标签:mysql infobright brighthouse
infobright是开源的MySQL数据仓库解决方案,它基于在MySQL上二次开发,infobright主要实现的就是一个存储引擎,但因为它自身存储逻辑跟关系型数据库根本不同,所以,它不能像InnoDB那样直接作为插件挂接到mysql,它的逻辑层是mysql的逻辑 层加上它自身的优化器。
1、高强度的数据压缩在普通10:1, 在极限情况下可以达到40:1 甚至更高,自己在使用infobright过程中曾把5.1G的数据可以压缩成152M左右;
2、优化的统计计算(使用sum/avg/group by/count等),特别适用于统计函数生成的报表数据;
1、不支持数据更新,因此在导入数据的时候只能用“LOAD DATA INFILE”的方式导入数据,此外一旦入库后就不能在仓库中用UPDATE、INSERT等方式写入;
[root@localhost local]# cd /usr/local/infobright/ [root@localhost infobright]# chmod +x ./*.sh && chmod +x bin/* && chmod +x scripts/mysql_install_db [root@localhost infobright]# cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib [root@localhost infobright]# chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib [root@localhost infobright]# cp support-files/my-ib.cnf.in /etc/my-ib.cnf#其中参数变量需要修改 …略… [client] …略… default_character_set=utf8 …略… [mysqld] user = root#也可以用mysql用户 port = 5029 socket = /tmp/mysql-ib.sock basedir = /usr/local/infobright datadir = /data/infobright_data log-error = /data/infobright_data/localhost.err …略… default_character_set=utf8 collation_server=utf8_general_ci character_set_server=utf8 [root@localhost infobright]# vim /etc/profile.d/infobright.sh#在没有MySQL的服务器上添加环境变量 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/infobright/bin [root@localhost infobright]# source /etc/profile.d/infobright.sh [root@localhost infobright]# ./scripts/mysql_install_db --force --defaults-file=/etc/my-ib.cnf --datadir=/data/infobright_data --user=root [root@localhost infobright]# cd /data/infobright_data/ [root@localhost infobright_data]# vim brighthouse.ini#修改BRIGHTHOUSE引擎参数 ################## BrightHouse configuration file #################### # To change values, uncomment the parameter and specify desired value. ############ Critical Disk Settings ############ # Data Folder: check where you installed brighthouse data folder (directory this file is in) - it should be on a fast disk. # CacheFolder - a place in which temporary database objects (memory cache) are stored. # Should be on a fast drive, possibly not the same as data. Allow at least 20 GB of free space (depending on database size). CacheFolder = /data/infobright_data/cache ############ Critical Memory Settings ############ # System Memory Server Main Heap Size Server Compressed Heap Size Loader Main Heap Size # 32GB 24000 4000 800 # 16GB 10000 1000 800 # 8GB 4000 500 800 # 4GB 1300 400 400 # 2GB 600 250 320 # The default values are set to 600, 250, and 320 respectively, and performance may be impacted. # ServerMainHeapSize - Size of the main memory heap in the server process, in MB ServerMainHeapSize = 4000 # LoaderMainHeapSize - Size of the memory heap in the loader process, in MB. LoaderMainHeapSize = 800 ############ Logging Settings ############ # ControlMessages - Set to 2 to turn the control messages on. This is usually needed by Infobright to support performance investigation. # ControlMessages = 0 ############ Other Settings ############ # KNFolder - Directory where the Knowledge Grid is stored. KNFolder = BH_RSI_Repository # AllowMySQLQueryPath can be set to 0 to disable MySQL Query path or 1 to enable it. AllowMySQLQueryPath = 1 [root@localhost infobright_data]# /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start [root@localhost infobright_data]# mysql -S /tmp/mysql-ib.sock -p
CacheFolder 临时数据目录,用于缓存处理查询的中间结果集,与Datadir相异为宜,可用空间大于20G ServerCompressedHeapSize 服务进程的压缩堆栈空间,存放压缩数据 LoaderMainHeapSize Bhloader数据导入缓冲区,随目标表的列数增加而调整,loader进程的堆栈空间,一般最大不超过800M ControlMessages 控制盒查询日志的信息量级别(1-3之间) KNFolder 知识网络目录,默认在datadir目录下 AllowMySQLQueryPath 是否支持Mysql原生的SQL查询,支持修改为1,否则0
最后在infobright尽可能使用的数据类型:TINYINT,SMALLINT,MEDIUMINT,INT,BIGINT,DECIMAL(尽量减少小数点位数),DATE ,TIME,而效率比较低的、不推荐使用的数据类型有:BINARY VARBINARY,FLOAT,DOUBLE,VARCHAR,TINYTEXT TEXT,在infobright要把数据导出成sql脚本则需要使用mysqldump的“--single-transaction”参数使用单事务的方式导出,及事务的REPEATABLE READ隔离模式,MySQL的事务以前有提及过需要可以参看:http://jim123.blog.51cto.com/4763600/1964004
本文出自 “Jim的技术随笔” 博客,谢绝转载!
标签:mysql infobright brighthouse