标签:orm += formatter 了解 lin etl mysql tap inux
数据源是kafka stream,实时计算。规则是mysql配置的,简单说就是1分钟内超过多少次403就记录下来
1 import json 2 import logging 3 from datetime import datetime 4 5 import MySQLdb 6 from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf 7 from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext 8 from pyspark.streaming.kafka import KafkaUtils 9 10 logger = logging.getLogger() 11 hdlr = logging.FileHandler(‘nginx_log_stats.log‘) 12 formatter = logging.Formatter(‘%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s‘) 13 hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) 14 logger.addHandler(hdlr) 15 logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) 16 17 18 def is_in_one_minute(nginx_timestamp): 19 """ 20 :param nginx_time: "timestamp": "16/Feb/2017:08:23:59 +0000" 21 :return: 22 """ 23 now = datetime.now() 24 nginx_datetime = datetime.strptime(nginx_timestamp.split(‘+‘)[0].strip(), 25 ‘%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S‘) 26 return (now - nginx_datetime).seconds <= 60 if now > nginx_datetime else (nginx_datetime - now).seconds <= 60 27 28 29 30 # save to mysql 31 def saveToMysql(partition): 32 host = "..." 33 user = "..." 34 password = "..." 35 db_name = "..._monitor" 36 db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, password, db_name, charset=‘utf8‘) 37 db.autocommit(True) 38 cursor = db.cursor() 39 for d1ct in partition: 40 sql = r"""INSERT INTO `security_suspect_request` (`domain`, `api`, `code`, `ip`, `access_count`) VALUES (‘{domain}‘, ‘{api}‘, ‘{code}‘, ‘{ip}‘, {access_count})""".format( 41 domain=d1ct[‘domain‘], api=d1ct[‘path‘], code=d1ct[‘response‘], ip=d1ct[‘ip‘], 42 access_count=d1ct[‘count‘]) 43 cursor.execute(sql) 44 db.close() 45 46 47 def dictfetchall(cursor): 48 "Return all rows from a cursor as a dict" 49 columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description] 50 return [ 51 dict(zip(columns, row)) 52 for row in cursor.fetchall() 53 ] 54 55 56 def filterPolicy(log): 57 ‘‘‘ 58 { 59 "path": "/var/log/nginx/webapi..../access-log", 60 "host": "ip-10-...", 61 "clientip": "10....", 62 "timestamp": "16/Feb/2017:08:23:59 +0000", 63 "domain": "...com", 64 "verb": "POST", 65 "request_path": "/video/upload", 66 "request_param": "sig=b400fdce...&userId=...", 67 "httpversion": "1.1", 68 "response": "403", 69 "bytes": "0", 70 "agent": "Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.4; SM-T561 Build/KTU84P)", 71 "response_time": "0.110", 72 "topic": "nginx" 73 } 74 ‘‘‘ 75 # true save . false ignore 76 true_flag = 0 77 this = json.loads(log[1]) 78 # filter time 79 if not is_in_one_minute(this[‘timestamp‘]): 80 return False 81 # filter condition 82 for policy in filterVar.value: 83 if policy[‘domain‘] == ‘all‘ or (‘domain‘ in this.keys() and this[‘domain‘] == policy[‘domain‘]): 84 if policy[‘api‘] == ‘all‘ or (‘request_path‘ in this.keys() and this[‘request_path‘] == policy[‘api‘]): 85 if ‘response‘ in this.keys() and this[‘response‘] == str(policy[‘code‘]): 86 true_flag += 1 87 88 return True if true_flag else False 89 90 91 def countMap(log): 92 import json, re 93 this = json.loads(log[1]) 94 key = this.get(‘domain‘, "") + "--" + re.sub(r‘\/\d+$‘, r‘‘, 95 this.get(‘request_path‘, "") + "--" + this.get( 96 ‘clientip‘) + "--" + this.get(‘response‘)) 97 value = {‘count‘: 1} 98 return key, value 99 100 101 def countReduce(prev, cur): 102 cur[‘count‘] = cur[‘count‘] + prev[‘count‘] 103 return cur 104 105 106 def output(tup1e): 107 """ 108 a touple (key, value) 109 """ 110 tup1e[1][‘domain‘], tup1e[1][‘path‘], tup1e[1][‘ip‘], tup1e[1][‘response‘] = tup1e[0].split(‘--‘) 111 return tup1e[1] 112 113 114 def youAreUnderArrest(d1ct): 115 mylimit = None 116 for row in filterVar.value: 117 if row[‘domain‘] == ‘all‘ or row[‘domain‘] == d1ct[‘domain‘]: 118 if row[‘api‘] == ‘all‘ or row[‘api‘] == d1ct[‘path‘]: 119 if row[‘code‘] == int(d1ct[‘response‘]): 120 mylimit = row[‘limit‘] 121 122 return False if mylimit is None else d1ct[‘count‘] >= mylimit 123 124 125 if __name__ == "__main__": 126 host = "..." 127 user = "..." 128 password = "..." 129 db_name = "..._monitor" 130 db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, password, db_name, charset=‘utf8‘) 131 db.autocommit(True) 132 cur = db.cursor() 133 try: 134 # for now only support 1 row 135 cur.execute(r"""SELECT * FROM security_anti_hacker_policy""") 136 filter_option = dictfetchall(cur) 137 finally: 138 db.close() 139 140 topic = ‘nginx.log‘ 141 zkQuorum = ‘...:2181,...:2181,...:2181‘ 142 conf = (SparkConf() 143 .setMaster("spark://...:7077") 144 .setAppName("anti_hacker_stats") 145 .set("spark.driver.memory", "1g") 146 .set("spark.executor.memory", "1g") 147 .set("spark.cores.max", 2)) 148 sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) 149 # broadcast variable for share 150 filterVar = sc.broadcast(filter_option) 151 ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 60) 152 kvs = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, "anti-hacker", {topic: 1}, 153 {"auto.offset.reset": ‘largest‘}) 154 lines = kvs.filter(filterPolicy).map(countMap).reduceByKey(countReduce).map(output).filter(youAreUnderArrest) 155 lines.foreachRDD(lambda rdd: rdd.foreachPartition(saveToMysql)) 156 # lines.saveAsTextFiles(‘test‘) 157 # lines = kvs.filter(filterPolicy) 158 # lines.pprint() 159 ssc.start() 160 ssc.awaitTermination()
标签:orm += formatter 了解 lin etl mysql tap inux