标签:name amp 实例 pass nbsp form school ror blog
类使用 class 关键字创建。类的域和方法被列在一个缩进块中。
class Person: pass #pass语句表示一个空类 p = Person() print(p) $ python simplestclass.py <__main__.Person object at 0x019F85F0>
#我们已经在 __main__ 模块中有了一个 Person 类的实例
class Person: def sayHi(self): #定义函数的时候有self print(‘Hello, how are you?‘) p = Person() p.sayHi() # This short example can also be written as Person().sayHi()
class Person: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def sayHi(self): print(‘Hello, my name is‘, self.name) p = Person(‘Swaroop‘)
#Filename:claaOrInsVar class animal: population = 0 def __init__(self,name): self.name = name animal.population += 1 def sayHi(self): print("My name is " + self.name) def howMany ( ): #这个函数没有传递参数self # print(‘We have ‘ + animal.population + ‘animals‘) #使用上面的代码后程序报错“ print(‘We have ‘ + animal.population + ‘animals‘) #TypeError: must be str, not int” #animal.population 无法自动和字符串进行连接,java中是可以有表达式的自动提升的,python中却不能这样做 print(‘We have {0} animals.‘.format(animal.population)) an1 = animal(‘dogWW‘) an1.sayHi() an2 = animal(‘catMM‘) an2.sayHi() animal.howMany()
class SchoolMenber: def __init__(self,name,age): self.name = name self.age = age def tell(self): print(‘name:{0} age:{1}‘.format(self.name,self.age)) class Teacher(SchoolMenber): def __init__(self,name,age,salary): SchoolMenber.__init__(self,name,age)#这里的self不要忘了写啊 self.salary = salary def tell(self): SchoolMenber.tell(self) print(‘salary: {0}‘.format(self.salary)) class Student(SchoolMenber): def __init__(self,name,age,mark): SchoolMenber.__init__(self,name,age) self.mark = mark def tell(self): SchoolMenber.tell(self) print(‘mark:{0}‘.format(self.mark)) stu = Student(‘Jenny‘,20,95) tec = Teacher(‘Mary‘,50,5000) menbers = [stu,tec] for menber in menbers: menber.tell()
标签:name amp 实例 pass nbsp form school ror blog