标签:disabled asi 个性 mode group 描述性弹性域 column level request
SELECT * FROM fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs WHERE ffvs.flex_value_set_name LIKE ‘CUX%‘ AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM fnd_flex_values_vl ffv WHERE ffvs.flex_value_set_id = ffv.flex_value_set_id AND (ascii(substr(ffv.flex_value ,1 ,1)) < 0 OR ascii(substr(ffv.flex_value ,1 ,1)) > 127) AND ffv.enabled_flag = ‘Y‘);
SELECT * FROM all_source t WHERE t.type = ‘PACKAGE BODY‘ AND t.name LIKE ‘XX%‘ AND t.owner LIKE ‘XX%‘ AND t.text LIKE ‘%per_org_structure_versions%‘;
SELECT * FROM fnd_product_groups;
SELECT * FROM v$version;
SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ‘PO_HEADERS_ALL‘;
SELECT fnd_profile.value(‘APPS_WEB_AGENT‘) FROM dual;
SELECT * FROM all_dependencies dep WHERE dep.referenced_name = ‘MTL_SAFETY_STOCKS‘;
SELECT * FROM v$session_longops;
SELECT fp.level_id ,fp.level_value ,fp.profile_option_value FROM fnd_profile_options_vl fpo ,fnd_profile_option_values fp WHERE fpo.application_id = fp.application_id AND fpo.profile_option_id = fp.profile_option_id AND fpo.user_profile_option_name = ‘FND: Debug Log Enabled‘;
SELECT fnd_application.application_short_name ,fnd_application.application_id ,fnd_product_installations.status FROM fnd_application ,fnd_product_installations WHERE fnd_application.application_id = fnd_product_installations.application_id;
SELECT fapp.application_short_name ,fapptl.application_name ,fapp.* FROM fnd_application fapp ,fnd_application_tl fapptl WHERE fapptl.application_name = ‘Purchasing‘ -- fapp.application_short_name=‘XXSAT‘ AND fapp.application_id = fapptl.application_id AND fapptl.language = ‘US‘
SELECT * FROM fnd_user WHERE user_name = upper(‘sysadmin‘);
SELECT fa.application_short_name , fm.language_code , fm.message_name , fm.message_text , fm.type FROM fnd_new_messages fm , fnd_application fa WHERE fm.message_name = ‘FWK_TBX_T_PAGE_GENERAL‘ AND fm.application_id = fa.application_id AND fa.application_short_name = ‘AK‘
SELECT userenv(‘language‘) FROM dual;
SELECT * FROM fnd_profile_options_tl t WHERE t.profile_option_name = ‘AFLOG_ENABLED‘;
SELECT t.user_profile_option_name "Profile Option" ,decode(a.level_id ,10001 ,‘Site‘ ,10002 ,‘Application‘ ,10003 ,‘Responsibility‘ ,10004 ,‘User‘) "Level" ,decode(a.level_id ,10001 ,‘Site‘ ,10002 ,b.application_short_name ,10003 ,c.responsibility_key ,10004 ,d.user_name) "Level Value" ,a.profile_option_value "Profile Value" FROM fnd_profile_option_values a ,fnd_application b ,fnd_responsibility c ,fnd_user d ,fnd_profile_options e ,fnd_profile_options_tl t WHERE a.profile_option_id = e.profile_option_id AND e.profile_option_name = ‘RCV_TP_MODE‘ AND a.level_value = b.application_id(+) AND a.level_value = c.responsibility_id(+) AND a.level_value = d.user_id(+) AND t.profile_option_name = e.profile_option_name AND t.language = ‘US‘ ORDER BY e.profile_option_name ,a.level_id DESC;
SELECT to_number(substr(to_char(to_date(‘12:56:23‘ ,‘hh24:mi:SS‘) ,‘hh24miss‘) ,1 ,2)) * 3600 + to_number(substr(to_char(to_date(‘12:56:23‘ ,‘hh24:mi:SS‘) ,‘hh24miss‘) ,3 ,2)) * 60 + to_number(substr(to_char(to_date(‘12:56:23‘ ,‘hh24:mi:SS‘) ,‘hh24miss‘) ,5 ,2)) FROM dual;
SELECT to_char(trunc(46583 / 3600)) || ‘:‘ || to_char(trunc(MOD(46583 ,3600) / 60)) || ‘:‘ || to_char(trunc(MOD(MOD(46583 ,3600) ,60))) FROM dual;
SELECT userenv(‘SESSIONID‘) FROM dual;
SELECT responsibility_name ,frg.request_group_name ,fcpv.concurrent_program_name ,fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name ,fcpv.description FROM fnd_request_groups frg ,fnd_request_group_units frgu ,fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv ,fnd_responsibility_vl frv WHERE frgu.request_unit_type = ‘P‘ AND frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id AND frgu.request_unit_id = fcpv.concurrent_program_id AND frv.request_group_id(+) = frg.request_group_id AND fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name = < 并发程序全称,例: ‘CUX:接收入库单‘ > ORDER BY responsibility_name
SELECT * FROM nls_database_parameters;
SELECT fffv.function_name ,fm.menu_name ,fr.responsibility_key FROM fnd_form_functions_vl fffv ,fnd_menu_entries_vl fmev ,fnd_menus fm ,fnd_responsibility fr WHERE fffv.function_id = fmev.function_id AND fmev.menu_id = fm.menu_id AND fmev.menu_id = fr.menu_id(+) AND fffv.function_name = ‘&function_name‘;
SELECT pro.profile_option_name ,pro.user_profile_option_name ,lev.level_type TYPE ,lev.level_code ,lev.level_name ,prv.profile_option_value FROM apps.fnd_profile_options_vl pro ,applsys.fnd_profile_option_values prv ,(SELECT 10001 level_id ,‘Site‘ level_type ,0 level_value ,‘Site‘ level_code ,‘Site‘ level_name FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 10002 level_id ,‘App‘ level_type ,app.application_id level_value ,app.application_short_name level_code ,app.application_name level_name FROM apps.fnd_application_vl app UNION ALL SELECT 10003 level_id ,‘Resp‘ level_type ,resp.responsibility_id level_value ,resp.responsibility_key level_code ,resp.responsibility_name level_name FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl resp UNION ALL SELECT 10004 level_id ,‘User‘ level_type ,usr.user_id level_value ,usr.user_name level_code ,usr.user_name level_name FROM applsys.fnd_user usr) lev WHERE pro.profile_option_id = prv.profile_option_id(+) AND prv.level_id = lev.level_id(+) AND prv.level_value = lev.level_value(+) AND pro.user_profile_option_name LIKE ‘CUX%‘ --Profile名称 ORDER BY pro.profile_option_name ,lev.level_type ,lev.level_name;
SELECT dd.patch_name ,pp.creation_date ,pp.driver_file_name ,lang.language FROM ad_patch_drivers pp ,ad_applied_patches dd ,ad_patch_driver_langs lang WHERE pp.applied_patch_id = dd.applied_patch_id AND lang.patch_driver_id = pp.patch_driver_id AND lang.language = userenv(‘LANG‘) ORDER BY pp.creation_date;
SELECT fnd_dfv.title ,fnd_dfv.descriptive_flexfield_name ,fnd_dfv.application_table_name ,fnd_dfu.application_column_name ,fnd_dfu.form_left_prompt ,fnd_dfu.form_above_prompt FROM fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl fnd_dfv ,fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl fnd_dfu WHERE fnd_dfv.title = ‘物料‘ --如:物料 AND fnd_dfu.descriptive_flexfield_name = fnd_dfv.descriptive_flexfield_name;
SELECT u.user_name ,app.application_short_name ,fat.application_name ,fr.responsibility_key ,frt.responsibility_name ,fff.function_name ,fft.user_function_name ,icx.function_type ,icx.first_connect ,icx.last_connect FROM icx_sessions icx ,fnd_user u ,fnd_application app ,fnd_application_tl fat ,fnd_responsibility fr ,fnd_responsibility_tl frt ,fnd_form_functions fff ,fnd_form_functions_tl fft WHERE 1 = 1 AND u.user_id = icx.user_id AND icx.responsibility_application_id = app.application_id AND fat.application_id = icx.responsibility_application_id AND fat.language = ‘ZHS‘ AND fr.application_id = icx.responsibility_application_id AND fr.responsibility_id = icx.responsibility_id AND frt.language = ‘ZHS‘ AND frt.application_id = icx.responsibility_application_id AND frt.responsibility_id = icx.responsibility_id AND fff.function_id = icx.function_id AND fft.function_id = icx.function_id AND icx.disabled_flag != ‘Y‘ AND icx.pseudo_flag = ‘N‘ AND (icx.last_connect + decode(fnd_profile.value(‘ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT‘) ,NULL ,icx.limit_time ,0 ,icx.limit_time ,fnd_profile.value(‘ICX_SESSION_TIMEOUT‘) / 60) / 24) > SYSDATE AND icx.counter < icx.limit_connects;
SELECT DISTINCT fun.user_function_name ,fun.function_name FROM fnd_form_custom_rules fcr ,fnd_form_functions_vl fun WHERE fun.function_name = fcr.function_name ORDER BY fun.function_name;
SELECT rg.request_group_name ,fcp.concurrent_program_name ,fcp.user_concurrent_program_name ,rg.application_id ,rg.request_group_id FROM fnd_request_groups rg ,fnd_request_group_units rgu ,fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp WHERE rg.request_group_id = rgu.request_group_id AND rgu.request_unit_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND fcp.user_concurrent_program_name = ‘CUX:库存帐龄表‘;
SELECT t.user_profile_option_name us_name ,l.user_profile_option_name zhs_name ,decode(v.level_id ,10001 ,‘地点层‘ ,10002 ,‘应用层‘ ,10003 ,‘职责层‘ ,10004 ,‘用户层‘ ,10005 ,‘服务器层‘ ,10006 ,‘组织层‘ ,‘其它‘) level_name ,decode(v.level_id ,10002 ,(SELECT application_name FROM apps.fnd_application_vl WHERE application_id = v.level_value) ,10003 ,(SELECT responsibility_name FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_vl WHERE responsibility_id = v.level_value AND application_id = v.level_value_application_id) ,10004 ,(SELECT user_name FROM apps.fnd_user WHERE user_id = v.level_value) ,10005 ,(SELECT node_name FROM apps.fnd_nodes WHERE node_id = v.level_value) ,10006 ,(SELECT NAME FROM apps.hr_operating_units WHERE organization_id = v.level_value) ,v.level_value) level_value ,v.profile_option_value ,u.user_name ,v.last_update_date FROM apps.fnd_profile_options_vl t ,apps.fnd_profile_options_tl l ,apps.fnd_profile_option_values v ,apps.fnd_user u WHERE t.application_id = v.application_id AND t.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id AND t.profile_option_name = l.profile_option_name AND l.language = ‘ZHS‘ AND u.user_id = v.last_updated_by AND t.start_date_active <= SYSDATE AND nvl(t.end_date_active ,SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE AND user_id NOT IN (-1 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7) AND l.user_profile_option_name = ‘MO:安全性配置文件‘ ORDER BY t.user_profile_option_name;
SELECT ‘Request id: ‘ || request_id ,‘Trace id: ‘ || oracle_process_id ,‘Trace Flag: ‘ || req.enable_trace ,‘Trace Name: ‘ || dest.value || ‘/‘ || lower(dbnm.value) || ‘_ora_‘ || oracle_process_id || ‘.trc‘ ,‘Prog. Name: ‘ || prog.user_concurrent_program_name ,‘File Name: ‘ || execname.execution_file_name || execname.subroutine_name ,‘Status : ‘ || decode(phase_code ,‘R‘ ,‘Running‘) || ‘-‘ || decode(status_code ,‘R‘ ,‘Normal‘) ,‘SID Serial: ‘ || ses.sid || ‘,‘ || ses.serial# ,‘Module : ‘ || ses.module FROM fnd_concurrent_requests req ,v$session ses ,v$process proc ,v$parameter dest ,v$parameter dbnm ,fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog ,fnd_executables execname WHERE req.request_id = &request_id AND req.oracle_process_id = proc.spid(+) AND proc.addr = ses.paddr(+) AND dest.name = ‘user_dump_dest‘ AND dbnm.name = ‘db_name‘ AND req.concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id AND req.program_application_id = prog.application_id AND prog.application_id = execname.application_id AND prog.executable_id = execname.executable_id;
SELECT fcr.rowid ,fcr.* FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr WHERE 1 = 1 AND fcr.phase_code IN ( /*‘P‘,*/‘R‘) AND fcr.request_id = 558746; --phase_code,status_code = C
标签:disabled asi 个性 mode group 描述性弹性域 column level request