标签:mes 爬取 with creat read style port file ima
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ‘‘‘ Created on 2017-10-12 @author: wbhuangzhiqiang ‘‘‘ import csv from wordcloud import WordCloud#云词模块 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#展示 #将链家爬取的数据 with open(‘D:\\PycharmProjects\\HZQTEST\\爬虫\\house.csv‘,‘r‘) as vscfile: reads =csv.reader(vscfile) lst = [] for read in reads: for i in read: lst.append(i) mess =str(lst) cloud = WordCloud( #设置字体,不指定就会出现乱码 font_path=‘D:\\PycharmProjects\\HZQTEST\\zi.ttf‘, #设置背景色 background_color=‘white‘, #允许最大词汇 max_words=2000, #最大号字体 max_font_size=40 ) word_cloud = cloud.generate(mess) # 产生词云 plt.imshow(word_cloud) plt.axis(‘off‘) plt.show()
标签:mes 爬取 with creat read style port file ima