标签:asc between group having order by 执行顺序 聚合函数 delete and
select * from students where id in(1,3,8);
select * from students where id between 3 and 8;
select * from students where id between 3 and 8 and gender=1;
select * from students where hometown is null;
select * from students where hometown is not null;
select * from students where hometown is not null and gender=0;
select count(*) from students;
select max(id) from students where gender=0;
select min(id) from students where isDelete=0;
select * from 表名 where 条件;
select * from 表名 group by 列1,列2,。。。、
select * from 表名 order by 列1 asc|desc,列2 asc|desc,...
select * from 表名 limit start,count;
select * from students where isDelete=0
limit (n-1)*m,m;
完整的 select 语句
select distinct * from 表名 where 条件
group by 列1,列2,... having 条件,条件,....聚合....
order by 列1,列2,....
limit start,count
--from 表名
--group by...
--select distinct *
--having ...
--order by ...
--limit start,count
标签:asc between group having order by 执行顺序 聚合函数 delete and