标签:scott randomint 数据库 failed ble 事件 版本 eve job
pip install python-testdata
Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in c:\users\admini~1\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-k1cjcx\fake-factory\
pip install fake-factory
pip install --no-deps python-testdata
然后运行下面的程序,由于我所装的版本统一用name替代了firstName和 lastName,在原文的基础下进行下改动
import testdata import random
class Users(testdata.DictFactory):
id = testdata.CountingFactory(10)
name = testdata.FakeDataFactory(‘name‘)
address = testdata.FakeDataFactory(‘address‘)
age = testdata.RandomInteger(10, 30)
gender = testdata.RandomSelection([‘female‘, ‘male‘])
for user in Users().generate(10): # let say we only want 10 users print user
raise ImportError(error) ImportError: The ``fake-factory`` package is now called ``Faker``.
pip install fake-factory==0.7.4
{‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 10, ‘id‘: 10, ‘address‘: u‘09953 Sweeney Springs\nJenniferside, FM 00653-9018‘} {‘gender‘: ‘female‘, ‘age‘: 14, ‘id‘: 11, ‘address‘: u‘59348 Mike Trail Apt. 106\nNorth Scotthaven, DE 04666‘} {‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 28, ‘id‘: 12, ‘address‘: u‘53128 Archer Island Suite 256\nSouth Michaelfurt, MI 83350‘} {‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 18, ‘id‘: 13, ‘address‘: u‘3559 Kimberly Wall Apt. 924\nJustinfort, FM 41543-5666‘} {‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 14, ‘id‘: 14, ‘address‘: u‘54451 Fisher Mount\nNorth Michelle, UT 50280-8984‘} {‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 22, ‘id‘: 15, ‘address‘: u‘PSC 4666, Box 4608\nAPO AE 90517-5117‘} {‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 12, ‘id‘: 16, ‘address‘: u‘6186 Lisa Groves Apt. 593\nStephenberg, TN 15302-7752‘} {‘gender‘: ‘female‘, ‘age‘: 19, ‘id‘: 17, ‘address‘: u‘3919 White Drives\nNorth Calvinport, MD 26577-9590‘} {‘gender‘: ‘female‘, ‘age‘: 30, ‘id‘: 18, ‘address‘: u‘148 Anthony Mountain\nStevenfort, RI 38933-9947‘} {‘gender‘: ‘female‘, ‘age‘: 27, ‘id‘: 19, ‘address‘: u‘2496 Michael Groves Apt. 021\nWest Kathleenside, PR 42583-3035‘}
import testdata
class ExampleFactory(testdata.DictFactory): a = testdata.CountingFactory(10) b = testdata.ClonedField("a") # b will have the same value as field ‘a‘ for e in ExampleFactory().generate(5): print e
{‘a‘: 10, ‘b‘: 10} {‘a‘: 11, ‘b‘: 11} {‘a‘: 12, ‘b‘: 12} {‘a‘: 13, ‘b‘: 13} {‘a‘: 14, ‘b‘: 14}
import testdata import datetime EVENT_TYPES = ["USER_DISCONNECT", "USER_CONNECTED", "USER_LOGIN", "USER_LOGOUT"] class EventsFactory(testdata.DictFactory): start_time = testdata.DateIntervalFactory(datetime.datetime.now(), datetime.timedelta(minutes=12)) end_time = testdata.RelativeToDatetimeField("start_time", datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)) event_code = testdata.RandomSelection(EVENT_TYPES) for event in EventsFactory().generate(5): print event
class Job(testdata.DictFactory): state = testdata.StatisticalValuesFactory([(‘pending‘, 90), (‘error‘, 10)]) assigned_user = testdata.ConditionalValueField(‘state‘, {‘error‘: ‘support‘}, ‘admin‘) description = testdata.RandomLengthStringFactory() for i in Job().generate(10): print i
{‘state‘: ‘pending‘, ‘assigned_user‘: ‘admin‘, ‘description‘: ‘HKCVoGAOJZVKYqGktTakWqewxScyUSSGcMj‘} {‘state‘: ‘pending‘, ‘assigned_user‘: ‘admin‘, ‘description‘: ‘dyyLbtxfoqotlaNfWieoVvXFlzRYNOajYFVmwtXDRdVoQItDnjgptpEiBJHBgCuzqOZVwsxyWbByrJvgiTKKNyuiSsKO‘} {‘state‘: ‘error‘, ‘assigned_user‘: ‘support‘, ‘description‘: ‘nuvRQyhcvvXWJuXhCbWVUyWAmKoioTcYIBHtcPwvgRytCsPlWEvSHRFjXDUAIgPblhhHFTKzCmmitBErHzpXLBoI‘} {‘state‘: ‘pending‘, ‘assigned_user‘: ‘admin‘, ‘description‘: ‘IhrQoAkFNwqfZSxfkwCSmaGRFodFZYVHCegEnAMpTBtqUZMgaFGlAaznzUNbDrdgPDHNrAvJEQZRDUQxdDKsLvXJiMDR‘} {‘state‘: ‘pending‘, ‘assigned_user‘: ‘admin‘, ‘description‘: ‘ftINruSFdOeAqOuDyInNgIrQPoegOwlqWSFIHYNVY‘}
for user in Users(name=testdata.Constant(‘John‘), age=testdata.RandomInteger(40, 60), email=testdata.FakeDataFactory(‘email‘)).generate(10): # let say we only want 10 users print user
{‘name‘: ‘John‘, ‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 40, ‘email‘: u‘brownamy@yahoo.com‘, ‘address‘: u‘813 Donald Route\nSouth Andrea, SC 99925‘, ‘id‘: 15} {‘name‘: ‘John‘, ‘gender‘: ‘female‘, ‘age‘: 58, ‘email‘: u‘gloriapatel@may-mitchell.com‘, ‘address‘: u‘73919 Hodges Courts\nTammyside, ME 89926-3945‘, ‘id‘: 16} {‘name‘: ‘John‘, ‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 45, ‘email‘: u‘ashley40@cooper.info‘, ‘address‘: u‘95546 Mary Flats\nWest Codystad, PA 34744‘, ‘id‘: 17} {‘name‘: ‘John‘, ‘gender‘: ‘female‘, ‘age‘: 43, ‘email‘: u‘xwhite@pierce-sutton.com‘, ‘address‘: u‘4051 Reese Mission Suite 829\nNew Danny, NE 92155-8318‘, ‘id‘: 18} {‘name‘: ‘John‘, ‘gender‘: ‘male‘, ‘age‘: 60, ‘email‘: u‘qpoole@rice.com‘, ‘address‘: u‘3584 Bright Ramp\nJohnstonmouth, NV 12566-4343‘, ‘id‘: 19}
Factory类 | 简介 |
Factory | 所有的Factory的基类 |
DictFactory | 非常强大的基类,它可让子类创建Factory,具体可参考上面的例子 |
ListFactory | A factory that returns on each iteration a list of elements_per_list items returned from calls to the given factory. |
Callable | Gets a callable object as an argument and returns the result of calling the object on every iteration |
DependentCallable | Gets a callable object as an argument and returns the result of calling the object passing the defined fields as arguments on every iteration |
ClonedField | A factory that copies the value of another factory. |
Factory类 | 简介 |
RandomDateFactory | Generates random dates (python‘s datetime) between 2 dates |
DateIntervalFactory | Generates datetime objects starting from base while adding delta to it each iteration. |
RelativeToDatetimeField | Generates datetime object relative to another datetime field, like if you have start_time which is a RandomDateFactory field, and want an end_time field that is always 15 minutes later. |
标签:scott randomint 数据库 failed ble 事件 版本 eve job