标签:删除用户 index put ant 用户名 else 输入 enc please
friends = [] def add_friend(): name = raw_input("please input friend name:") friends.append(name) foreach(friends) def del_friend(): name = raw_input("please input friend name who you want to delete:") if friends.index(name)!=-1: friends.remove(name) foreach(friends) def update_friend(): name = raw_input("please input friend name who you want to update:") index = friends.index(name) name = raw_input("please input friend name new") if index != -1: friends[index] = name foreach(friends) def query_friend(): name = raw_input("please input friend name to query:") print(name) whencase={ 1:lambda _:add_friend(), 2:lambda _:del_friend(), 3:lambda _:update_friend(), 4:lambda _:query_friend() } while True: print("-"*40) print(" 1 : 添加用户名") print(" 2 : 删除用户名") print(" 3 : 修改用户名") print(" 4 : 查询用户名") print(" 5 : 退出系统") print("-"*40) #提示用户输入 numstr = raw_input("请输入功能序号") if not numstr.isdigit(): break numstr = int(numstr) if numstr == 5: break elif numstr<5: whencase[numstr] else: continue
标签:删除用户 index put ant 用户名 else 输入 enc please