function InstallMySQLComponent(szComponent) NUMBER nResult; STRING szServer,szDB,szUser,szPassword,sCMD,sOPT,sResult1,sResult2,svLine,sMsg,sPath; NUMBER nvFileHandle,nvCount; LIST listStatus; begin sMsg = ‘安装‘+szComponent+‘ ...‘; SdShowMsg(sMsg, TRUE); // source命令不认识windows路径中的反斜杠,故将SRCDIR中的反斜杠替换成斜杠 sPath = SRCDIR; StrReplace(sPath, ‘//‘, ‘/‘, 0); // Fetch database connection information SQLRTGetConnectionInfo( ‘mysql‘, szServer, szDB, szUser, szPassword ); sCMD = WINSYSDIR^‘cmd.exe‘; sOPT = ‘ /c ‘+SRCDIR^‘mysql.exe -h‘+szServer+‘ -u‘+szUser+‘ -p‘+szPassword+‘ -D‘+szDB; sOPT = sOPT+‘ -e "source ‘+sPath^szComponent+‘.sql" > ‘+SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt 2>&1‘; // Execute the script associated with the given component in database nResult=LaunchAppAndWait(sCMD, sOPT, WAIT|LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBox(‘Failed installing ‘+szComponent+‘ !‘, SEVERE); abort; endif; // 关闭安装提示 SdShowMsg(‘‘, FALSE); // Read dbstatus.txt OpenFileMode(FILE_MODE_NORMAL); if (OpenFile(nvFileHandle, SRCDIR, ‘dbstatus.txt‘)<0) then MessageBox(‘Failed checking the status of installing ‘+szComponent+‘ !‘, SEVERE); abort; endif; listStatus = ListCreate(STRINGLIST); while GetLine(nvFileHandle, svLine) = 0 ListAddString(listStatus, svLine, AFTER); endwhile; CloseFile(nvFileHandle); // Count how many lines fetched from dbstatus.txt nvCount = ListCount(listStatus); if nvCount > 0 then sMsg = "更新数据库出错,点“是”打开日志文件并退出安装,点“否”直接退出安装。/n"; sMsg = sMsg+"若错误可忽略,可选择数据库类型“none”以跳过数据库更新并直接更新程序,/n"; sMsg = sMsg+"然后在数据库中手工执行SQL脚本(安装后保存在script目录下)"; nResult = AskYesNo(sMsg, YES); if (nResult = YES) then LaunchApp(WINSYSDIR^‘notepad.exe‘, SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt‘); endif; abort; endif; end; |
function InstallOracleComponent(szComponent) NUMBER nResult,nvFileHandle,nIndex,nvCount; STRING sMsg,szServer,szDB,szUser,szPassword,sCMD,sOPT,sInstance,sTmp,svLine; LIST listStatus; begin sMsg = ‘安装‘+szComponent+‘ ...‘; SdShowMsg(sMsg, TRUE); // Fetch database connection information SQLRTGetConnectionInfo( ‘oracle‘, szServer, szDB, szUser, szPassword ); nIndex = StrFind(szServer, ‘:‘); nIndex = StrFindEx(szServer, ‘/‘, nIndex); StrSub(sInstance, szServer, nIndex+1, 100); sCMD = WINSYSDIR^‘cmd.exe‘; sOPT = ‘ /c ‘+‘sqlplus.exe -L -S ‘+szUser+‘/‘+szPassword+‘@‘+sInstance; sOPT = sOPT+‘ @‘+SRCDIR^szComponent+‘.sql > ‘+SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt 2>&1‘; // Execute the script associated with the given component in database nResult=LaunchAppAndWait(sCMD, sOPT, WAIT|LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBox(‘Failed installing ‘+szComponent+‘ !‘, SEVERE); abort; endif; // 关闭安装提示 SdShowMsg(‘‘, FALSE); // 在dbstatus.txt中查询字符串holytail,如果存在,说明脚本已执行完 if (FileGrep(SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt‘, ‘holytail‘, svLine, nIndex, RESTART) = 0) then // 在dbstatus.txt中查询字符串ORA-,如果存在,说明脚本执行出现错误 if (FileGrep(SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt‘, ‘ORA-‘, svLine, nIndex, RESTART) = 0) then sMsg = "更新数据库出错,点“是”打开日志文件并退出安装,点“否”直接退出安装。/n"; sMsg = sMsg+"若错误可忽略,可选择数据库类型“none”以跳过数据库更新并直接更新程序,/n"; sMsg = sMsg+"然后在数据库中手工执行SQL脚本(安装后保存在script目录下)"; nResult = AskYesNo(sMsg, YES); if (nResult = YES) then LaunchApp(WINSYSDIR^‘notepad.exe‘, SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt‘); endif; abort; endif; else sMsg = "更新数据库出错,点“是”打开日志文件并退出安装,点“否”直接退出安装。/n"; sMsg = sMsg+"若错误可忽略,可选择数据库类型“none”以跳过数据库更新并直接更新程序,/n"; sMsg = sMsg+"然后在数据库中手工执行SQL脚本(安装后保存在script目录下)"; nResult = AskYesNo(sMsg, YES); if (nResult = YES) then LaunchApp(WINSYSDIR^‘notepad.exe‘, SRCDIR^‘dbstatus.txt‘); endif; abort; endif; end; |