标签:ted path windows arrays null exp export sleep monit
转载于GIT路径 https://github.com/oldratlee/useful-scripts/blob/master/docs/java.md#beer-show-busy-java-threadssh
性能问题(top us
PS,如何操作可以参见@bluedavy的《分布式Java应用》的【5.1.1 cpu消耗分析】一节,说得很详细:
成十六进制(可以用printf %x 1234
# 从所有运行的Java进程中找出最消耗CPU的线程(缺省5个),打印出其线程栈
# 缺省会自动从所有的Java进程中找出最消耗CPU的线程,这样用更方便
# 当然你可以手动指定要分析的Java进程Id,以保证只会显示出那个你关心的Java进程的信息
show-busy-java-threads.sh -p <指定的Java进程Id>
show-busy-java-threads.sh -c <要显示的线程栈数>
show-busy-java-threads.sh <重复执行的间隔秒数> [<重复执行的次数>]
# 多次执行;这2个参数的使用方式类似vmstat命令
show-busy-java-threads.sh -a <输出记录到的文件>
# 记录到文件以方便回溯查看
# 注意:
# 如果Java进程的用户 与 执行脚本的当前用户 不同,则jstack不了这个Java进程
# 为了能切换到Java进程的用户,需要加sudo来执行,即可以解决:
sudo show-busy-java-threads.sh
show-busy-java-threads.sh -s <指定jstack命令的全路径>
# 对于sudo方式的运行,JAVA_HOME环境变量不能传递给root,
# 而root用户往往没有配置JAVA_HOME且不方便配置,
# 显式指定jstack命令的路径就反而显得更方便了
# -m选项:执行jstack命令时加上-m选项,显示上Native的栈帧,一般应用排查不需要使用
show-busy-java-threads.sh -m
# -l选项:执行jstack命令时加上 -l 选项,显示上更多相关锁的信息,一般情况不需要使用
# 注意:和 -m -F 选项一起使用时,可能会大大增加jstack操作的耗时
show-busy-java-threads.sh -l
# -F选项:执行jstack命令时加上 -F 选项(如果直接jstack无响应时,用于强制jstack),一般情况不需要使用
show-busy-java-threads.sh -F
# 帮助信息
$ show-busy-java-threads.sh -h
Usage: show-busy-java-threads.sh [OPTION]... [delay [count]]
Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads.
show-busy-java-threads.sh # show busy java threads info
show-busy-java-threads.sh 1 # update every 1 seconds, (stop by eg: CTRL+C)
show-busy-java-threads.sh 3 10 # update every 3 seconds, update 10 times
-p, --pid <java pid> find out the highest cpu consumed threads from the specifed java process,
default from all java process.
-c, --count <num> set the thread count to show, default is 5
-a, --append-file <file> specify the file to append output as log
-s, --jstack-path <path> specify the path of jstack command
-F, --force set jstack to force a thread dump
use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung)
-m, --mix-native-frames set jstack to print both java and native frames (mixed mode)
-l, --lock-info set jstack with long listing. Prints additional information about locks
-h, --help display this help and exit
delay the delay between updates in seconds
count the number of updates
delay/count arguments imitates style of vmstat command
$ show-busy-java-threads.sh
[1] Busy(57.0%) thread(23355/0x5b3b) stack of java process(23269) under user(admin):
"pool-1-thread-1" prio=10 tid=0x000000005b5c5000 nid=0x5b3b runnable [0x000000004062c000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at java.text.DateFormat.format(DateFormat.java:316)
at com.xxx.foo.services.common.DateFormatUtil.format(DateFormatUtil.java:41)
at com.xxx.foo.shared.monitor.schedule.AppMonitorDataAvgScheduler.run(AppMonitorDataAvgScheduler.java:127)
at com.xxx.foo.services.common.utils.AliTimer$2.run(AliTimer.java:128)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
[2] Busy(26.1%) thread(24018/0x5dd2) stack of java process(23269) under user(admin):
"pool-1-thread-2" prio=10 tid=0x000000005a968800 nid=0x5dd2 runnable [0x00000000420e9000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Arrays.java:2882)
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(AbstractStringBuilder.java:100)
at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.append(AbstractStringBuilder.java:572)
at java.lang.StringBuffer.append(StringBuffer.java:320)
- locked <0x00000007908d0030> (a java.lang.StringBuffer)
at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.format(SimpleDateFormat.java:890)
at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.format(SimpleDateFormat.java:869)
at java.text.DateFormat.format(DateFormat.java:316)
at com.xxx.foo.services.common.DateFormatUtil.format(DateFormatUtil.java:41)
at com.xxx.foo.shared.monitor.schedule.AppMonitorDataAvgScheduler.run(AppMonitorDataAvgScheduler.java:126)
at com.xxx.foo.services.common.utils.AliTimer$2.run(AliTimer.java:128)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
# 因为调用越少代码执行越快,则出现在线程栈的概率就越低。
# 脚本有自动多次执行的功能,指定 重复执行的间隔秒数/重复执行的次数 参数。
#!/bin/bash # @Function # Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads. # # @Usage # $ ./show-busy-java-threads.sh # # @author Jerry Lee # @author superhj1987 readonly PROG="`basename $0`" readonly -a COMMAND_LINE=("$0" "$@") # Check os support! uname | grep ‘^Linux‘ -q || { echo "$PROG only support Linux, not support `uname` yet!" 1>&2 exit 2 } # Get corrent current user name via whoami command # See get https://www.lifewire.com/current-linux-user-whoami-command-3867579 # Because if use `sudo -u` to run command, env var $USER is not rewrited/correct, just inherited from outside! readonly USER="`whoami`" usage() { [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != 0 ] && local out=/dev/stderr || local out=/dev/stdout > $out cat <<EOF Usage: ${PROG} [OPTION]... [delay [count]] Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads. Example: ${PROG} # show busy java threads info ${PROG} 1 # update every 1 seconds, (stop by eg: CTRL+C) ${PROG} 3 10 # update every 3 seconds, update 10 times Options: -p, --pid <java pid> find out the highest cpu consumed threads from the specifed java process, default from all java process. -c, --count <num> set the thread count to show, default is 5 -a, --append-file <file> specify the file to append output as log -s, --jstack-path <path> specify the path of jstack command -F, --force set jstack to force a thread dump use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung) -m, --mix-native-frames set jstack to print both java and native frames (mixed mode) -l, --lock-info set jstack with long listing. Prints additional information about locks -h, --help display this help and exit delay the delay between updates in seconds count the number of updates delay/count arguments imitates style of vmstat command EOF exit $1 } readonly ARGS=`getopt -n "$PROG" -a -o p:c:a:s:Fmlh -l count:,pid:,append-file:,jstack-path:,force,mix-native-frames,lock-info,help -- "$@"` [ $? -ne 0 ] && usage 1 eval set -- "${ARGS}" while true; do case "$1" in -c|--count) count="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--pid) pid="$2" shift 2 ;; -a|--append-file) append_file="$2" shift 2 ;; -s|--jstack-path) jstack_path="$2" shift 2 ;; -F|--force) force=-F shift 1 ;; -m|--mix-native-frames) mix_native_frames=-m shift 1 ;; -l|--lock-info) more_lock_info=-l shift 1 ;; -h|--help) usage ;; --) shift break ;; esac done count=${count:-5} update_delay=${1:-0} [ -z "$1" ] && update_count=1 || update_count=${2:-0} [ $update_count -lt 0 ] && update_count=0 # NOTE: $‘foo‘ is the escape sequence syntax of bash readonly ec=$‘\033‘ # escape char readonly eend=$‘\033[0m‘ # escape end colorPrint() { local color=$1 shift if [ -c /dev/stdout ] ; then # if stdout is console, turn on color output. echo "$ec[1;${color}m$@$eend" else echo "$@" fi [ -n "$append_file" ] && echo "$@" >> "$append_file" } redPrint() { colorPrint 31 "$@" } greenPrint() { colorPrint 32 "$@" } yellowPrint() { colorPrint 33 "$@" } bluePrint() { colorPrint 36 "$@" } normalPrint() { echo "$@" [ -n "$append_file" ] && echo "$@" >> "$append_file" } if [ -n "$jstack_path" ]; then [ ! -x "$jstack_path" ] && { redPrint "Error: $jstack_path is NOT found/executalbe!" 1>&2 exit 1 } elif which jstack &> /dev/null; then # Check the existence of jstack command! jstack_path="`which jstack`" else [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] && { redPrint "Error: jstack not found on PATH! Use -s option set jstack path manually." 1>&2 exit 1 } [ ! -f "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] && { redPrint "Error: jstack not found on PATH and \$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack($JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack) file does NOT exists! Use -s option set jstack path manually." 1>&2 exit 1 } [ ! -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] && { redPrint "Error: jstack not found on PATH and \$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack($JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack) is NOT executalbe! Use -s option set jstack path manually." 1>&2 exit 1 } export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" jstack_path="`which jstack`" fi readonly uuid=`date +%s`_${RANDOM}_$$ cleanupWhenExit() { rm /tmp/${uuid}_* &> /dev/null } trap "cleanupWhenExit" EXIT printStackOfThreads() { local line local counter=1 while IFS=" " read -a line ; do local pid=${line[0]} local threadId=${line[1]} local threadId0x="0x`printf %x ${threadId}`" local user=${line[2]} local pcpu=${line[4]} local jstackFile=/tmp/${uuid}_${pid} [ ! -f "${jstackFile}" ] && { { if [ "${user}" == "${USER}" ]; then "$jstack_path" ${force} $mix_native_frames $more_lock_info ${pid} > ${jstackFile} elif [ $UID == 0 ]; then sudo -u "${user}" "$jstack_path" ${force} $mix_native_frames $more_lock_info ${pid} > ${jstackFile} else redPrint "[$((counter++))] Fail to jstack Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user})." redPrint "User of java process($user) is not current user($USER), need sudo to run again:" yellowPrint " sudo ${COMMAND_LINE[@]}" normalPrint continue fi } || { redPrint "[$((counter++))] Fail to jstack Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user})." normalPrint rm ${jstackFile} continue } } bluePrint "[$((counter++))] Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user}):" if [ -n "$mix_native_frames" ]; then local sed_script="/------------- $threadId -------------/,/^---------------/ { /^---------------/b # skip seperator lines p }" elif [ -n "$force" ]; then local sed_script="/Thread $threadId:/,/^$/p" else local sed_script="/nid=${threadId0x} /,/^$/p" fi sed "$sed_script" -n ${jstackFile} | tee ${append_file:+-a "$append_file"} done } head_info() { echo ================================================================================ echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N") [$((i+1))/$update_count]: ${COMMAND_LINE[@]}" echo ================================================================================ echo } # if update_count <= 0, infinite loop till user interupted (eg: CTRL+C) for ((i = 0; update_count <= 0 || i < update_count; ++i)); do [ "$i" -gt 0 ] && sleep "$update_delay" [ -n "$append_file" ] && head_info >> "$append_file" [ "$update_count" -ne 1 ] && head_info ps -Leo pid,lwp,user,comm,pcpu --no-headers | { [ -z "${pid}" ] && awk ‘$4=="java"{print $0}‘ || awk -v "pid=${pid}" ‘$1==pid,$4=="java"{print $0}‘ } | sort -k5 -r -n | head -n "${count}" | printStackOfThreads done
标签:ted path windows arrays null exp export sleep monit