标签:output ring 国外 let linq 实现 account comm logs
最近学了点 c# dataflow的一些东西,然后国外有个人,用dataflow来实现了,一个Actor模型;
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow; namespace Actor_Model { //actor model 的基本使用和示例; //https://blog.jayway.com/2013/11/15/an-actor-model-implementation-in-c-using-tpl-dataflow/#comment-463337 public abstract class Message { } //把所有的action 都通过meg的 形式表达出来; //吧我们的每一动作都看成了信息;让后将信息传递出去,真正的执行,交给我们的具体的actor去执行滴呀; public class Deposit : Message { public decimal Amount { get; set; } } //To check the balance we send a QueryBalance message public class QueryBalance : Message { //The result of the query should be sent as a message to another actor //也就是说查询出来的信息又交给了另外一个actor 处理了滴呀;信息之间的传递; public Actor Receiver { get; set; } } //The final message is the result of the balance chec public class Balance : Message { public decimal Amount { get; set; } } public abstract class Actor { private readonly ActionBlock<Message> _action; public Actor() { _action = new ActionBlock<Message>((msg => { dynamic self = this; dynamic mess = msg; self.Handle(mess); })); } public void Send(Message msg) { _action.Post(msg); } public Task Completion { get { _action.Complete(); return _action.Completion; } } } //Each account has a balance. We want to be able to deposit money and check the balance //实际动作的执行者; public class AccountActor : Actor { private decimal _balance; //存钱 public void Handle(Deposit msg) { _balance += msg.Amount; //deposite money } //查询余额 public void Handle(QueryBalance msg) { //查询出来的余额,叫给我们的额新actor去处理; //相当于创建一个新的acto msg.Receiver.Send(new Balance { Amount = _balance }); } } //We also need an actor that outputs the result of the balance query public class OutputActor : Actor { public void Handle(Balance msg) { Console.WriteLine("Balance is {0}", msg.Amount); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var account = new AccountActor(); var output = new OutputActor(); account.Send(new Deposit { Amount = 50 }); account.Send(new QueryBalance { Receiver = output }); account.Completion.Wait(); output.Completion.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
标签:output ring 国外 let linq 实现 account comm logs