标签:order 0.12 工具 azure ini tis 表数 数据操作 average
Standard DS4 v2 (8 vcpus, 28 GB memory), 4 X 1023G, 4 X 5000 IOPS, Raid0, 记做 VM-SSD
Standard DS4 v2 (8 vcpus, 28 GB memory), 16 X 128G, 16 X 500 IOPS, Raid0, 记做 VM-HDD
$ createdb pgbench
$ pgbench -i pgbench
$ pgbench -i -s 500 pgbench
$ pgbench -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 333504
latency average = 8.636 ms
tps = 1852.672083 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1852.742252 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.000 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.071 BEGIN;
0.248 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE a id = :aid;
0.150 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.171 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.265 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.117 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
7.607 END;
$ pgbench -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 223638
latency average = 12.879 ms
tps = 1242.328936 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1242.365821 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.000 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.070 BEGIN;
0.250 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.150 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.174 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.331 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.116 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
11.679 END;
max_connections = 2000
shared_buffers = 4GB
temp_buffers = 2GB
max_prepared_transactions = 2000
work_mem = 512MB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
max_connections : 决定和数据库连接的并发连接数目的最大值。 缺省通常是 100,但是如果你的内核设置不支持这么大(在 initdb 的时候判断),可能会比这个数少。这个参数的上限收到操作系统并发连接数的限制。修改本参数需要重启PostgreSQL服务。
max_prepared_transactions :设置可以同时处于"准备好"状态的事务的最大数目。 把这个参数设置为零则关闭准备好的事务的特性。max_prepared_transactions 设置成至少和 max_connections 一样大, 以避免在准备步骤的失败。 修改本参数需要重启PostgreSQL服务。
maintenance_work_mem:维护工作内存,主要是针对数据库的维护操作或者语句。尽量的将这些操作在内存中进行。主要针对VACUUM,CREATE INDEX,REINDEX等操作。
$ pgbench -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 457226
latency average = 6.300 ms
tps = 2539.724092 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2539.832161 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.001 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.077 BEGIN;
0.204 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.155 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.168 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.231 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.120 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
5.340 END;
$ pgbench -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 313329
latency average = 9.193 ms
tps = 1740.403152 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1740.455620 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.000 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.073 BEGIN;
0.195 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.155 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.169 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.273 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.118 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
8.208 END;
修改postgresql.conf, 设置监听地址为所有地址:listen_addresses = ‘‘
VM-SSD 作为Client访问VM-HDD private address
$ pgbench -h -p 1999 -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 340623
latency average = 8.456 ms
tps = 1892.056710 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1892.119631 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.001 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.308 BEGIN;
0.432 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.335 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.348 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.412 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.290 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
6.329 END;
此时从VM-SDD ping VM-HDD的时延为:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.459 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.447 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.226 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.231 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.264 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.300 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.260 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.302 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.226 ms
VM-HDD 作为Client访问VM-SSD private address
$ pgbench -h -p 1999 -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 429534
latency average = 6.708 ms
tps = 2385.353651 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2385.425889 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.001 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.294 BEGIN;
0.442 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.336 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.349 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.391 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.289 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
4.599 END;
此时从VM-SDD ping VM-HDD的时延为:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.228 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.219 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.240 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.353 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.445 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.278 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.407 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.196 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.271 ms
VM-SSD 访问 VM-HDD public address
$ pgbench -h -p 1999 -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 353836
latency average = 8.141 ms
tps = 1965.306199 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1965.368417 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.001 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.312 BEGIN;
0.446 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.340 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.351 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.413 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.292 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
5.985 END;
VM-HDD 访问 VM-SSD public address
$ pgbench -h -p 1999 -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 433479
latency average = 6.646 ms
tps = 2407.470097 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2407.548375 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.001 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.291 BEGIN;
0.431 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.331 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.344 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.385 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.287 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
4.570 END;
VM-SSD未优化 |
VM-HDD未优化 |
VM-SSD优化 |
VM-HDD优化 |
SSD to HDD Private IP |
HDD to SSD Private IP |
SSD to HDD Public IP |
HDD to SSD Private IP |
latency average |
8.636 ms |
12.879 ms |
6.300 ms |
9.193 ms |
8.456 ms |
6.708 ms |
8.141 ms |
6.646 ms |
tps |
1852 |
1242 |
2539 |
1740 |
1892 |
2385 |
1965 |
2407 |
最后补充一点,如果禁用 synchronous_commit参数,性能会有惊人的提高,不过这样关闭了日志的实时同步,虽然对性能有极大的提高,但是可能会造成数据库在意外时无法保持数据一致性,因此并不建议修改这个参数。
$ pgbench -r -c 16 -j 16 -n -T 180 pgbench
transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
scaling factor: 500
query mode: simple
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 16
duration: 180 s
number of transactions actually processed: 1667171
latency average = 1.728 ms
tps = 9260.473969 (including connections establishing)
tps = 9260.967802 (excluding connections establishing)
script statistics:
- statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.002 \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
0.001 \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
0.001 \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
0.001 \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
0.064 BEGIN;
0.209 UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
0.252 SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
0.315 UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
0.411 UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
0.317 INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
0.148 END;
PostgreSQL on Azure.cn : 性能测试及调优
标签:order 0.12 工具 azure ini tis 表数 数据操作 average