标签:优化 维护 rom cas 内容 空间 mergesort 标记 逻辑
位图法比较适合于判断是否存在这样的问题,元素的状态比较少,元素的个数比较多的情况之下。那么具体咋么做呢,这样,非常简单明了就是,2.5亿个整数里面,我维护一个长度等于最大整数值得字符串,每个整数是否存在我就在该整数对应的位置置为1,比如,有{2, 4, 5, 6, 67, 5}这么几个整数,我维护一个 00…0000 67位的字符串。但是,如果你不知道整数的最大值,你至少需要一个长度2^32的字符串,因为整数的最大值就是2^32,(int占4个字节,因此是32位),那这就最少是512M内存,从char的长度算内存会算吧,直接、最大整数/8*2^20 就是M的单位。那这么说来就可以理解位图法了。
java JDK里面容器类的排序算法使用的主要是插入排序和归并排序,可能不同版本的实现有所不同,关键代码如下:
1 /**
2 * Performs a sort on the section of the array between the given indices
3 * using a mergesort with exponential search algorithm (in which the merge
4 * is performed by exponential search). n*log(n) performance is guaranteed
5 * and in the average case it will be faster then any mergesort in which the
6 * merge is performed by linear search.
7 *
8 * @param in -
9 * the array for sorting.
10 * @param out -
11 * the result, sorted array.
12 * @param start
13 * the start index
14 * @param end
15 * the end index + 1
16 */
17 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
18 private static void mergeSort(Object[] in, Object[] out, int start,
19 int end) {
20 int len = end - start;
21 // use insertion sort for small arrays
22 if (len <= SIMPLE_LENGTH) {
23 for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
24 Comparable<Object> current = (Comparable<Object>) out[i];
25 Object prev = out[i - 1];
26 if (current.compareTo(prev) < 0) {
27 int j = i;
28 do {
29 out[j--] = prev;
30 } while (j > start
31 && current.compareTo(prev = out[j - 1]) < 0);
32 out[j] = current;
33 }
34 }
35 return;
36 }
37 int med = (end + start) >>> 1;
38 mergeSort(out, in, start, med);
39 mergeSort(out, in, med, end);
41 // merging
43 // if arrays are already sorted - no merge
44 if (((Comparable<Object>) in[med - 1]).compareTo(in[med]) <= 0) {
45 System.arraycopy(in, start, out, start, len);
46 return;
47 }
48 int r = med, i = start;
50 // use merging with exponential search
51 do {
52 Comparable<Object> fromVal = (Comparable<Object>) in[start];
53 Comparable<Object> rVal = (Comparable<Object>) in[r];
54 if (fromVal.compareTo(rVal) <= 0) {
55 int l_1 = find(in, rVal, -1, start + 1, med - 1);
56 int toCopy = l_1 - start + 1;
57 System.arraycopy(in, start, out, i, toCopy);
58 i += toCopy;
59 out[i++] = rVal;
60 r++;
61 start = l_1 + 1;
62 } else {
63 int r_1 = find(in, fromVal, 0, r + 1, end - 1);
64 int toCopy = r_1 - r + 1;
65 System.arraycopy(in, r, out, i, toCopy);
66 i += toCopy;
67 out[i++] = fromVal;
68 start++;
69 r = r_1 + 1;
70 }
71 } while ((end - r) > 0 && (med - start) > 0);
73 // copy rest of array
74 if ((end - r) <= 0) {
75 System.arraycopy(in, start, out, i, med - start);
76 } else {
77 System.arraycopy(in, r, out, i, end - r);
78 }
79 }
标签:优化 维护 rom cas 内容 空间 mergesort 标记 逻辑