标签:一个 验证 and class 功能 bsp range 用户输入 long
s1 = ‘abcdefg‘
s2 = ‘defabcdoabcdeftw‘
s3 = ‘1234a‘
s4 = ‘wqweshjkb‘
s5 = ‘defabcd‘
s6 = ‘j‘
求 s1、s3、s4、s5、s6 分别与 s2 的最长共同子串,分别测试有共同子串和没有共同子串的情况下此函数效率问题。
s1 = ‘abcdefg‘ s2 = ‘defabcdoabcdeftw‘ s3 = ‘1234a‘ s4 = ‘wqweshjkb‘ s5 = ‘defabcd‘ s6 = ‘j‘ def findstr(str1,str2): ‘‘‘ Returns str1 and str2 longest common substring. 2017/10/21 23:30 :param str1: ‘abcdefg‘ :param str2: ‘defabcd‘ :return: ‘abcd‘ ‘‘‘ count = 0 length = len(str1) for sublen in range(length,0,-1): for start in range(0,length - sublen + 1): count += 1 substr = str1[start:start+sublen] if str2.find(substr) > -1: print(‘count={} subStringLen:{}‘.format(count,sublen)) return substr else: return "‘{}‘ and ‘{}‘ do not have a common substring".format(str1,str2) print(findstr(s1,s2)) print(findstr(s3,s2)) print(findstr(s4,s2)) print(findstr(s5,s2)) print(findstr(s6,s2))
count=2 subStringLen:6 #findstr(s1,s2) abcdef count=15 subStringLen:1 #findstr(s3,s2) a count=37 subStringLen:1 #findstr(s4,s2) w count=1 subStringLen:7 #findstr(s5,s2) defabcd ‘j‘ and ‘defabcdoabcdeftw‘ do not have a common substring #findstr(s6,s2)
标签:一个 验证 and class 功能 bsp range 用户输入 long