标签:最简 com src figure and dom log rand oba
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X=np.array([[1,3,3], [1,4,3], [1,1,1]]) Y=np.array([1,1,-1]) W=(np.random.random(3)-0.5)*2 print(W) lr=0.11 n=0 O=0 def update(): global X,Y,W,lr,n n+=1 O=np.sign(np.dot(X,W.T)) W_C=lr*((Y-O.T).dot(X))/int(X.shape[0]) W=W+W_C for _ in range(100): update() print(W) print(n) O=np.sign(np.dot(X,W.T)) if(O==Y.T).all(): print("完成") break x1=[3,4] y1=[3,3] x2=[1] y2=[1] k=- W[1]/W[2] d=-W[0]/W[2] xdata=np.linspace(0,10) plt.figure() plt.plot(xdata,xdata*k+d,‘r‘) plt.plot(x1,y1,‘bo‘) plt.plot(x2,y2,‘yo‘) plt.show()
标签:最简 com src figure and dom log rand oba