标签:sys 苹果 import width uil points 换行 build app
1.1 类的继承的实现
/** * Created by qichunlin on 2017/10/10. */ public class Fruit { public String fruitName; public double weight; public void info() { System.out.print("我是一个"+fruitName+"~重"+weight+"g!"); } } public class Apple extends Fruit{ public static void main(String[] args){ Apple a=new Apple(); a.fruitName="苹果"; a.weight=200; a.info(); } }
2.2 看下面一个例子
/** * Created by qichunlin on 2017/10/5. */ /** 定义一个矩形类MyRect,重载buildRect方法 描述一个矩形,如:可使用矩形的左上角和右下角坐标,使用两个点类的对象point, * */ import java.awt.Point; class MyRect //定义矩形类 { int x1=0; //左上角坐标初始化 int y1=0; int x2=0; //右下角坐标初始化 int y2=0; MyRect buildRect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) //方法1,左上角和右下角 { this.x1=x1; this.y1=y1; this.x2=x2; this.y2=y2; return this; } MyRect buildRect(Point topLeft,Point bottomRight) /*方法2,两个point‘对象,指定左上角和右下角坐标*/ { x1=topLeft.x; y1=topLeft.y; x2=bottomRight.x; y2=bottomRight.y; return this; } MyRect buildRect(Point topLeft,int w,int h) //方法3,左上角和宽度与高度 { x1=topLeft.x; y1=topLeft.y; x2=(x1+w); y2=(y1+h); return this; } void printRect() //打印输出坐标 { System.out.print("MyRect:<"+x1+","+y1); //打印后不换行 System.out.print(","+x2+","+y2+">"); //继续上行打印 } public static void main(String[] args) { MyRect rect=new MyRect(); //创建对象 System.out.print("Calling buildRect with coordinates 25,25,50,50:"); //创建矩形1,调用方法1 rect.printRect(); //打印出坐标 System.out.print("* * *"); System.out.println("Calling buildRect with points (10,10),(20,20):"); //矩形2,调用方法2 rect.buildRect(new Point(10,10),new Point(20,20)); rect.printRect(); //打印出坐标 System.out.println("* * *"); System.out.print("Calling buildRect with 1 point(10,10),"); System.out.println("width(50)and height(50):"); rect.buildRect(new Point(10,10),50,50); //矩形3,调用方法3 rect.printRect(); //打印出坐标 System.out.println("* * *"); } }
/** * Created by qichunlin on 2017/10/7. */ class MethodOverloading { void receive(int i) { System.out.println("Received one int data"); System.out.println("i="+i); } void receive(float f) { System.out.println("Received one float data"); System.out.println("f="+f); } void receive(String s) { System.out.println("Received a String"); System.out.println("s="+s); } public static void main(String [] args) { MethodOverloading m = new MethodOverloading(); m.receive(3456); m.receive(34.56f); m.receive("方法重载"); } }
2017.10.10 java程序设计-------继承与多态
标签:sys 苹果 import width uil points 换行 build app