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部分内容转自:java 彻底理解 byte char short int float long double


这段是摘自jdk中 Byte.java中的源代码:


 1 /**
 2      * A constant holding the minimum value a <code>byte</code> can
 3      * have, -2<sup>7</sup>.
 4      */
 5     public static final byte   MIN_VALUE = -128;
 7     /**
 8      * A constant holding the maximum value a <code>byte</code> can
 9      * have, 2<sup>7</sup>-1.
10      */
11     public static final byte   MAX_VALUE = 127;



从这里可以看出 byte的取值范围:-128 --- 127;

从计算机组成原理的角度可以解释:byte在计算机中是占8个字节的 而且byte 是有符号整形 用二进制表示时候最高位为符号位 0代表正数 1代表负数。

最大值:127      0111 1111 即2的7次方减去1;

最小值:-128 这个数字曾经困扰我很久, 要知道正数在计算机中是以原码形式存在的,负数在计算机中是以其补码形式存在的,那么一个负数的补码是怎么计算的呢? 就是负数的绝对值的原码转为二进制再按位取反后加1,

下边这个10和-10为例来介绍的 :10原码:0000 1010   它在计算机中的存储就是 0000 1010, 那么-10呢? 按照前面说的 算除其绝对值为10,转为二进制 0000 1010 按位取反 1111 0101 再加1后:1111 0110,此为-10补码 ,好的,计算机中的1111 0110就是代表-10了。

 我们来看 -128  绝对值128的二进制表示:1000 0000 按位取反 0111 1111 加1后:1000 0000,也就是说 -128在计算机中的表示就是 1000 0000 了, 再来看一下-129 在计算机中的表示,绝对值129的范围已经超出了了byte的位数。



1 System.out.println(Byte.MAX_VALUE); //最大值
2 System.out.println(Byte.MIN_VALUE); //最小值




综上所述 byte的取值范围只能是:-128 -- 127了  即 负的2的7次方到2的7次方减去1。

相应的 short 作为16位有符号整形,int作为32位有符号整形,  long 作为64位有符号整形 都可以如上计算出 取值范围






Unicode Character Representations

The char data type (and therefore the value that a Character object encapsulates) are based on the original Unicode specification, which defined characters as fixed-width 16-bit entities. The Unicode Standard has since been changed to allow for characters whose representation requires more than 16 bits. The range of legal code points is now U+0000 to U+10FFFF, known as Unicode scalar value.



     * The constant value of this field is the smallest value of type
     * <code>char</code>, <code>‘/u0000‘</code>.
     * @since   1.0.2
    public static final char   MIN_VALUE = ‘/u0000‘;

     * The constant value of this field is the largest value of type
     * <code>char</code>, <code>‘/uFFFF‘</code>.
     * @since   1.0.2
    public static final char   MAX_VALUE = ‘/uffff‘;











     * A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type
     * <code>float</code>, (2-2<sup>-23</sup>)·2<sup>127</sup>.
     * It is equal to the hexadecimal floating-point literal
     * <code>0x1.fffffeP+127f</code> and also equal to
     * <code>Float.intBitsToFloat(0x7f7fffff)</code>.
    public static final float MAX_VALUE = 3.4028235e+38f; // 0x1.fffffeP+127f

     * A constant holding the smallest positive nonzero value of type
     * <code>float</code>, 2<sup>-149</sup>. It is equal to the
     * hexadecimal floating-point literal <code>0x0.000002P-126f</code>
     * and also equal to <code>Float.intBitsToFloat(0x1)</code>.
    public static final float MIN_VALUE = 1.4e-45f; // 0x0.000002P-126f




double 作为64为浮点型



 1 /**
 2      * A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type
 3      * <code>double</code>,
 4      * (2-2<sup>-52</sup>)·2<sup>1023</sup>.  It is equal to
 5      * the hexadecimal floating-point literal
 6      * <code>0x1.fffffffffffffP+1023</code> and also equal to
 7      * <code>Double.longBitsToDouble(0x7fefffffffffffffL)</code>.
 8      */
 9     public static final double MAX_VALUE = 1.7976931348623157e+308; // 0x1.fffffffffffffP+1023
11     /**
12      * A constant holding the smallest positive nonzero value of type
13      * <code>double</code>, 2<sup>-1074</sup>. It is equal to the
14      * hexadecimal floating-point literal
15      * <code>0x0.0000000000001P-1022</code> and also equal to
16      * <code>Double.longBitsToDouble(0x1L)</code>.
17      */
18     public static final double MIN_VALUE = 4.9e-324; // 0x0.0000000000001P-1022



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