标签:复杂 else bre dia 统计 vendor params amp and
TXLSReadWriteII导出Excle (有点复杂,可以自己简化一下,直接从项目中抓取的) procedure TformSubReport.DataToExcel(_Item: Integer; _Obj: TObject); //导出Excle var i, j, k: Integer; aVendorObj: TVendor; aEnterpriseObj: TEnterprise; aXlsObj: TXLSReadWriteII; aFileName: AnsiString; aCarRec: PCarRec; aOnLine: AnsiString; aRecordCount: Integer; //Excel数据条数 aEnterpriseCount: Integer; //统计企业有多少行 + 合计一行 aBookmark: Integer; //记录运营商的起始位置 aMergedCell: TMergedCell; aFontIndex: Integer; aStampTime: AnsiString; aVendorName: AnsiString; begin if _Item = 1 then _Obj := nil; aRecordCount := 0; aEnterpriseCount := 0; SaveDialog1.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); SaveDialog1.DefaultExt := ‘xls‘; SaveDialog1.Filter := ‘Excel文件(*.xls)|*.xls|所有文件(*.*)|*.*‘; aStampTime := FormatDateTime(‘yyyymmddhhnnss‘, Now); SaveDialog1.FileName := aStampTime; if not SaveDialog1.Execute then Exit; aFileName := SaveDialog1.FileName; if aFileName = ‘‘ then Exit; aXlsObj := TXLSReadWriteII.Create(nil); try aXlsObj.Sheets[0].NameWideString(‘统计报表‘ + aStampTime); //工作表命名 with aXlsObj.Formats.Add do //定义格式一 begin aFontIndex := aXlsObj.Fonts.AddIndex; aXlsObj.Fonts[aFontIndex].Name := ‘黑体‘; aXlsObj.Fonts[aFontIndex].Size := 14; aXlsObj.Fonts[aFontIndex].Color := xcRed; //字体颜色无效。shit HorizAlignment := chaCenter; VertAlignment := cvaCenter; FillPatternForeColor := xcLilac; end; with aXlsObj.Formats.Add do //定义格式二 begin HorizAlignment := chaCenter; VertAlignment := cvaCenter; end; case _item of 1:begin aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(0, 0, 1, ‘运营商名称‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(1, 0, 1, ‘企业名称‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(2, 0, 1, ‘轨迹数总数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(3, 0, 1, ‘超速报警总数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(4, 0, 1, ‘车辆总数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(5, 0, 1, ‘在线车辆总数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(6, 0, 1, ‘在线率(%)‘); end; else begin aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(0, 0, 1, ‘序号‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(1, 0, 1, ‘运营商名称‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(2, 0, 1, ‘企业名称‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(3, 0, 1, ‘定位时间‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(4, 0, 1, ‘车牌号码‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(5, 0, 1, ‘轨迹数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(6, 0, 1, ‘超速报警数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(7, 0, 1, ‘疲劳驾驶报警数‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(8, 0, 1, ‘是否在线‘); end; end; if _Obj = nil then begin for i := 0 to FVendorHash.Count - 1 do begin aVendorObj := FVendorHash[i]; if aVendorObj = nil then Continue; aBookmark := aEnterpriseCount; aEnterpriseCount := 0; for j := 0 to aVendorObj.EnterpriseHash.Count - 1 do begin aEnterpriseObj := aVendorObj.EnterpriseHash[j]; if aEnterpriseObj = nil then Continue; if _Item = 1 then begin inc(aRecordCount); inc(aEnterpriseCount); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(0, aRecordCount, 2, aVendorObj.DataRec.VendorName); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[1, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.DataRec.EnterpriseName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[2, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.TotalInfo.TotalGpsCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[3, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.TotalInfo.TotalOverAlarm; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[4, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.TotalInfo.TotalCarCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[5, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.TotalInfo.TotalOnLine; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[6, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.TotalInfo.OnlineRate; end else begin for k := 0 to aEnterpriseObj.CarHash.Count - 1 do begin aCarRec := aEnterpriseObj.CarHash[k]; if _Item = 2 then //在线 begin if not aCarRec.IsLine then Continue; aOnLine := ‘在线‘; end else if _Item = 3 then //离线 begin if aCarRec.IsLine then Continue; aOnLine := ‘离线‘; end else if _Item = 4 then //所有 begin if aCarRec.IsLine then aOnLine := ‘在线‘ else aOnLine := ‘离线‘; end; inc(aRecordCount); inc(aEnterpriseCount); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsInteger[0, aRecordCount] := aRecordCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[1, aRecordCount] := aVendorObj.DataRec.VendorName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[2, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.DataRec.EnterpriseName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[3, aRecordCount] := DateTimeToStr(aCarRec.ReportDate); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[4, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.RegistrationNO; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[5, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.GpsCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[6, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.OverSpeedAlarmCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[7, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.DriverFatigueAlarmCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[8, aRecordCount] := aOnLine; end; end; end; if _Item = 1 then //小计 begin Inc(aRecordCount); Inc(aEnterpriseCount); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(0, aRecordCount, 2, aVendorObj.DataRec.VendorName); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(1, aRecordCount, 2, ‘小计‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[2, aRecordCount] := aVendorObj.TotalInfo.TotalGpsCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[3, aRecordCount] := aVendorObj.TotalInfo.TotalOverAlarm; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[4, aRecordCount] := aVendorObj.TotalInfo.TotalCarCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[5, aRecordCount] := aVendorObj.TotalInfo.TotalOnLine; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[6, aRecordCount] := aVendorObj.TotalInfo.OnlineRate; aMergedCell := aXlsObj.Sheets[0].MergedCells.Add; aMergedCell.Col1 := 0; aMergedCell.Row1 := aBookmark + 1; aMergedCell.Col2 := 0; aMergedCell.Row2 := aBookmark + aEnterpriseCount; //这里的值是对应Excel中最后一行的地址 end; end; end else if _Obj is TVendor then begin for j := 0 to TVendor(_Obj).EnterpriseHash.Count - 1 do begin aEnterpriseObj := TVendor(_Obj).EnterpriseHash[j]; if aEnterpriseObj = nil then Continue; for k := 0 to aEnterpriseObj.CarHash.Count - 1 do begin aCarRec := aEnterpriseObj.CarHash[k]; if _Item = 2 then //在线 begin if not aCarRec.IsLine then Continue; aOnLine := ‘在线‘; end else if _Item = 3 then //离线 begin if aCarRec.IsLine then Continue; aOnLine := ‘离线‘; end else if _Item = 4 then //所有 begin if aCarRec.IsLine then aOnLine := ‘在线‘ else aOnLine := ‘离线‘; end; inc(aRecordCount); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsInteger[0, aRecordCount] := aRecordCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[1, aRecordCount] := TVendor(_Obj).DataRec.VendorName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[2, aRecordCount] := aEnterpriseObj.DataRec.EnterpriseName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[3, aRecordCount] := DateTimeToStr(aCarRec.ReportDate); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[4, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.RegistrationNO; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[5, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.GpsCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[6, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.OverSpeedAlarmCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[7, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.DriverFatigueAlarmCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[8, aRecordCount] := aOnLine; end; end; end else if _Obj is TEnterprise then begin aVendorObj := FVendorHash.ValueOf(IntToStr(TEnterprise(_Obj).DataRec.VendorID)); if aVendorObj = nil then Exit; aVendorName := aVendorObj.DataRec.VendorName; for k := 0 to TEnterprise(_Obj).CarHash.Count - 1 do begin aCarRec := TEnterprise(_Obj).CarHash[k]; if _Item = 2 then //在线 begin if not aCarRec.IsLine then Continue; aOnLine := ‘在线‘; end else if _Item = 3 then //离线 begin if aCarRec.IsLine then Continue; aOnLine := ‘离线‘; end else if _Item = 4 then //所有 begin if aCarRec.IsLine then aOnLine := ‘在线‘ else aOnLine := ‘离线‘; end; inc(aRecordCount); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsInteger[0, aRecordCount] := aRecordCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[1, aRecordCount] := aVendorName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[2, aRecordCount] := TEnterprise(_Obj).DataRec.EnterpriseName; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[3, aRecordCount] := DateTimeToStr(aCarRec.ReportDate); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[4, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.RegistrationNO; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[5, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.GpsCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[6, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.OverSpeedAlarmCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[7, aRecordCount] := aCarRec.DriverFatigueAlarmCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[8, aRecordCount] := aOnLine; end; end; if (_Item = 1) and (_Obj = nil) then //汇总 begin Inc(aRecordCount); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].WriteWideString(0, aRecordCount, 2, ‘汇总‘); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsInteger[1, aRecordCount] := FTotalEnterpriseCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[2, aRecordCount] := FTotalInfo.TotalGpsCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[3, aRecordCount] := FTotalInfo.TotalOverAlarm; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[4, aRecordCount] := FTotalInfo.TotalCarCount; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[5, aRecordCount] := FTotalInfo.TotalOnLine; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsFloat[6, aRecordCount] := FTotalInfo.OnlineRate; end; aXlsObj.Filename := aFileName; aXlsObj.Write; Information(Format(‘导出文件‘+#13#10+‘%s‘+#13#10 +‘成功!‘, [aFileName])); finally aXlsObj.Free; end; end;
标签:复杂 else bre dia 统计 vendor params amp and