * 这个方法与上面几个方法不一样。没有用注解,是根据自己需要添加的方法。
 83      *
 84      * @param message
 85      * @throws IOException
 86      */
 87     public void sendMessage(String message) throws IOException {
 88         this.session.getBasicRemote().sendText(message);
 90     }
 92     public static synchronized int getOnlineCount() {
 93         return onlineCount;
 94     }
 96     public static synchronized void addOnlineCount() {
 97         WebSocketTest.onlineCount++;
 98     }
100     public static synchronized void subOnlineCount() {
101         WebSocketTest.onlineCount--;
102     }
105     public void sendMsg(String msg) {
106         for (WebSocketTest item : webSocketSet) {
107             try {
108                 item.sendMessage(msg);
109             } catch (IOException e) {
110                 e.printStackTrace();
111                 continue;
112             }
113         }
114     }
115 }
/* SockJS client, version 0.3.4, http://sockjs.org, MIT License

Copyright (c) 2011-2012 VMware, Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


// JSON2 by Douglas Crockford (minified).
var JSON;
JSON || (JSON = {}), function() {
    function str(a, b) {
        var c, d, e, f, g = gap,
            h, i = b[a];
        i && typeof i == "object" && typeof i.toJSON == "function" && (i = i.toJSON(a)), typeof rep == "function" && (i = rep.call(b, a, i));
        switch (typeof i) {
        case "string":
            return quote(i);
        case "number":
            return isFinite(i) ? String(i) : "null";
        case "boolean":
        case "null":
            return String(i);
        case "object":
            if (!i) return "null";
            gap += indent, h = [];
            if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(i) === "[object Array]") {
                f = i.length;
                for (c = 0; c < f; c += 1) h[c] = str(c, i) || "null";
                e = h.length === 0 ? "[]" : gap ? "[\n" + gap + h.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + g + "]" : "[" + h.join(",") + "]", gap = g;
                return e
            if (rep && typeof rep == "object") {
                f = rep.length;
                for (c = 0; c < f; c += 1) typeof rep[c] == "string" && (d = rep[c], e = str(d, i), e && h.push(quote(d) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + e))
            } else for (d in i) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, d) && (e = str(d, i), e && h.push(quote(d) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + e));
            e = h.length === 0 ? "{}" : gap ? "{\n" + gap + h.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + g + "}" : "{" + h.join(",") + "}", gap = g;
            return e
    function quote(a) {
        escapable.lastIndex = 0;
        return escapable.test(a) ? ‘"‘ + a.replace(escapable, function(a) {
            var b = meta[a];
            return typeof b == "string" ? b : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
        }) + ‘"‘ : ‘"‘ + a + ‘"‘
    function f(a) {
        return a < 10 ? "0" + a : a
    "use strict", typeof Date.prototype.toJSON != "function" && (Date.prototype.toJSON = function(a) {
        return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null
    }, String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function(a) {
        return this.valueOf()
    var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
        escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
        gap, indent, meta = {
            "\b": "\\b",
            "\t": "\\t",
            "\n": "\\n",
            "\f": "\\f",
            "\r": "\\r",
            ‘"‘: ‘\\"‘,
            "\\": "\\\\"
    typeof JSON.stringify != "function" && (JSON.stringify = function(a, b, c) {
        var d;
        gap = "", indent = "";
        if (typeof c == "number") for (d = 0; d < c; d += 1) indent += " ";
        else typeof c == "string" && (indent = c);
        rep = b;
        if (!b || typeof b == "function" || typeof b == "object" && typeof b.length == "number") return str("", {
            "": a
        throw new Error("JSON.stringify")
    }), typeof JSON.parse != "function" && (JSON.parse = function(text, reviver) {
        function walk(a, b) {
            var c, d, e = a[b];
            if (e && typeof e == "object") for (c in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, c) && (d = walk(e, c), d !== undefined ? e[c] = d : delete e[c]);
            return reviver.call(a, b, e)
        var j;
        text = String(text), cx.lastIndex = 0, cx.test(text) && (text = text.replace(cx, function(a) {
            return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
        if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) {
            j = eval("(" + text + ")");
            return typeof reviver == "function" ? walk({
                "": j
            }, "") : j
        throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse")

SockJS = function() {
    var a = document,
        b = window,
        c = {},
        d = function() {};
    d.prototype.addEventListener = function(a, b) {
        this._listeners || (this._listeners = {}), a in this._listeners || (this._listeners[a] = []);
        var d = this._listeners[a];
        c.arrIndexOf(d, b) === -1 && d.push(b);
    }, d.prototype.removeEventListener = function(a, b) {
        if (!(this._listeners && a in this._listeners)) return;
        var d = this._listeners[a],
            e = c.arrIndexOf(d, b);
        if (e !== -1) {
            d.length > 1 ? this._listeners[a] = d.slice(0, e).concat(d.slice(e + 1)) : delete this._listeners[a];
    }, d.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(a) {
        var b = a.type,
            c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
        this["on" + b] && this["on" + b].apply(this, c);
        if (this._listeners && b in this._listeners) for (var d = 0; d < this._listeners[b].length; d++) this._listeners[b][d].apply(this, c)
    var e = function(a, b) {
            this.type = a;
            if (typeof b != "undefined") for (var c in b) {
                if (!b.hasOwnProperty(c)) continue;
                this[c] = b[c]
    e.prototype.toString = function() {
        var a = [];
        for (var b in this) {
            if (!this.hasOwnProperty(b)) continue;
            var c = this[b];
            typeof c == "function" && (c = "[function]"), a.push(b + "=" + c)
        return "SimpleEvent(" + a.join(", ") + ")"
    var f = function(a) {
            var b = this;
            b._events = a || [], b._listeners = {}
    f.prototype.emit = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (b._nuked) return;
        var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
        b["on" + a] && b["on" + a].apply(b, c);
        if (a in b._listeners) for (var d = 0; d < b._listeners[a].length; d++) b._listeners[a][d].apply(b, c)
    }, f.prototype.on = function(a, b) {
        var c = this;
        if (c._nuked) return;
        a in c._listeners || (c._listeners[a] = []), c._listeners[a].push(b)
    }, f.prototype._verifyType = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        c.arrIndexOf(b._events, a) === -1 && c.log("Event " + JSON.stringify(a) + " not listed " + JSON.stringify(b._events) + " in " + b)
    }, f.prototype.nuke = function() {
        var a = this;
        a._nuked = !0;
        for (var b = 0; b < a._events.length; b++) delete a[a._events[b]];
        a._listeners = {}
    var g = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
    c.random_string = function(a, b) {
        b = b || g.length;
        var c, d = [];
        for (c = 0; c < a; c++) d.push(g.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * b), 1));
        return d.join("")
    }, c.random_number = function(a) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * a)
    }, c.random_number_string = function(a) {
        var b = ("" + (a - 1)).length,
            d = Array(b + 1).join("0");
        return (d + c.random_number(a)).slice(-b)
    }, c.getOrigin = function(a) {
        a += "/";
        var b = a.split("/").slice(0, 3);
        return b.join("/")
    }, c.isSameOriginUrl = function(a, c) {
        return c || (c = b.location.href), a.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/") === c.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/")
    }, c.getParentDomain = function(a) {
        if (/^[0-9.]*$/.test(a)) return a;
        if (/^\[/.test(a)) return a;
        if (!/[.]/.test(a)) return a;
        var b = a.split(".").slice(1);
        return b.join(".")
    }, c.objectExtend = function(a, b) {
        for (var c in b) b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c]);
        return a
    var h = "_jp";
    c.polluteGlobalNamespace = function() {
        h in b || (b[h] = {})
    }, c.closeFrame = function(a, b) {
        return "c" + JSON.stringify([a, b])
    }, c.userSetCode = function(a) {
        return a === 1e3 || a >= 3e3 && a <= 4999
    }, c.countRTO = function(a) {
        var b;
        return a > 100 ? b = 3 * a : b = a + 200, b
    }, c.log = function() {
        b.console && console.log && console.log.apply && console.log.apply(console, arguments)
    }, c.bind = function(a, b) {
        return a.bind ? a.bind(b) : function() {
            return a.apply(b, arguments)
    }, c.flatUrl = function(a) {
        return a.indexOf("?") === -1 && a.indexOf("#") === -1
    }, c.amendUrl = function(b) {
        var d = a.location;
        if (!b) throw new Error("Wrong url for SockJS");
        if (!c.flatUrl(b)) throw new Error("Only basic urls are supported in SockJS");
        return b.indexOf("//") === 0 && (b = d.protocol + b), b.indexOf("/") === 0 && (b = d.protocol + "//" + d.host + b), b = b.replace(/[/]+$/, ""), b
    }, c.arrIndexOf = function(a, b) {
        for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (a[c] === b) return c;
        return -1
    }, c.arrSkip = function(a, b) {
        var d = c.arrIndexOf(a, b);
        if (d === -1) return a.slice();
        var e = a.slice(0, d);
        return e.concat(a.slice(d + 1))
    }, c.isArray = Array.isArray ||
    function(a) {
        return {}.toString.call(a).indexOf("Array") >= 0
    }, c.delay = function(a, b) {
        return typeof a == "function" && (b = a, a = 0), setTimeout(b, a)
    var i = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
        j = {
            "\0": "\\u0000",
            "\x01": "\\u0001",
            "\x02": "\\u0002",
            "\x03": "\\u0003",
            "\x04": "\\u0004",
            "\x05": "\\u0005",
            "\x06": "\\u0006",
            "\x07": "\\u0007",
            "\b": "\\b",
            "\t": "\\t",
            "\n": "\\n",
            "\x0b": "\\u000b",
            "\f": "\\f",
            "\r": "\\r",
            "\x0e": "\\u000e",
            "\x0f": "\\u000f",
            "\x10": "\\u0010",
            "\x11": "\\u0011",
            "\x12": "\\u0012",
            "\x13": "\\u0013",
            "\x14": "\\u0014",
            "\x15": "\\u0015",
            "\x16": "\\u0016",
            "\x17": "\\u0017",
            "\x18": "\\u0018",
            "\x19": "\\u0019",
            "\x1a": "\\u001a",
            "\x1b": "\\u001b",
            "\x1c": "\\u001c",
            "\x1d": "\\u001d",
            "\x1e": "\\u001e",
            "\x1f": "\\u001f",
            ‘"‘: ‘\\"‘,
            "\\": "\\\\",
            "\x7f": "\\u007f",
            "\x80": "\\u0080",
            "\x81": "\\u0081",
            "\x82": "\\u0082",
            "\x83": "\\u0083",
            "\x84": "\\u0084",
            "\x85": "\\u0085",
            "\x86": "\\u0086",
            "\x87": "\\u0087",
            "\x88": "\\u0088",
            "\x89": "\\u0089",
            "\x8a": "\\u008a",
            "\x8b": "\\u008b",
            "\x8c": "\\u008c",
            "\x8d": "\\u008d",
            "\x8e": "\\u008e",
            "\x8f": "\\u008f",
            "\x90": "\\u0090",
            "\x91": "\\u0091",
            "\x92": "\\u0092",
            "\x93": "\\u0093",
            "\x94": "\\u0094",
            "\x95": "\\u0095",
            "\x96": "\\u0096",
            "\x97": "\\u0097",
            "\x98": "\\u0098",
            "\x99": "\\u0099",
            "\x9a": "\\u009a",
            "\x9b": "\\u009b",
            "\x9c": "\\u009c",
            "\x9d": "\\u009d",
            "\x9e": "\\u009e",
            "\x9f": "\\u009f",
            "\xad": "\\u00ad",
            "\u0600": "\\u0600",
            "\u0601": "\\u0601",
            "\u0602": "\\u0602",
            "\u0603": "\\u0603",
            "\u0604": "\\u0604",
            "\u070f": "\\u070f",
            "\u17b4": "\\u17b4",
            "\u17b5": "\\u17b5",
            "\u200c": "\\u200c",
            "\u200d": "\\u200d",
            "\u200e": "\\u200e",
            "\u200f": "\\u200f",
            "\u2028": "\\u2028",
            "\u2029": "\\u2029",
            "\u202a": "\\u202a",
            "\u202b": "\\u202b",
            "\u202c": "\\u202c",
            "\u202d": "\\u202d",
            "\u202e": "\\u202e",
            "\u202f": "\\u202f",
            "\u2060": "\\u2060",
            "\u2061": "\\u2061",
            "\u2062": "\\u2062",
            "\u2063": "\\u2063",
            "\u2064": "\\u2064",
            "\u2065": "\\u2065",
            "\u2066": "\\u2066",
            "\u2067": "\\u2067",
            "\u2068": "\\u2068",
            "\u2069": "\\u2069",
            "\u206a": "\\u206a",
            "\u206b": "\\u206b",
            "\u206c": "\\u206c",
            "\u206d": "\\u206d",
            "\u206e": "\\u206e",
            "\u206f": "\\u206f",
            "\ufeff": "\\ufeff",
            "\ufff0": "\\ufff0",
            "\ufff1": "\\ufff1",
            "\ufff2": "\\ufff2",
            "\ufff3": "\\ufff3",
            "\ufff4": "\\ufff4",
            "\ufff5": "\\ufff5",
            "\ufff6": "\\ufff6",
            "\ufff7": "\\ufff7",
            "\ufff8": "\\ufff8",
            "\ufff9": "\\ufff9",
            "\ufffa": "\\ufffa",
            "\ufffb": "\\ufffb",
            "\ufffc": "\\ufffc",
            "\ufffd": "\\ufffd",
            "\ufffe": "\\ufffe",
            "\uffff": "\\uffff"
        k = /[\x00-\x1f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff\u0300-\u0333\u033d-\u0346\u034a-\u034c\u0350-\u0352\u0357-\u0358\u035c-\u0362\u0374\u037e\u0387\u0591-\u05af\u05c4\u0610-\u0617\u0653-\u0654\u0657-\u065b\u065d-\u065e\u06df-\u06e2\u06eb-\u06ec\u0730\u0732-\u0733\u0735-\u0736\u073a\u073d\u073f-\u0741\u0743\u0745\u0747\u07eb-\u07f1\u0951\u0958-\u095f\u09dc-\u09dd\u09df\u0a33\u0a36\u0a59-\u0a5b\u0a5e\u0b5c-\u0b5d\u0e38-\u0e39\u0f43\u0f4d\u0f52\u0f57\u0f5c\u0f69\u0f72-\u0f76\u0f78\u0f80-\u0f83\u0f93\u0f9d\u0fa2\u0fa7\u0fac\u0fb9\u1939-\u193a\u1a17\u1b6b\u1cda-\u1cdb\u1dc0-\u1dcf\u1dfc\u1dfe\u1f71\u1f73\u1f75\u1f77\u1f79\u1f7b\u1f7d\u1fbb\u1fbe\u1fc9\u1fcb\u1fd3\u1fdb\u1fe3\u1feb\u1fee-\u1fef\u1ff9\u1ffb\u1ffd\u2000-\u2001\u20d0-\u20d1\u20d4-\u20d7\u20e7-\u20e9\u2126\u212a-\u212b\u2329-\u232a\u2adc\u302b-\u302c\uaab2-\uaab3\uf900-\ufa0d\ufa10\ufa12\ufa15-\ufa1e\ufa20\ufa22\ufa25-\ufa26\ufa2a-\ufa2d\ufa30-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb1d\ufb1f\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40-\ufb41\ufb43-\ufb44\ufb46-\ufb4e\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
        l, m = JSON && JSON.stringify ||
    function(a) {
        return i.lastIndex = 0, i.test(a) && (a = a.replace(i, function(a) {
            return j[a]
        })), ‘"‘ + a + ‘"‘
    }, n = function(a) {
        var b, c = {},
            d = [];
        for (b = 0; b < 65536; b++) d.push(String.fromCharCode(b));
        return a.lastIndex = 0, d.join("").replace(a, function(a) {
            return c[a] = "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4), ""
        }), a.lastIndex = 0, c
    c.quote = function(a) {
        var b = m(a);
        return k.lastIndex = 0, k.test(b) ? (l || (l = n(k)), b.replace(k, function(a) {
            return l[a]
        })) : b
    var o = ["websocket", "xdr-streaming", "xhr-streaming", "iframe-eventsource", "iframe-htmlfile", "xdr-polling", "xhr-polling", "iframe-xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling"];
    c.probeProtocols = function() {
        var a = {};
        for (var b = 0; b < o.length; b++) {
            var c = o[b];
            a[c] = y[c] && y[c].enabled()
        return a
    }, c.detectProtocols = function(a, b, c) {
        var d = {},
            e = [];
        b || (b = o);
        for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
            var g = b[f];
            d[g] = a[g]
        var h = function(a) {
                var b = a.shift();
                d[b] ? e.push(b) : a.length > 0 && h(a)
        return c.websocket !== !1 && h(["websocket"]), d["xhr-streaming"] && !c.null_origin ? e.push("xhr-streaming") : d["xdr-streaming"] && !c.cookie_needed && !c.null_origin ? e.push("xdr-streaming") : h(["iframe-eventsource", "iframe-htmlfile"]), d["xhr-polling"] && !c.null_origin ? e.push("xhr-polling") : d["xdr-polling"] && !c.cookie_needed && !c.null_origin ? e.push("xdr-polling") : h(["iframe-xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling"]), e
    var p = "_sockjs_global";
    c.createHook = function() {
        var a = "a" + c.random_string(8);
        if (!(p in b)) {
            var d = {};
            b[p] = function(a) {
                return a in d || (d[a] = {
                    id: a,
                    del: function() {
                        delete d[a]
                }), d[a]
        return b[p](a)
    }, c.attachMessage = function(a) {
        c.attachEvent("message", a)
    }, c.attachEvent = function(c, d) {
        typeof b.addEventListener != "undefined" ? b.addEventListener(c, d, !1) : (a.attachEvent("on" + c, d), b.attachEvent("on" + c, d))
    }, c.detachMessage = function(a) {
        c.detachEvent("message", a)
    }, c.detachEvent = function(c, d) {
        typeof b.addEventListener != "undefined" ? b.removeEventListener(c, d, !1) : (a.detachEvent("on" + c, d), b.detachEvent("on" + c, d))
    var q = {},
        r = !1,
        s = function() {
            for (var a in q) q[a](), delete q[a]
        t = function() {
            if (r) return;
            r = !0, s()
    c.attachEvent("unload", t), c.unload_add = function(a) {
        var b = c.random_string(8);
        return q[b] = a, r && c.delay(s), b
    }, c.unload_del = function(a) {
        a in q && delete q[a]
    }, c.createIframe = function(b, d) {
        var e = a.createElement("iframe"),
            f, g, h = function() {
                try {
                    e.onload = null
                } catch (a) {}
                e.onerror = null
            i = function() {
                e && (h(), setTimeout(function() {
                    e && e.parentNode.removeChild(e), e = null
                }, 0), c.unload_del(g))
            j = function(a) {
                e && (i(), d(a))
            k = function(a, b) {
                try {
                    e && e.contentWindow && e.contentWindow.postMessage(a, b)
                } catch (c) {}
        return e.src = b, e.style.display = "none", e.style.position = "absolute", e.onerror = function() {
        }, e.onload = function() {
            clearTimeout(f), f = setTimeout(function() {
                j("onload timeout")
            }, 2e3)
        }, a.body.appendChild(e), f = setTimeout(function() {
        }, 15e3), g = c.unload_add(i), {
            post: k,
            cleanup: i,
            loaded: h
    }, c.createHtmlfile = function(a, d) {
        var e = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile"),
            f, g, i, j = function() {
            k = function() {
                e && (j(), c.unload_del(g), i.parentNode.removeChild(i), i = e = null, CollectGarbage())
            l = function(a) {
                e && (k(), d(a))
            m = function(a, b) {
                try {
                    i && i.contentWindow && i.contentWindow.postMessage(a, b)
                } catch (c) {}
        e.open(), e.write(‘<html><script>document.domain="‘ + document.domain + ‘";‘ + "</s" + "cript></html>"), e.close(), e.parentWindow[h] = b[h];
        var n = e.createElement("div");
        return e.body.appendChild(n), i = e.createElement("iframe"), n.appendChild(i), i.src = a, f = setTimeout(function() {
        }, 15e3), g = c.unload_add(k), {
            post: m,
            cleanup: k,
            loaded: j
    var u = function() {};
    u.prototype = new f(["chunk", "finish"]), u.prototype._start = function(a, d, e, f) {
        var g = this;
        try {
            g.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest
        } catch (h) {}
        if (!g.xhr) try {
            g.xhr = new b.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        } catch (h) {}
        if (b.ActiveXObject || b.XDomainRequest) d += (d.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "t=" + +(new Date);
        g.unload_ref = c.unload_add(function() {
        try {
            g.xhr.open(a, d, !0)
        } catch (i) {
            g.emit("finish", 0, ""), g._cleanup();
        if (!f || !f.no_credentials) g.xhr.withCredentials = "true";
        if (f && f.headers) for (var j in f.headers) g.xhr.setRequestHeader(j, f.headers[j]);
        g.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (g.xhr) {
                var a = g.xhr;
                switch (a.readyState) {
                case 3:
                    try {
                        var b = a.status,
                            c = a.responseText
                    } catch (a) {}
                    b === 1223 && (b = 204), c && c.length > 0 && g.emit("chunk", b, c);
                case 4:
                    var b = a.status;
                    b === 1223 && (b = 204), g.emit("finish", b, a.responseText), g._cleanup(!1)
        }, g.xhr.send(e)
    }, u.prototype._cleanup = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (!b.xhr) return;
        c.unload_del(b.unload_ref), b.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {};
        if (a) try {
        } catch (d) {}
        b.unload_ref = b.xhr = null
    }, u.prototype.close = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.nuke(), a._cleanup(!0)
    var v = c.XHRCorsObject = function() {
            var a = this,
                b = arguments;
            c.delay(function() {
                a._start.apply(a, b)
    v.prototype = new u;
    var w = c.XHRLocalObject = function(a, b, d) {
            var e = this;
            c.delay(function() {
                e._start(a, b, d, {
                    no_credentials: !0
    w.prototype = new u;
    var x = c.XDRObject = function(a, b, d) {
            var e = this;
            c.delay(function() {
                e._start(a, b, d)
    x.prototype = new f(["chunk", "finish"]), x.prototype._start = function(a, b, d) {
        var e = this,
            f = new XDomainRequest;
        b += (b.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "t=" + +(new Date);
        var g = f.ontimeout = f.onerror = function() {
                e.emit("finish", 0, ""), e._cleanup(!1)
        f.onprogress = function() {
            e.emit("chunk", 200, f.responseText)
        }, f.onload = function() {
            e.emit("finish", 200, f.responseText), e._cleanup(!1)
        }, e.xdr = f, e.unload_ref = c.unload_add(function() {
        try {
            e.xdr.open(a, b), e.xdr.send(d)
        } catch (h) {
    }, x.prototype._cleanup = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (!b.xdr) return;
        c.unload_del(b.unload_ref), b.xdr.ontimeout = b.xdr.onerror = b.xdr.onprogress = b.xdr.onload = null;
        if (a) try {
        } catch (d) {}
        b.unload_ref = b.xdr = null
    }, x.prototype.close = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.nuke(), a._cleanup(!0)
    }, c.isXHRCorsCapable = function() {
        return b.XMLHttpRequest && "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest ? 1 : b.XDomainRequest && a.domain ? 2 : L.enabled() ? 3 : 4
    var y = function(a, d, e) {
            if (this === b) return new y(a, d, e);
            var f = this,
            f._options = {
                devel: !1,
                debug: !1,
                protocols_whitelist: [],
                info: undefined,
                rtt: undefined
            }, e && c.objectExtend(f._options, e), f._base_url = c.amendUrl(a), f._server = f._options.server || c.random_number_string(1e3), f._options.protocols_whitelist && f._options.protocols_whitelist.length ? g = f._options.protocols_whitelist : (typeof d == "string" && d.length > 0 ? g = [d] : c.isArray(d) ? g = d : g = null, g && f._debug(‘Deprecated API: Use "protocols_whitelist" option instead of supplying protocol list as a second parameter to SockJS constructor.‘)), f._protocols = [], f.protocol = null, f.readyState = y.CONNECTING, f._ir = S(f._base_url), f._ir.onfinish = function(a, b) {
                f._ir = null, a ? (f._options.info && (a = c.objectExtend(a, f._options.info)), f._options.rtt && (b = f._options.rtt), f._applyInfo(a, b, g), f._didClose()) : f._didClose(1002, "Can‘t connect to server", !0)
    y.prototype = new d, y.version = "0.3.4", y.CONNECTING = 0, y.OPEN = 1, y.CLOSING = 2, y.CLOSED = 3, y.prototype._debug = function() {
        this._options.debug && c.log.apply(c, arguments)
    }, y.prototype._dispatchOpen = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.readyState === y.CONNECTING ? (a._transport_tref && (clearTimeout(a._transport_tref), a._transport_tref = null), a.readyState = y.OPEN, a.dispatchEvent(new e("open"))) : a._didClose(1006, "Server lost session")
    }, y.prototype._dispatchMessage = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (b.readyState !== y.OPEN) return;
        b.dispatchEvent(new e("message", {
            data: a
    }, y.prototype._dispatchHeartbeat = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (b.readyState !== y.OPEN) return;
        b.dispatchEvent(new e("heartbeat", {}))
    }, y.prototype._didClose = function(a, b, d) {
        var f = this;
        if (f.readyState !== y.CONNECTING && f.readyState !== y.OPEN && f.readyState !== y.CLOSING) throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
        f._ir && (f._ir.nuke(), f._ir = null), f._transport && (f._transport.doCleanup(), f._transport = null);
        var g = new e("close", {
            code: a,
            reason: b,
            wasClean: c.userSetCode(a)
        if (!c.userSetCode(a) && f.readyState === y.CONNECTING && !d) {
            if (f._try_next_protocol(g)) return;
            g = new e("close", {
                code: 2e3,
                reason: "All transports failed",
                wasClean: !1,
                last_event: g
        f.readyState = y.CLOSED, c.delay(function() {
    }, y.prototype._didMessage = function(a) {
        var b = this,
            c = a.slice(0, 1);
        switch (c) {
        case "o":
        case "a":
            var d = JSON.parse(a.slice(1) || "[]");
            for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) b._dispatchMessage(d[e]);
        case "m":
            var d = JSON.parse(a.slice(1) || "null");
        case "c":
            var d = JSON.parse(a.slice(1) || "[]");
            b._didClose(d[0], d[1]);
        case "h":
    }, y.prototype._try_next_protocol = function(b) {
        var d = this;
        d.protocol && (d._debug("Closed transport:", d.protocol, "" + b), d.protocol = null), d._transport_tref && (clearTimeout(d._transport_tref), d._transport_tref = null);
        for (;;) {
            var e = d.protocol = d._protocols.shift();
            if (!e) return !1;
            if (y[e] && y[e].need_body === !0 && (!a.body || typeof a.readyState != "undefined" && a.readyState !== "complete")) return d._protocols.unshift(e), d.protocol = "waiting-for-load", c.attachEvent("load", function() {
            }), !0;
            if ( !! y[e] && !! y[e].enabled(d._options)) {
                var f = y[e].roundTrips || 1,
                    g = (d._options.rto || 0) * f || 5e3;
                d._transport_tref = c.delay(g, function() {
                    d.readyState === y.CONNECTING && d._didClose(2007, "Transport timeouted")
                var h = c.random_string(8),
                    i = d._base_url + "/" + d._server + "/" + h;
                return d._debug("Opening transport:", e, " url:" + i, " RTO:" + d._options.rto), d._transport = new y[e](d, i, d._base_url), !0
            d._debug("Skipping transport:", e)
    }, y.prototype.close = function(a, b) {
        var d = this;
        if (a && !c.userSetCode(a)) throw new Error("INVALID_ACCESS_ERR");
        return d.readyState !== y.CONNECTING && d.readyState !== y.OPEN ? !1 : (d.readyState = y.CLOSING, d._didClose(a || 1e3, b || "Normal closure"), !0)
    }, y.prototype.send = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (b.readyState === y.CONNECTING) throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
        return b.readyState === y.OPEN && b._transport.doSend(c.quote("" + a)), !0
    }, y.prototype._applyInfo = function(b, d, e) {
        var f = this;
        f._options.info = b, f._options.rtt = d, f._options.rto = c.countRTO(d), f._options.info.null_origin = !a.domain;
        var g = c.probeProtocols();
        f._protocols = c.detectProtocols(g, e, b)
    var z = y.websocket = function(a, d) {
            var e = this,
                f = d + "/websocket";
            f.slice(0, 5) === "https" ? f = "wss" + f.slice(5) : f = "ws" + f.slice(4), e.ri = a, e.url = f;
            var g = b.WebSocket || b.MozWebSocket;
            e.ws = new g(e.url), e.ws.onmessage = function(a) {
            }, e.unload_ref = c.unload_add(function() {
            }), e.ws.onclose = function() {
                e.ri._didMessage(c.closeFrame(1006, "WebSocket connection broken"))
    z.prototype.doSend = function(a) {
        this.ws.send("[" + a + "]")
    }, z.prototype.doCleanup = function() {
        var a = this,
            b = a.ws;
        b && (b.onmessage = b.onclose = null, b.close(), c.unload_del(a.unload_ref), a.unload_ref = a.ri = a.ws = null)
    }, z.enabled = function() {
        return !!b.WebSocket || !! b.MozWebSocket
    }, z.roundTrips = 2;
    var A = function() {};
    A.prototype.send_constructor = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        b.send_buffer = [], b.sender = a
    }, A.prototype.doSend = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        b.send_buffer.push(a), b.send_stop || b.send_schedule()
    }, A.prototype.send_schedule_wait = function() {
        var a = this,
        a.send_stop = function() {
            a.send_stop = null, clearTimeout(b)
        }, b = c.delay(25, function() {
            a.send_stop = null, a.send_schedule()
    }, A.prototype.send_schedule = function() {
        var a = this;
        if (a.send_buffer.length > 0) {
            var b = "[" + a.send_buffer.join(",") + "]";
            a.send_stop = a.sender(a.trans_url, b, function(b, c) {
                a.send_stop = null, b === !1 ? a.ri._didClose(1006, "Sending error " + c) : a.send_schedule_wait()
            }), a.send_buffer = []
    }, A.prototype.send_destructor = function() {
        var a = this;
        a._send_stop && a._send_stop(), a._send_stop = null
    var B = function(b, d, e) {
            var f = this;
            if (!("_send_form" in f)) {
                var g = f._send_form = a.createElement("form"),
                    h = f._send_area = a.createElement("textarea");
                h.name = "d", g.style.display = "none", g.style.position = "absolute", g.method = "POST", g.enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", g.acceptCharset = "UTF-8", g.appendChild(h), a.body.appendChild(g)
            var g = f._send_form,
                h = f._send_area,
                i = "a" + c.random_string(8);
            g.target = i, g.action = b + "/jsonp_send?i=" + i;
            var j;
            try {
                j = a.createElement(‘<iframe name="‘ + i + ‘">‘)
            } catch (k) {
                j = a.createElement("iframe"), j.name = i
            j.id = i, g.appendChild(j), j.style.display = "none";
            try {
                h.value = d
            } catch (l) {
                c.log("Your browser is seriously broken. Go home! " + l.message)
            var m = function(a) {
                    if (!j.onerror) return;
                    j.onreadystatechange = j.onerror = j.onload = null, c.delay(500, function() {
                        j.parentNode.removeChild(j), j = null
                    }), h.value = "", e(!0)
            return j.onerror = j.onload = m, j.onreadystatechange = function(a) {
                j.readyState == "complete" && m()
            }, m
        C = function(a) {
            return function(b, c, d) {
                var e = new a("POST", b + "/xhr_send", c);
                return e.onfinish = function(a, b) {
                    d(a === 200 || a === 204, "http status " + a)
                }, function(a) {
                    d(!1, a)
        D = function(b, d) {
            var e, f = a.createElement("script"),
                g, h = function(a) {
                    g && (g.parentNode.removeChild(g), g = null), f && (clearTimeout(e), f.parentNode.removeChild(f), f.onreadystatechange = f.onerror = f.onload = f.onclick = null, f = null, d(a), d = null)
                i = !1,
                j = null;
            f.id = "a" + c.random_string(8), f.src = b, f.type = "text/javascript", f.charset = "UTF-8", f.onerror = function(a) {
                j || (j = setTimeout(function() {
                    i || h(c.closeFrame(1006, "JSONP script loaded abnormally (onerror)"))
                }, 1e3))
            }, f.onload = function(a) {
                h(c.closeFrame(1006, "JSONP script loaded abnormally (onload)"))
            }, f.onreadystatechange = function(a) {
                if (/loaded|closed/.test(f.readyState)) {
                    if (f && f.htmlFor && f.onclick) {
                        i = !0;
                        try {
                        } catch (b) {}
                    f && h(c.closeFrame(1006, "JSONP script loaded abnormally (onreadystatechange)"))
            if (typeof f.async == "undefined" && a.attachEvent) if (!/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
                try {
                    f.htmlFor = f.id, f.event = "onclick"
                } catch (k) {}
                f.async = !0
            } else g = a.createElement("script"), g.text = "try{var a = document.getElementById(‘" + f.id + "‘); if(a)a.onerror();}catch(x){};", f.async = g.async = !1;
            typeof f.async != "undefined" && (f.async = !0), e = setTimeout(function() {
                h(c.closeFrame(1006, "JSONP script loaded abnormally (timeout)"))
            }, 35e3);
            var l = a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
            return l.insertBefore(f, l.firstChild), g && l.insertBefore(g, l.firstChild), h
        E = y["jsonp-polling"] = function(a, b) {
            var d = this;
            d.ri = a, d.trans_url = b, d.send_constructor(B), d._schedule_recv()
    E.prototype = new A, E.prototype._schedule_recv = function() {
        var a = this,
            b = function(b) {
                a._recv_stop = null, b && (a._is_closing || a.ri._didMessage(b)), a._is_closing || a._schedule_recv()
        a._recv_stop = F(a.trans_url + "/jsonp", D, b)
    }, E.enabled = function() {
        return !0
    }, E.need_body = !0, E.prototype.doCleanup = function() {
        var a = this;
        a._is_closing = !0, a._recv_stop && a._recv_stop(), a.ri = a._recv_stop = null, a.send_destructor()
    var F = function(a, d, e) {
            var f = "a" + c.random_string(6),
                g = a + "?c=" + escape(h + "." + f),
                i = 0,
                j = function(a) {
                    switch (i) {
                    case 0:
                        delete b[h][f], e(a);
                    case 1:
                        e(a), i = 2;
                    case 2:
                        delete b[h][f]
                k = d(g, j);
            b[h][f] = k;
            var l = function() {
                    b[h][f] && (i = 1, b[h][f](c.closeFrame(1e3, "JSONP user aborted read")))
            return l
        G = function() {};
    G.prototype = new A, G.prototype.run = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = this;
        f.ri = a, f.trans_url = b, f.send_constructor(C(e)), f.poll = new $(a, d, b + c, e)
    }, G.prototype.doCleanup = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.poll && (a.poll.abort(), a.poll = null)
    var H = y["xhr-streaming"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/xhr_streaming", bd, c.XHRCorsObject)
    H.prototype = new G, H.enabled = function() {
        return b.XMLHttpRequest && "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
    }, H.roundTrips = 2, H.need_body = !0;
    var I = y["xdr-streaming"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/xhr_streaming", bd, c.XDRObject)
    I.prototype = new G, I.enabled = function() {
        return !!b.XDomainRequest
    }, I.roundTrips = 2;
    var J = y["xhr-polling"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/xhr", bd, c.XHRCorsObject)
    J.prototype = new G, J.enabled = H.enabled, J.roundTrips = 2;
    var K = y["xdr-polling"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/xhr", bd, c.XDRObject)
    K.prototype = new G, K.enabled = I.enabled, K.roundTrips = 2;
    var L = function() {};
    L.prototype.i_constructor = function(a, b, d) {
        var e = this;
        e.ri = a, e.origin = c.getOrigin(d), e.base_url = d, e.trans_url = b;
        var f = d + "/iframe.html";
        e.ri._options.devel && (f += "?t=" + +(new Date)), e.window_id = c.random_string(8), f += "#" + e.window_id, e.iframeObj = c.createIframe(f, function(a) {
            e.ri._didClose(1006, "Unable to load an iframe (" + a + ")")
        }), e.onmessage_cb = c.bind(e.onmessage, e), c.attachMessage(e.onmessage_cb)
    }, L.prototype.doCleanup = function() {
        var a = this;
        if (a.iframeObj) {
            try {
                a.iframeObj.iframe.contentWindow && a.postMessage("c")
            } catch (b) {}
            a.iframeObj.cleanup(), a.iframeObj = null, a.onmessage_cb = a.iframeObj = null
    }, L.prototype.onmessage = function(a) {
        var b = this;
        if (a.origin !== b.origin) return;
        var c = a.data.slice(0, 8),
            d = a.data.slice(8, 9),
            e = a.data.slice(9);
        if (c !== b.window_id) return;
        switch (d) {
        case "s":
            b.iframeObj.loaded(), b.postMessage("s", JSON.stringify([y.version, b.protocol, b.trans_url, b.base_url]));
        case "t":
    }, L.prototype.postMessage = function(a, b) {
        var c = this;
        c.iframeObj.post(c.window_id + a + (b || ""), c.origin)
    }, L.prototype.doSend = function(a) {
        this.postMessage("m", a)
    }, L.enabled = function() {
        var a = navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Konqueror") !== -1;
        return (typeof b.postMessage == "function" || typeof b.postMessage == "object") && !a
    var M, N = function(a, d) {
            parent !== b ? parent.postMessage(M + a + (d || ""), "*") : c.log("Can‘t postMessage, no parent window.", a, d)
        O = function() {};
    O.prototype._didClose = function(a, b) {
        N("t", c.closeFrame(a, b))
    }, O.prototype._didMessage = function(a) {
        N("t", a)
    }, O.prototype._doSend = function(a) {
    }, O.prototype._doCleanup = function() {
    }, c.parent_origin = undefined, y.bootstrap_iframe = function() {
        var d;
        M = a.location.hash.slice(1);
        var e = function(a) {
                if (a.source !== parent) return;
                typeof c.parent_origin == "undefined" && (c.parent_origin = a.origin);
                if (a.origin !== c.parent_origin) return;
                var e = a.data.slice(0, 8),
                    f = a.data.slice(8, 9),
                    g = a.data.slice(9);
                if (e !== M) return;
                switch (f) {
                case "s":
                    var h = JSON.parse(g),
                        i = h[0],
                        j = h[1],
                        k = h[2],
                        l = h[3];
                    i !== y.version && c.log(‘Incompatibile SockJS! Main site uses: "‘ + i + ‘", the iframe:‘ + ‘ "‘ + y.version + ‘".‘);
                    if (!c.flatUrl(k) || !c.flatUrl(l)) {
                        c.log("Only basic urls are supported in SockJS");
                    if (!c.isSameOriginUrl(k) || !c.isSameOriginUrl(l)) {
                        c.log("Can‘t connect to different domain from within an iframe. (" + JSON.stringify([b.location.href, k, l]) + ")");
                    d = new O, d._transport = new O[j](d, k, l);
                case "m":
                case "c":
                    d && d._doCleanup(), d = null
        c.attachMessage(e), N("s")
    var P = function(a, b) {
            var d = this;
            c.delay(function() {
                d.doXhr(a, b)
    P.prototype = new f(["finish"]), P.prototype.doXhr = function(a, b) {
        var d = this,
            e = (new Date).getTime(),
            f = new b("GET", a + "/info"),
            g = c.delay(8e3, function() {
        f.onfinish = function(a, b) {
            clearTimeout(g), g = null;
            if (a === 200) {
                var c = (new Date).getTime() - e,
                    f = JSON.parse(b);
                typeof f != "object" && (f = {}), d.emit("finish", f, c)
            } else d.emit("finish")
        }, f.ontimeout = function() {
            f.close(), d.emit("finish")
    var Q = function(b) {
            var d = this,
                e = function() {
                    var a = new L;
                    a.protocol = "w-iframe-info-receiver";
                    var c = function(b) {
                            if (typeof b == "string" && b.substr(0, 1) === "m") {
                                var c = JSON.parse(b.substr(1)),
                                    e = c[0],
                                    f = c[1];
                                d.emit("finish", e, f)
                            } else d.emit("finish");
                            a.doCleanup(), a = null
                        e = {
                            _options: {},
                            _didClose: c,
                            _didMessage: c
                    a.i_constructor(e, b, b)
            a.body ? e() : c.attachEvent("load", e)
    Q.prototype = new f(["finish"]);
    var R = function() {
            var a = this;
            c.delay(function() {
                a.emit("finish", {}, 2e3)
    R.prototype = new f(["finish"]);
    var S = function(a) {
            if (c.isSameOriginUrl(a)) return new P(a, c.XHRLocalObject);
            switch (c.isXHRCorsCapable()) {
            case 1:
                return new P(a, c.XHRLocalObject);
            case 2:
                return new P(a, c.XDRObject);
            case 3:
                return new Q(a);
                return new R
        T = O["w-iframe-info-receiver"] = function(a, b, d) {
            var e = new P(d, c.XHRLocalObject);
            e.onfinish = function(b, c) {
                a._didMessage("m" + JSON.stringify([b, c])), a._didClose()
    T.prototype.doCleanup = function() {};
    var U = y["iframe-eventsource"] = function() {
            var a = this;
            a.protocol = "w-iframe-eventsource", a.i_constructor.apply(a, arguments)
    U.prototype = new L, U.enabled = function() {
        return "EventSource" in b && L.enabled()
    }, U.need_body = !0, U.roundTrips = 3;
    var V = O["w-iframe-eventsource"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/eventsource", _, c.XHRLocalObject)
    V.prototype = new G;
    var W = y["iframe-xhr-polling"] = function() {
            var a = this;
            a.protocol = "w-iframe-xhr-polling", a.i_constructor.apply(a, arguments)
    W.prototype = new L, W.enabled = function() {
        return b.XMLHttpRequest && L.enabled()
    }, W.need_body = !0, W.roundTrips = 3;
    var X = O["w-iframe-xhr-polling"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/xhr", bd, c.XHRLocalObject)
    X.prototype = new G;
    var Y = y["iframe-htmlfile"] = function() {
            var a = this;
            a.protocol = "w-iframe-htmlfile", a.i_constructor.apply(a, arguments)
    Y.prototype = new L, Y.enabled = function() {
        return L.enabled()
    }, Y.need_body = !0, Y.roundTrips = 3;
    var Z = O["w-iframe-htmlfile"] = function(a, b) {
            this.run(a, b, "/htmlfile", bc, c.XHRLocalObject)
    Z.prototype = new G;
    var $ = function(a, b, c, d) {
            var e = this;
            e.ri = a, e.Receiver = b, e.recv_url = c, e.AjaxObject = d, e._scheduleRecv()
    $.prototype._scheduleRecv = function() {
        var a = this,
            b = a.poll = new a.Receiver(a.recv_url, a.AjaxObject),
            c = 0;
        b.onmessage = function(b) {
            c += 1, a.ri._didMessage(b.data)
        }, b.onclose = function(c) {
            a.poll = b = b.onmessage = b.onclose = null, a.poll_is_closing || (c.reason === "permanent" ? a.ri._didClose(1006, "Polling error (" + c.reason + ")") : a._scheduleRecv())
    }, $.prototype.abort = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.poll_is_closing = !0, a.poll && a.poll.abort()
    var _ = function(a) {
            var b = this,
                d = new EventSource(a);
            d.onmessage = function(a) {
                b.dispatchEvent(new e("message", {
                    data: unescape(a.data)
            }, b.es_close = d.onerror = function(a, f) {
                var g = f ? "user" : d.readyState !== 2 ? "network" : "permanent";
                b.es_close = d.onmessage = d.onerror = null, d.close(), d = null, c.delay(200, function() {
                    b.dispatchEvent(new e("close", {
                        reason: g
    _.prototype = new d, _.prototype.abort = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.es_close && a.es_close({}, !0)
    var ba, bb = function() {
            if (ba === undefined) if ("ActiveXObject" in b) try {
                ba = !! (new ActiveXObject("htmlfile"))
            } catch (a) {} else ba = !1;
            return ba
        bc = function(a) {
            var d = this;
            c.polluteGlobalNamespace(), d.id = "a" + c.random_string(6, 26), a += (a.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "c=" + escape(h + "." + d.id);
            var f = bb() ? c.createHtmlfile : c.createIframe,
            b[h][d.id] = {
                start: function() {
                message: function(a) {
                    d.dispatchEvent(new e("message", {
                        data: a
                stop: function() {
                    d.iframe_close({}, "network")
            }, d.iframe_close = function(a, c) {
                g.cleanup(), d.iframe_close = g = null, delete b[h][d.id], d.dispatchEvent(new e("close", {
                    reason: c
            }, g = f(a, function(a) {
                d.iframe_close({}, "permanent")
    bc.prototype = new d, bc.prototype.abort = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.iframe_close && a.iframe_close({}, "user")
    var bd = function(a, b) {
            var c = this,
                d = 0;
            c.xo = new b("POST", a, null), c.xo.onchunk = function(a, b) {
                if (a !== 200) return;
                for (;;) {
                    var f = b.slice(d),
                        g = f.indexOf("\n");
                    if (g === -1) break;
                    d += g + 1;
                    var h = f.slice(0, g);
                    c.dispatchEvent(new e("message", {
                        data: h
            }, c.xo.onfinish = function(a, b) {
                c.xo.onchunk(a, b), c.xo = null;
                var d = a === 200 ? "network" : "permanent";
                c.dispatchEvent(new e("close", {
                    reason: d
    return bd.prototype = new d, bd.prototype.abort = function() {
        var a = this;
        a.xo && (a.xo.close(), a.dispatchEvent(new e("close", {
            reason: "user"
        })), a.xo = null)
    }, y.getUtils = function() {
        return c
    }, y.getIframeTransport = function() {
        return L
    }, y
}(), "_sockjs_onload" in window && setTimeout(_sockjs_onload, 1), typeof define == "function" && define.amd && define("sockjs", [], function() {
    return SockJS
SockJS.getUtils().log(‘*** SockJS CDN is being retired on Dec 1st *** Please transition to a public CDN. See https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client/issues/198 for more information.‘);


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#connect-container {
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    width: 400px

#connect-container div {
    padding: 5px;

#console-container {
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    width: 400px;

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    border-right-color: #999999;
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<script src="js/sockjs-0.3.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">  
        var ws = null;  
        var url = null;  
        var transports = [];  
        function setConnected(connected) {  
            document.getElementById(‘connect‘).disabled = connected;  
            document.getElementById(‘disconnect‘).disabled = !connected;  
            document.getElementById(‘echo‘).disabled = !connected;  
        function connect() {  
            url = ‘ws://‘ + window.location.host + ‘/项目名/websocket‘;  

            ws = (url.indexOf(‘sockjs‘) != -1) ?   
                new SockJS(url, undefined, {protocols_whitelist: transports}) : new WebSocket(url);  
            ws.onopen = function () {  
            ws.onmessage = function (event) {  
                log(‘ 收到: ‘ + event.data);  
            ws.onclose = function (event) {  
        function disconnect() {  
            if (ws != null) {  
                ws = null;  
        function echo() {  
            if (ws != null) {  
                var message = document.getElementById(‘sendmessage‘).value;  
                log(‘发送: ‘ + message);  
            } else {  
        function updateTransport(transport) {  
          transports = (transport == ‘all‘) ?  [] : [transport];  
        function log(message) {  
            var console = document.getElementById(‘console‘);  
            var p = document.createElement(‘p‘);  
            p.style.wordWrap = ‘break-word‘;  
            while (console.childNodes.length > 25) {  
            console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight;  
        function st(){
        <h2 style="color: #ff0000">似乎你的浏览器不支持JavaScript!WebSockets依靠JavaScript启用。拜托启用JavaScript并重新加载此页!</h2>
        <div id="connect-container">
                <button id="connect" onclick="connect();">连接</button>
                <button id="disconnect" disabled="disabled" onclick="disconnect();">断开</button>
                <textarea id="sendmessage" style="width: 350px">请输入文字!</textarea>
                <button id="echo" onclick="echo();" disabled="disabled">发送消息</button>
        <div id="console-container">
            <div id="console"></div>




http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket/spring-websocket.xsd"
id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5"





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