标签:else family 括号 lock finally 源地址 try catch java cep
本文翻译youtube上的up主kudvenkat的javascript tutorial播放单
Javascript try catch例子:
try { // Referencing a function that does not exist cause an exception // 使用不存在的函数导致产生一个exception document.write(sayHello()); // Since the above line causes an exception, the following line will not be executed // 因为以上的代码导致出现exception,所以这以下的代码将不会运行
document.write("This line will not be executed"); } // When an exception occurs, the control is transferred to the catch block //当exception产生后,控制权就转交到了catch语句块中
catch (e) { document.write("Description = " + e.description + "[br/]"); document.write("Message = " + e.message + "[br/]"); document.write("Stack = " + e.stack + "[br/][br/]"); } document.write("This line will be executed");
Output : // JavaScript try catch example.png
Javascript try catch finally例子:
try { // Referencing a function that does not exist cause an exception document.write(sayHello()); // Since the above line causes an exception, the following line will not be executed document.write("This line will not be executed"); } // When an exception occurs, the control is transferred to the catch block catch (e) { document.write("Description = " + e.description + "[br/]"); document.write("Message = " + e.message + "[br/]"); document.write("Stack = " + e.stack + "[br/][br/]"); } finally { document.write("This line is guaranteed to execute"); }
Output : JavaScript try catch finally example.png
try { alert("Hello"; } catch (e) { document.write("JavaScript syntax errors cannot be caught in the catch block"); }
Javascript throw语句:用throw语句来捕捉自定义exceptions
Javascript throw exception例子:
JavaScript throw exception example : function divide() { var numerator = Number(prompt("Enter numerator")); var denominator = Number(prompt("Enter denominator")); try { if (denominator == 0) { throw { error: "Divide by zero error", message: "Denominator cannot be zero" }; } else { alert("Result = " + (numerator / denominator)); } } catch (e) { document.write(e.error + "[br/]"); document.write(e.message + "[br/]"); } } divide();
[译]Javascript中的错误信息处理(Error handling)
标签:else family 括号 lock finally 源地址 try catch java cep