标签:efault cto sele finally before nbsp keep rac netstat
1.cd commond
a. cd usr 切换到该目录下usr目录 b. cd ../ 切换到上一层目录 c.cd / 切换到系统根目录 d. cd ~ 切换到用户主目录 e. cd - 切换到上一个所在目录
mkdir directory_name
ll or ls
find directory parameter
eg find /root associate with test directory find /root -name ‘test*‘
mv old_directory_name new_directory_name
mv directory_name directory_location
mv test /usr
cp -r /usr/copy_directory /temp/copy_to_directory
rm -rf directory or rm -r directory
a.create file commond
touch file_name.txt
b.select file commond
cat file_name.txt show finally screen
more file_name.txt exit press q
less file_name.txt pagedown pageup exit with q
tail -10 file_name.txt show last ten exit ctrl + c
c.modify file content
vi a.txt entry i/o/a exit and keep esc + : + wq exit and nokeep esc+:+q+!
a.packing and compression files
tar after(packing_and_compressing_file_name) packing_file
tar -zcvf name.tar.gz a.txt b.txt c.txt or tar -zcvf name.tar.fz /test/*
z use gizp commond compressing c packing_file v view_complier_process f point_file_name
b.decompression commond
tar -xvf name.tar.gz x stand_for_decompression
tar -xvf name.tar.gz -C /usr -C indicate_unzip_location
a.show current location
b.search character in file commond
grep character_in_file sudo.conf
grep character sudo.conf --color default color is red
c.pipe commond
pipe commond is before output comm ond as current directory input commond
ps -ef | grep system a.select all process b.select process with character system
d.look process
ps -ef
e.kill process
kil -9 pid pid is find from ps -ef
f.network communication commond
1.look up current network card information
2.query communication information
ping ip_address
3.check current system ports use information
netstat -an
标签:efault cto sele finally before nbsp keep rac netstat